
Ok, DISA rebuild done and now onto the VANOS. I'll need to get some help checking to see if I have the rattle, but I'm going to make sure whatever I buy includes the part that addresses rattles since I'm opening it up anyways.

Seems to me after some research that Beisan has the most positive comments about their rebuild products (they seem to not have a kit, but buy parts a la carte), but does anyone have thoughts about the Turner kit?



Seems Turner's kit is a lot less for the same parts, so I'm wondering if there's a difference in quality/experience of their parts they're selling in this kit.

Also, valve cover gasket was done at 74K. I don't believe this can be or should be reused, right? The VANOS oil line hasn't been replaced by the PO either. Any other parts to purchase along with the VANOS repair?
