I know it's VERY subjective when it comes to appearence of anything, but I am not too crazy about the "ZHP Mafia.com" part on the top banner...
Everything on the page/banner is in a Arial-like font, just the "ZHPMafia.com" part is in a Times New Roman-ish font...just doesn't flow well with the rest. (again, this is just to my eyes - i might be old fashioned when it comes to uniformity - but in my eyes TNR-ish fonts always has been a Newspaper-like font, and a more "bold"-ish Arial-like font would fit the atmosphere of this site better... ??? i guess?? )
I LOVE Marcus' sig - THAT's the type of font i think should spell the ZHPMafia on top - Just put it there for fun and take a look - I think you'd see that it blends in and has a more "powerful"/impact - appearance than the very subtle, all-official and thin TNR-like Font.

Thanks. just my thoughts/musings.