Quote Originally Posted by johnrando View Post
Great examples, now that's good information! Like the Apex's, wondering it I'd still be alive if my wife found out I bought those when the braces payments are due at the same time. Hmmmm.
Simple conversation:

John: "Heya, sweetie. I know that the braces need to be paid soon but have I got some great, no, awesome news for you."

Wife: "What's that, honey?"

John: "I'm now the proud owner of Apex wheels!"

Wife: "I'm happy for you. Now what about the braces? How does this tie into your 'awesome' news as you call it?"

John: "Oh, yeah. We will be deferring the braces payment for at least a few months. In the meantime, I'll be breaking the wheels in, getting the alignment done, and just making sure all is well with the setup."

Wife: "John, let me see if I understand this correctly. You've gone out and bought new Ajax wheels. We won't be making the scheduled payment to the ortho. And that's awesome news. Do I that right?"

John: "Uh, yep -- with one minor correction. They're Apex wheels, not Ajax."

Wife: "Sir, you march your little ass onto ZHPMafia.com and tell your little friends there that you have some new wheels for sale. Am I making myself clear?"

John: "But did I tell you that these suckers weigh less than 22 lbs per wheel?"

Wife: "3, 2, 1 ...."

John: "But, but...."

Wife: "NOW!"