View Full Version : IR coupe in Colorado

07-23-2014, 02:28 AM

07-24-2014, 02:54 PM
This is the one I am having a PPI performed on tomorrow at Bimmerhaus in Boulder.....wish me luck!!! BTW, the interior is NOT tan, it is the Natural Brown. Not for everyone, but I like it !!!

07-24-2014, 02:56 PM
Oh, NB should be for everyone!

07-24-2014, 03:27 PM
Love this car

07-24-2014, 06:33 PM
Beautiful! I think that this may have been on the market back in 2009 as I remember this car when I was in the market. Hope everything works out for you!

Sent from my pineapple under the sea.

07-25-2014, 01:18 PM
Good luck with it! I was actually planning on looking at it this weekend if I could've found the time, but you've beaten me to the punch! :)

Happy to see it go to an enthusiast though.

07-25-2014, 02:02 PM
Beautiful! I think that this may have been on the market back in 2009 as I remember this car when I was in the market. Hope everything works out for you!

Sent from my pineapple under the sea.
Brett, the car has a build date of 11/05 and came off lease after 2years 11months back in 2009 and was sold to the current owner who bought it from Gebhardt BMW. It only had 27-28K miles then and was a CPO. She has had it ever sense and has remained loyal to the dealership for service. All the coolant and brake flushes have been done religiously as well as any other items that came up along the way, even when out of warranty. It is most likely the very same car you mention. The seller bought an E46 M3, which is why the ZHP is for sale. Just waiting for the PPI report for Bimmerhaus and I'll make my decision. That said, the $14k asking price seems reasonable if everything checks out.

07-25-2014, 02:05 PM
Good luck with it! I was actually planning on looking at it this weekend if I could've found the time, but you've beaten me to the punch! :)

Happy to see it go to an enthusiast though.

I'll let you know if I pass on it. I'm waiting on the PPI report from Bimmerhaus and then I'll decide if its a $14k car or if some price adjustment needs done. It looks to be a pretty nice car, well maintained etc. I am hoping for the best.....

07-25-2014, 09:10 PM
I agree that it's priced well, except perhaps for the accident this past December. From speaking with the owner earlier this week, sounds like there was body work done on a couple of the rear panels, but nothing too serious as far as structural.

Was bimmerhaus able to speak to the quality of the repairs? How'd the rest of the inspection go?

07-26-2014, 09:07 AM
I agree that it's priced well, except perhaps for the accident this past December. From speaking with the owner earlier this week, sounds like there was body work done on a couple of the rear panels, but nothing too serious as far as structural.

Was bimmerhaus able to speak to the quality of the repairs? How'd the rest of the inspection go?

Things did NOT go well.... The owners Boyfriend dropped the car off at 1pm for the PPI and around 2:00-2:15 I got a call from the Service Writer and the Mechanic that did the inspection. The car looked very good with no leaks or anything that would throw up a red flag or stop the sale. I had asked them to look at a laundry list of additional items outside the normal inspection such as Coolant hoses, DISA, and all the normal wear items that are the weaknesses with this model if not changed as part of Preventative Maintenance. While all the fluids like brake and coolant were done religiously, all the hoses were original as well as the other items, but were not showing any sign of leaks. Again, not a deal breaker. The repaired area in the back was "ok", you could see some sanding marks in the trunk lid, but it was a sound repair. They sent me the readout when they pulled the codes and I noticed the oil level sensor was bad as well as both wheel speed indicators and the DSC. I was told by my Master Mechanic buddy that it could have tripped if they had the car in the air and spun the wheels to look for bent wheels. So, per our conversations, I waited to call the seller until after 6pm when she got home from work. I texted her to tell her things looked good with the inspection and I would call her later to finish things up. It got to about 8pm and no call so I texted her to see if she was available to take a call...about 10 minutes later I get this text back....."Hi Jeff, One of the parties that looked at the car offered me full asking price for the car this afternoon. The car has been sold."

Needless to say, I was not happy!!! We had agreed on the asking price contingent on a clean PPI, which it had. I was just calling to complete the deal. Even worse, a few hours earlier I had just paid $130.00 for the Inspection!!! I sent her a message, since she would not answer her phone, stating that we had agreed to the same price she sold it for, except now she had a current inspection....that I paid for. I mentioned that I should have right of first refusal before ANY other shoppers, even if they did offer the asking price.

So, my search has resumed with the following lessons learned....even if the seller declines a deposit until after the PPI, demand you send them something to secure the car or this could happen again. and, I guess there are just fewer and fewer ethical people these days.......

07-26-2014, 09:14 AM
Well, I guess this is as good a place as any to re-start the search..... email sent...text sent....


07-26-2014, 10:21 AM
Oh boy - that's bad. I sold four cars earlier this year, all but one to out-of-state buyers, and whenever I got a verbal commitment from a buyer, they basically had right of first refusal. One of the cars was my wife's manual, m-sport E91, which naturally had a lot of interest. After I had a verbal commitment from someone in boston, I had a few other calls on it, but I just told them that a sale was pending and I'd let them know if it fell through.

That's just the right thing to do, but unfortunately, there's nothing legally wrong with what she did - just absolutely lame.

Sorry - I swear it wasn't me! :)

07-26-2014, 10:32 AM
Wow, that really sucks. I can't believe she did that to you like that. Try to move on. Though I'm sure you're still steaming like I would be.

Thumbs, iPhone, Tapatalk.

07-26-2014, 11:25 AM
Sorry to read this on your first choice Jeff. Hopefully you will find a better ZHP in the near future!!

07-26-2014, 02:01 PM

The friendliest forum on the planet!

07-26-2014, 03:51 PM
Thanks for the responses guys....Yes it sucks and I really did not see it coming. There were zero clues that things would go sideways. Like I said, my search continues and I'm a little wiser and certainly a bit less trusting. If you hear of any Silverstone Grey, Mystic Blue or Imola Red COUPE's for sale with less than 100k miles and no grey leather, please advise. I do really like the Natural Brown leather, then Black and then Tan. Nav in not a plus, but Cold weather package and Xenon's are. Again, I appreciate the support.....it was a long night last night......

07-26-2014, 03:58 PM
Sorry - I swear it wasn't me! :)

Ok....sure it wasn't.....go ahead an post a pic with the Imola ZHP wedged in between the 335i and the Touring.....
Seriously, I am like you....if you called me first and we came to terms, deposit or not, its your car and unless you back out, others who call are "in-line".....
I will find one.....just not the one in this months Roundel...2005 Imola Sedan with Gray leather and NAV, 55k miles and this guy wants $17,500!!!! I know Colorado isn't the only state where people can legally purchase weed because this guy is smoking something.