So......I guess you are wondering why I am posting this, in this section. I will me....if you will just give me a moment of your attention, prior to prosecution.

At exactly 34 minutes, past "earthquake" time, your good buddy DW77 pulled into Olde Point Bank (Heck....maybe it was Towne bank), locked the doors (not the greatest part of town), and "looked back" as I leisurely strolled into the bank.

I was in the bank down on Warwick and Cedar, in the heart of Newport News, VA. I was in uniform, looking squared away.....looking like I had lost my way from a sailing vessel of sorts. Always a little bit uncomfortable, as people just seem to look at you more.

As I approached the counter to cash a $300.00 check, a young blonde woman remarked, "thank you for your service Sir, how may I help you?". I said that I would like to cash my check please, and I promptly handed it to her.

At this time I noticed a hulk of a man....kind of pacing back and forth behind me. Not into racial profiling (but also not dumb), I noted this individual to be about 6'5", African American, had a fro, hat on backwards, and was wearing a security shirt that was big enough for me to use as drapes.

So.....there we the bank.....the teller is counting loudly....."$20, $40, $60..." pretty loudly...all the up to $300, then hands me the bundle of cash. Mmmm. Now what? I just kind of looked at her..looked at the TV, that was reporting the earthquake news...looked back at her....noted the tree of the man...still pacing behind me...then...I just kind of looked back at her.

Well....I wasn't going to complete the rest of my day like decided to turn around. NOTE: Few of you know this about me....but my hands are a registered weapon in 49 states. Straight up....the police told me I was not allowed to put my hands in my pockets, because I do not currently have a concealed weapons permit. I go to walk out....the pacing giant of a man approaches me.....and.....and.....and....

....asks me in the kindest, most gentle voice....."Sir....I noticed your car and was wondering if you would let me take a few pictures of it.


I almost burst out laughing. I said sure thing Chap.....and we strolled outside to the whip.

Found out this young man's name is Major. Has a Honda that he tracks, and had...parked respectfully 3 spaces from mine, an E39 (528i). Really nice looking BMW.

Anyways...we probably talked about 20 minutes (I found out that he spotted me a couple blocks before the bank, and then he followed me. I called him a stalker...he laughed - Thank God!)....I handed him a card....and I told him we would take care of him.....should he ever need help. I'm banking this guy joins up. He just had this steelie look in his eye, that said, "I want a ZHP" or at least "I want an E46" (not to slight anyone...I'm not like that)

Just thought I would share this funny (but true) story with the family....and if you see Major, before I do...tell him I said "Hi"