Currently my car has a black alcantara interior with black cube trim. I personally am a huge fan of contrast, and emphasize this with my exterior (black trim, ambers on red to me works better than clears, angel eyes, yellow fogs). But, my interior is... blaaaaaahh.

I'm thinking of sprucing it up with the silver cube trim, or at least wrap it in something silver. The options for the trim are as follows (please vote on the poll):

* Keep black cube trim
-- Benefits: Won't have to replace anything or spend any money; it still looks awesome
-- Disadvantages: Center trim piece has broken tab, so it's loose; no contrast with the black dash; everything else in the interior is black
* Get silver cube trim
-- Benefits: CONTRAST!; cheaper pedal set [the set I want is cheaper in silver than in black]
-- Disadvantages: Have to buy a set, which is $$; Silver on black is good, but silver doesn't really go with the exterior all that well
* Wrap existing trim
-- Benefits: cheaper than new set of trim; can reverse at any time or change
-- Disadvantages: I'm horrible at doing it and refuse to pay anyone to do it; time consuming to do; sometimes look cheap
* Silver-sharpie
-- Benefits: It'll be very unique, and I'm comfortable doing it; FREE if I do it over my trim
-- Disadvantages: I'll be ruining my trim; if I don't want to ruin my trim, I have to buy another set in black; time consuming

Please vote and post your opinionz...