View Full Version : Quarter window fail....

07-09-2014, 11:51 AM
I apologize if this thread already exists, but my search skills were unable to mine the answer from the forum. So.... My quarter windows. They open using the remote key press and hold command. They close using the keylock turn and hold.

BUT they do not respond to individual switches. They both stopped working at the same time so I was hesitant to blame the switches. Is there a programming or settings issue I'm unaware of?:dunno

Thank you all in advance! GO ARGENTINA!

07-10-2014, 02:57 PM
Bumping it for you but I have no idea. Some coders could answer your question.
You are obviously getting power to the motors since you can operate them with the key fob.
Is power getting to the switch?

07-28-2014, 03:07 PM
Bumping it for you but I have no idea. Some coders could answer your question.
You are obviously getting power to the motors since you can operate them with the key fob.
Is power getting to the switch?

Sorry for the late response... I'll check that first. I was just assuming the the switches (both rears) wouldn't go bad at the same time. SO, I'll check. I'll start with a working switch I guess! :) Thanks for the bump and I'll figure it out.