So this is a weird one, I noticed this since I bought the car and it's been bugging me ever since. When I first roll the driver side window down after having the car sit for a few hours i'm hit with the bmw crayon smell. It goes away after ~10seconds and then rolling the window up and back down while driving doesn't generate the same smell.

This confuses me because the car doesn't have this smell at all otherwise, I would expect this kind of issue to come from the vents but I have the A/C on almost all the time with no issues.

I'm thinking it could be one of a few things.

1. The window motor itself needs to be lubricated or otherwise serviced (It does stutter a little bit but then goes back to normal after a few rolls)
2. The smell is coming from the engine (unlikely since it goes away)
3. The auto filter control on the a/c module does something funny when I roll the window down causing the vents to blow out bad air.

I'm going to be testing this trying to isolate the issue, it doesn't annoy me enough to warrant any major repairs, unless its the window regulator in which case it might be worthwhile to take a look at. If anyone had this issue and found a solution let me know.