Many of you may not realize that has opened up another section of the site (because you've bookmarked the main forum page).

However, anyone who goes to will now be greeted by an official welcome page. See here. That page was launched last night.

It will be used for a host of things in the future but for now I have two items on the page. A welcome message and details about the ZHP Mafia meet in Virginia during the summer.

I've used the welcome message to convey our sense of inclusiveness here. I want visitors to realize that having a ZHP-optioned 330 is not a requirement of this site. An appreciation for BMWs in general will do.

I've also got the power to promote forum posts into articles. Therefore, I will constantly be on the prowl for interesting posts that I think members and visitors will be interested in seeing in the spotlight.

Let me know what you think.