I wish I could take credit for the name "ZHP Mafia." However, the name has been floating around the various BMW forums for a few years.

What's surprising about the name, though, is that no one ever did anything with it. It's surprising because ZHP owners are pretty dang rabid when it comes to their cars. I know that many ZHP owners have wanted a ZHP forum of their own for some time.

At first I was not interested in creating a forum. Instead, I was more intent on just getting a sub forum on one of the existing BMW forums. As someone who has been around the various BMW forums for about 10 years (and probably considered an OG on all of them), I figured that it wouldn't be a problem getting a ZHP-specific forum. Uh, wrong. Turns out that the various moderators didn't see the need for a ZHP forum.

I think the moderators got it wrong. I think there is a demand for a ZHP forum.

We'll see if I'm proven right.