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View Full Version : Detailing supplies??

02-17-2011, 07:46 AM
What do you guys suggest I buy for detailing my car by myself? I do not own ANY supplies at the moment and would like to get the best for my new love (aka my ZHP!!)

I have read a lot of previous posts about it also, but if someone could explain the "2 bucket method" of cleaning for me a little better I would be very appreciative!

So I guess what i'm looking for is a list of products I should buy such as:
Exterior Soap/Cleaner
Wheel Soap/Cleaner
Interior (leather) cleaner/protectant
Any brush/chamois/glove thingy

Thanks in advance, and sorry for making you post this for the 10000000000th time!

02-17-2011, 07:55 AM
Kyle, no worries about asking us this stuff. I have someone detail my cars, and I rarely wash my own car these days, so I won't be of much use. However, we've got an excellent group of people here who will not mind laying out the game plan for you.

02-17-2011, 08:07 AM
Good place to ask. You will be taken care of...

02-17-2011, 09:29 AM
I choose stuff by looking at threads posted by pros who have detailed a similar car to mine. If you're a reasonably serious hobbyist, you'll want a Porter Cable 7424 random orbital, backing plate, and a selection of pads. Our sponsor has good stuff and does amazing work.

I worked on my dad's 2000 Accord last summer. It was a mess and I was able to achieve pretty decent results with my PCROB. I've found it to be quite capable as long as the car isn't in really terrible condition.

I bought a Gilmore Foam Gun that I haven't had a chance to try yet, but hope to soon. That's an alternative to the two-bucket method. Check out the videos on YouTube... you'll amaze your neighbors when you use it!

02-17-2011, 02:58 PM
Here's my rough list of suggestions:

IDK how you want to wash the car,
if you want to wash it without going to a car wash, get some Optimum No Rinse
Sheepskin mitt for washing the car. (body)
Waffle view MF towel(s) for drying
Foam applicator pads for applying polish/wax
Microfiber detail towels from packshak, or similar for buffing/removing polish/wax.

A good product to use as a Polish/wax combo is Klasse All in One. Lasts a pretty long time, easy to apply and remove.
There's so much stuff in this area, you need to research and see what fits your needs best.

For quick cleaning/detailing between main washes, a good quick detailer such as PoorBoys' Quick detailer.

Sonax Full Effect wheel cleaner (http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=zhpcom-20&o=1&p=8&l=as4&m=amazon&f=ifr&asins=B003UT3S6Q) seems to be a good product (will try soon myself)
2nd Sheepskin/wool mitt for cleaning wheels - don't use the same one you used on the rest of the car.
Wheel brush, to clean wheels, in addition to the mitt, if needed.
PoorBoy's Wheel sealant/wax to protect the wheels after cleaning.

Stoner's invisible glass for windows
Glass cleaning MF towels, if you need.

Einszett Kockpit clean or Poorboys' interior dressing for dash and stuff.
Leatherique seems to be s good product for leather care.

02-17-2011, 09:40 PM
here are some suggestions.

Exterior Soap/Cleaner -

Adam's Car Wash (http://www.detailersdomain.com/adamspolishes-carwash.aspx) with a Gilmour Foam Gun (http://www.detailersdomain.com/gilmourfoamasteriiquart.aspx)
Grit Guard (http://www.detailersdomain.com/gritguard-1.aspx) for your bucket

Another car wash would be Lusso Auto Bathe (http://www.detailersdomain.com/lusso-autobathe.aspx)

Wheel Soap/Cleaner
Sonax Full Effect Wheel Cleaner (http://www.detailersdomain.com/sonax-fulleffect-wheelcleaner.aspx)

or a full blown kit

Here is a good The Uber wheel/tire kit (http://www.detailersdomain.com/uberwheelandtiredetailkit.aspx)

Interior (leather) cleaner/protectant

Dashboard /Plastics
Sonax Dashboard Cleaner (http://www.detailersdomain.com/sonaxdashboardcleaner.aspx)
einszett Cockpit (http://www.detailersdomain.com/1zeinszett-cockpitpremium.aspx)

einszett Leathercare (http://www.detailersdomain.com/1zeinszett-leathercare.aspx)
Sonax Leather Foam (http://www.detailersdomain.com/sonax-leather-foam.aspx)

Any brush/chamois/glove thingy
Uber Wool Wash Mitt V2 (http://www.detailersdomain.com/ubergeninuewoolwashmitt.aspx)
or Uber Yellow Wash Sponge (http://www.detailersdomain.com/uberyellowwashsponge.aspx)

LMK if you have any questions.

02-18-2011, 05:38 AM
I'm going to class now, I'll tackle this question when I get back later

03-29-2011, 09:10 PM
Bump, wanted to hear what Monkey had to say.

I picked up some blackfire wet diamond and some dodo hard candy for my car after a wash and clay. I hope it's nice.

03-30-2011, 06:49 AM
What do you guys suggest I buy for detailing my car by myself? I do not own ANY supplies at the moment and would like to get the best for my new love (aka my ZHP!!)

I have read a lot of previous posts about it also, but if someone could explain the "2 bucket method" of cleaning for me a little better I would be very appreciative!

So I guess what i'm looking for is a list of products I should buy such as:
Exterior Soap/Cleaner
Wheel Soap/Cleaner
Interior (leather) cleaner/protectant
Any brush/chamois/glove thingy

Thanks in advance, and sorry for making you post this for the 10000000000th time!

For Soap, I really enjoy Chemical Guys Wash and Gloss. It's an extremely concentrated substance when diluted correctly can clean off cars fairly well. With about 1/2 oz per gallon you can simply clean off your car. But with a higher concentration, 2 oz per gallon, you can strip all existing wax and anything else on the car. It's cleaning abilities increase out the roof. It's not cheap (about $26 for a gallon) but it's well worth it.

2 Bucket Method is a common method used to clean your car. It involves 2 buckets (both are 5 gallons) and you fill one bucket up with clean water, and the other bucket with your choice of soap. In the bucket of clean water, you usually insert a grit guard (I have grit guards in both buckets). Essentially when you go to dip your mitt to get more soap, you but the mitt into the water bucket first. The grit guard is there for a reason, you scrub your mitt against that to release all of the dirt off of the mitt into the bucket. This will GREATLY reduce the swirls from just washing your car.

Wheel Soap:
I really do like P21s wheel gel. It's a neutral PH wheel cleaner, so you don't have to destroy or worry about destroying your wheels with those acidic and basic products. If you can't spend that type of money, I also like Chemical Guys Diablo Gel Wheel Cleaner, you can dilute that 6:1 (water:cleaner) and increase the product.

Leatherique. I'll stop right there with that. It's expensive, but it's well worth the cost. It's a 2 step product, the Rejuvenator Oil is a once a year type of deal. I always use the Pristine Clean though for follow up cleanings to maintain the seats. See my DIY below:


Wash Mitt:
I really like the Cobra MF Wash Mitt.


Avoid sponges if you can, they usually trap dirt and will create more swirl problems

Bump, wanted to hear what Monkey had to say.

I picked up some blackfire wet diamond and some dodo hard candy for my car after a wash and clay. I hope it's nice.

Thanks for the bump. I lost track of this thread.

I have and regularly use Dodo Juice Hard Candy and Rainforest Rub. Both create some serious gloss and depth.