I am heading out from Asheville on Friday morning, 735 am, because day care doesnt open until 730. Starting to make lists of things i need tonight, so packing is easier tomorrow. Also tonight I am prepping some of the friday evening appetizers. I am making two completely different apps. Here is a teaser.

Appetizer #1

Appetizer #2 will include this guy:

Also, I have fully sharpened and packed away this little guy:

Yes, its sharp enough to slice a finger off. Just ask my brother. he bout lost his finger on this exact one.

Its a 7 hour trip for me, so I hope to be there and starting to cook when most of you arrive. Static is the man and is bringing some crab for apps as well. No one will go hungry. This is just the appetizers! Cant wait to see everyone, and I will post more tomorrow night when I have more teasers of appetizers.