About two weeks ago, some jackass dinged my 335 coupe in two separate spots. The guy did not take any paint with him. Thank goodness.

Before I review DentEZOut's work, I want to acknowledge that Israel Hernandez, the owner, hooked the Mafia up (thanks, Israel). I'm always on the prowl for a good ding repair guy. I've found my guy. I'll be using Israel exclusively from here on out. I'll also be recommending him to my friends in the BMW community on an exclusive basis.

Israel has more than 20 years of paintless dent repair experience. He learned his trade from the Germans, who taught him everything he needed to know to perform top-notch work. He logged ten years at Volkswagen of America (doing dent repair on new cars before they hit the sales floor); he logged another ten years at Dent Pro. In 2008, he started his own business, DentEZOut.

Today, I brought my car down to Israel, hoping that he could remove two fairly large dents that were on the rear panel of my passenger-side (behind the passenger door, but in front of the wheel well). No problem, Israel said.

He went in through the wheel well and worked his magic. First, it was nice to see him go through the wheel well rather than through the metal, where the door closes. So many dent repair guys drill a hole there and then do a rubber plug. Not Israel. He's as anal as all of us. No holes. No rubber plugs.

After about 20-30 minutes of finessing the dings, they were gone. I'm simply unable to tell that the dings ever existed. That's just the kind of outcome I'm looking for when I do paintless dent removal. There were no mistakes and the paint looks perfect.

Going forward, I will -- as I mentioned earlier -- be endorsing and promoting Israel every chance I get. As a long-time member of the San Diego BMW community, I've had the opportunity to meet and work with some very good ding-repair guys. Israel is the best I've come across.

Therefore, here's the deal. If any Mafia members ever need any ding or dent work done in the San Diego area, you'd be a total moron if you don't give Israel your business. I have told him about the members of this forum. He also knows that there is a fairly large contingency of San Diego members here. He says that he would love to take care of our Mafia family. I told him the business is all his.

You can find out more about Israel and his family-owned business at the DentEZOut Web site. He has also included his cell phone number on the site. By the way, if you can't get to him, he will come to you, since he also does mobile work.

When you call him, let him know that you're a member of ZHPMafia.com. He'll take good care of you.

You can reach him at:

Israel Hernandez