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View Full Version : Halogen to Xenon Conversion

02-27-2011, 08:02 AM
Whats up fellas.

I've decided to look into a Xenon conversion from my crappy Halogens. I'm looking to go with a used OEM (AL) setup off of ebay, or I could piece a set together (which I'm not sure is even possible right now).

What I mean by piecing a set together is buy these projectors (http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5574947307&toolid=10001&campid=5336776893&customid=&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Febaymotors%2F02-05-BMW-3-SERIES-BI-XENON-HID-HEADLIGHT-PROJECTORS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZalgoQ3dLVIQ 26ituQ3dUCIQ26otnQ3d3Q26poQ3dLVIQ26psQ3d63Q26clkid Q3d7385054073691869730QQ_trksidZp5197Q2em7QQcatego ryZ33710QQitemZ390281785632%23ht_1111wt_1165), used OEM ignitors, used OEM ballasts (or new HID), new bulbs from Khoa, and fit all of these parts into my Halogen housings . My thought is that I could save a few $ piecing a set together rather than spending $250 per light.


02-27-2011, 10:21 AM
Your car would have to be reprogrammed for Xenon lights. Some people report issues even after all is "coded".

02-27-2011, 02:23 PM
Your car would have to be reprogrammed for Xenon lights. Some people report issues even after all is "coded".

I already spoke to my indy about the coding, its no biggie. From my understanding, I would lose the ability for my brights to stay on, but flash to pass would still work. Also, the bixenon function would not work unless I did some custom wiring.

Im still not sure whether it would be possible (or a good idea) to piece together the parts and fit them in my halogen housings. Does anyone know if it would be a "swap in/swap out" type of deal?

02-27-2011, 04:33 PM
im pretty sure if you went with depos (yes, non oem) and error cancelling ballasts, you would not lose the high beam function. You only lose that (like me) if you go xenon, but are coded for bixenon. they cant code backwards, so they cannot take a bixenon car and make it operate like a xenon car (ie, high beams using halogen "flash to pass bulbs") Just FYI.

02-27-2011, 06:57 PM
im pretty sure if you went with depos (yes, non oem) and error cancelling ballasts, you would not lose the high beam function. You only lose that (like me) if you go xenon, but are coded for bixenon. they cant code backwards, so they cannot take a bixenon car and make it operate like a xenon car (ie, high beams using halogen "flash to pass bulbs") Just FYI.

This is what my indy told me and I thought he was mistaken. He told me that once he changes the setting to Xenon, it cant be switched back to halogen. Is that correct?

02-27-2011, 07:08 PM
This is what my indy told me and I thought he was mistaken. He told me that once he changes the setting to Xenon, it cant be switched back to halogen. Is that correct?

I think that's what he said. lol

02-27-2011, 07:10 PM
I think that's what he said. lol

I know hahaha, I just wanted to check since I've never heard that before

02-27-2011, 07:15 PM
I dont know for sure about going from halogen to xenon, but if you used error canceling ballasts, you wouldnt need to do the software update, right? I thought that was the point of those ballasts. You wouldnt need them if you updated the software, as far as i know. Its been a little over a year since i researched this, and I have bixenon coding and was going to depos (xenon), so most of my research was not for halogen. Please read up yourself and dont take my word for it, but i think my post above is correct.