So I'm having some woes about the sound system (H/K).

First, my front right tweeter is out. I first thought it was the wiring harness connecting my aftermarket head unit (I know I know, but it's cheap and the connectivity it offers is unprecedented), but I double checked the wiring today and everything appears to be connected properly.

So this leaves me scratching my head, I wouldn't expect tweeters to blow, but is it possible (w/o any other speakers going out)?

Then I listened to how sound was coming out in the back. The tweeters in the back doors, man they sound like shit! Again, is this normal? I then went in search of where the mids come from in the back... It sounded to me like it was coming out of the subwoofer...? Do the "subwoofers" in the back also have a mid-range speaker?

I do want to say though that overall the sound system sounds very good, and I've received many compliments from friends who I've shown it to, so I don't want to come off as hating the h/k system!