Hello all,

It's come to my attention that I'm meticulous in some things, and exceptionally lazy in others. Washing my car falls under the latter because, well, I'm lazy AF (also doesn't help that it rains somewhere in the realm of 95% of the time where I live). I'm looking for ways to make the car washing process easier so that I'm more likely to do it more often and keep my car looking decent. With that in mind, I've been thinking about purchasing a foam/snow/white bubbly thing cannon and wanted y'all's input. Who has them? Do you like them? Have they made washing a car quicker with similar results to a two bucket wash? Or is it all a racket?


P.S. I already have a powah washah so that's not an expense I have to worry about.

P.P.S. People are pretty comfortable using a powah washah to rinse a car as long as they're a good distance away, yeah? I don't need to introduce more scratches into the paint than I already have.