I woke up this morning with about an inch of snow on my car and it got me thinking..

Winter is coming and I am dealing with the issue of too many cars, and not enough garage space. I have heard and read very little about engine block heaters. From what I understand, it is a heating unit that plugs in and warms the block (and oil) while the car is sitting in freezing temperatures. The benefit seems fairly obvious. Warm (thinner) oil would cause less stress on the engine as it circulates after sitting through a long cold night. Rumor also has it that that it increases the rate in which your car reaches operating temperature- that i'm still curious about because the temperature gage is related to coolant, not oil...

Anyway, I'm hoping to draw out of the mafia's pool of knowledge here with a few questions...

Does the use of synthetic oil solve the problem making a block heater obsolete?

Because Utah winter only occasionally reaches down into the negatives does that make such an accessory profitless?

Besides an increase in my electricity bill, is anyone familiar with negative side effects? Can they cause harm?

Any further knowledge or experience would be helpful!

Thanks in advance.