Hey guys

I just spent 3 hours under a lift doing an automatic transmission fluid change for the first time ever. I think all went well, I followed this guide:


Ended up only needing about 4.5 quarts of ATF, which is weird because the kit provided 6.

I noticed a huge improvement in shifting. The car is now quick to find gears, and acceleration is vastly improved. My car also had no history of having its fluid changed and its now at 195k.

I still get a little bit of chassis movement when shifting at low speeds but I think that's mostly due to my driveline bushings being shot.

But by far my biggest concern is the temp reading I got from the pan. I used an infrared thermometer, aimed it at the pan, and it read 155F. The DIY suggests an operating temperature of 85-120F. This seemed to indicate that the fluid level was too high, but when I removed the fill plug, no ATF spilled out, which indicates that the fluid level is too low. So I topped it off and called it a day...

Other than this temperature issue, everything else seems fine. Not sure how to proceed. If any of you have experience with this, let me know!

EDIT: I used Redline D4 ATF, just fyi