View Full Version : >450,000 post at ZHPMafia.com

12-08-2015, 04:52 PM
In the beginning, a long time ago, they said it wouldn't happen. The said a friendly, mature, well tooled forum wouldn't last. Well here we are today, sitting at over 450,000 posts. With zero stupid bullshit and for the most past a nutritionally sound diet of knowledge.

Remember what "they" said? "You're not a REAL forum until you hit 500,000 posts. We should hit that mark early next year. Then what?

I will tell you that over the past 5 years it's been my pleasure to be a part of this place, that includes men and women from all walks of life (>2500 members now), brought together by one subject - The Ultimate Driving Machine.

I don't say it enough but I appreciate the mature discussion, technical acumen, and witty personalities we have here on the site. I also couldn't do it without my forum moderators/admins John and Keith.

So to everyone, job well done, and let's keep pursing our passion/s.


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12-08-2015, 04:59 PM
Very nice Dane! :thumbsup Thanks to the three of you (Dane, Keith and Rando) and everyone else who chooses to take the high road... :)

12-08-2015, 05:00 PM
Congrats. Thanks for making (and keeping) this a great place to be. Party?? ;-)

Tumbs, fone, TaT. ;-)

12-08-2015, 05:21 PM
Well said Dane. :cheers :hashbrowns :roundel

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12-08-2015, 05:32 PM

12-08-2015, 05:52 PM
Awesome. Congrats to all who have had a hand in this.

If only you could monetize it. VWVortex, the #1 VW enthusiast site and around since 1996 or so, was recently purchased by Verticalscope for the princely sum of.. wait for it.. $8 MILLION. One of my buddies was among the 3 founders, and still had a 20% stake. The main founder held 45% and had one helluva payday. I could use a few of these...


12-08-2015, 05:54 PM
Awesome! Glad to be part of this great community [emoji4]

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12-08-2015, 06:18 PM
Excellent! Thanks to all of you and everyone else, that makes this place so welcoming and a great place to hang out.

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12-09-2015, 04:41 AM
Thank you Dane, Keith and John for making this a great place. One I look forward to visiting when time allows rather than dread seeking help.

12-09-2015, 10:05 AM
That's great news! My thanks to everyone who makes this forum run smoothly and effectively. This really is the best forum I have ever been a part of. There aren't egos here, only people who want to help one another in their mutual passions. I'm struck by how well that works.

12-09-2015, 04:47 PM
That's great news! My thanks to everyone who makes this forum run smoothly and effectively. This really is the best forum I have ever been a part of. There aren't egos here, only people who want to help one another in their mutual passions. I'm struck by how well that works.
It was once a dream, and shall become a reality in 46,000 more posts.

Post whoring is welcome.

I keed, I keed.

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12-09-2015, 07:03 PM
Thanks, Dane Keith and Randeaux (and Marc).

We're a great bunch.

12-09-2015, 07:06 PM
Thanks, Dane Keith and Randeaux (and Marc).

We're a great bunch.

+1 thanks guys!

12-09-2015, 07:43 PM
Yeah I guess this place is OK [emoji6]

GoingHAM mobile

12-10-2015, 08:13 PM
Dang. I was gonna leave but now I feel kind of committed...


^can someone fix that for me if it's not a huge picture of the kool-aid guy looking a little on the high side? I'm on my phone and forgot the code for it... Kthx

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12-10-2015, 08:19 PM
It's Hawaiian punch guy Ryan!

12-10-2015, 08:19 PM
And yeah, he's ripped.

12-10-2015, 08:49 PM
He's sugar high

10-01-2016, 04:28 PM
Bump. Almost there....

S7 Edge, out

10-01-2016, 05:29 PM
We are ZHP !

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10-02-2016, 09:11 AM
Congrats on creating a great forum. I have used this forum as a point of reference or type of case study to show how to do things 'the right way'. Very happy to be a part of it.

10-02-2016, 09:52 AM
What's the count now?

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10-02-2016, 04:27 PM
1 more now lol

10-02-2016, 05:20 PM
What's the count now?

Sent from my iPhone with TaT.

S7 Edge, out

10-02-2016, 05:29 PM

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10-09-2016, 01:04 PM
Hope it's not too late ;-)

Sent from my iPhone with TaT.

10-09-2016, 04:08 PM
Good one^