Mafia Family Rules

We all know the forum rules, but an equally important set to be aware of is the Mafia Family Rules. These rules were unspoken amongst the OGs of this site, but now that our Family is growing like a weed, it is helpful to write them down so we can continue to foster the unique environment that seems to be the primary driver of members to this site.

1.The Family Comes First -- This site is like our home. And especially in the home, the Family comes first. This should be the guiding principle in all of your posts.

2.The Family Comes Before Your Ego -- You never make yourself feel better at the expense of someone else in the Family. Bruised egos have been the downfall of many a family.

3.The Family Comes Before Winning an Argument -- Disagreements are bound to happen in any family, but in this Family you are expected to take the respectful high road in any disagreements. The preservation of the Family and this house is more important than you winning an argument or having the last word.

4.You Always Help Family -- Yes, that means when your lazy Uncle Vito asks you what oil he should put in his ZHP, you don’t tell him to use the search button or send him a link to Let Me Google That For You. You simply help Uncle Vito out; that’s what families do.

5.You Don’t Speak Ill of Family -- When you don’t have something helpful or useful to say, conserve your energy and move on to the next thread. Posting something negative serves no purpose and will typically violate rules two and three.

6.Families Have Opinions -- You are entitled to your opinion, but the Family doesn’t have to be entitled to your opinion as well. Sharing opinions is fine when it is helpful, productive, or done in a respectful manner when disagreeing. Forcing an opinion and telling a Family member that his or her opinion is wrong is not.

7.Dirty Laundry Stays in the Wash Room -- If you have a legitimate problem with a Family member, you either take it up privately with private messages, or you contact a Moderator or the Godfather. An open forum is not the place to discuss personal Family problems.

These are seven simple rules that, if followed, will guarantee a long and healthy life for our Family. You are expected to follow them. If these rules bother you or seem to constrain the way you typically like to post, then this probably isn’t the family for you.

Remember, the Godfather is watching.

Edit: Sig size limit 800x250. If you have trouble sizing up/down, ask the Family for help. Plenty of tech-savvy members here who are happy to lend a hand.