Is there a Pay It Forward thread on here somewhere? It was a cool idea on one of the older forums I used to frequent... I was thinking about starting one (hopefully it would be a great 'sticky' thread), since we're so close and well, I appreciate the Mafia! Plus it'll be a great way to empty the garage too...

The principle is simple, a user places FREE items on a first-come-first-serve basis (can be ZHP related or not? I'll let the mods decide that one). No priced items are allowed. "Buyer" simply responds to the thread calling "dibs" and pays the shipping. Once the item is received, it is encouraged that the buyer puts something else up for grabs (thus "paying it forward", especially before they grab another item - the latter is kind of a unspoken rule). Of course, it is not necessary to place up another item - users are free to do as they please and should never feel pressured to do so. Participants do not have to have received anything prior to post an item they want to pass forward. The thread is of course guilt free. If you choose to participate, do not go in expecting something in return - you are there to graciously part with items in the hopes that they find a better home. Do not expect an "equal" value item to be paid forward. Actually, it's best to not have any expectations... Just have fun!

Sounds simple? Yes it is, especially with the maturity of this group. I have an item being sent to me, which will be arriving next week and would love to pay it forward.