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View Full Version : For Sale: Aftermarket Ceramic coated headers for BMW 330 ZHP

03-07-2011, 10:33 AM
ceramic coated aftermarket headers done in black ceramic. i got these with the purcahse of my ZHP and the PO never installed them. there is no stampings or marks anywhere on the headers. again, never installed or used.

$500 + shipping OBO

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/168988_720125226494_38310924_38785568_4952674_n.jp g

03-07-2011, 11:58 AM
Interested/1st in line.

03-09-2011, 10:23 AM
sorry i havent gotten to this yet, been very busy with my other car. will update tonight for sure

03-09-2011, 10:35 AM
sorry i havent gotten to this yet, been very busy with my other car. will update tonight for sure

Sure would like it if you would ever hang out around here......jeesh! Mrs. Badclown..........can Mr. Badclown come out and play? Lol.....

03-09-2011, 10:43 AM
Sure would like it if you would ever hang out around here......jeesh! Mrs. Badclown..........can Mr. Badclown come out and play? Lol.....

miss. badclown is actually coming in town tomorrow for a few days which leaves me with a time crunch problem on getting my e30 stuff done so the car can be drivable by next weekend.

03-09-2011, 11:45 AM
miss. badclown is actually coming in town tomorrow for a few days which leaves me with a time crunch problem on getting my e30 stuff done so the car can be drivable by next weekend.

Have a good time.

03-14-2011, 01:23 PM
pending further investigation......

03-14-2011, 04:55 PM
What if these are eBay headers with a ceramic spray applied?

03-14-2011, 05:53 PM
the previous owner of my car did not skimp out on aftermarket/modified parts for his cars. ive known of him for a few years and hes very anal about how he modifies and how he maintains his cars.

might be a chore but, ill see if i can get in contact with him to see if he knows what type/brand they are for some peace of mind for any potential buyers. they were sent out to be ceramic coated though i know that for a fact.

03-14-2011, 05:57 PM
I think even those stett ceramic coated headers are like $400....

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03-14-2011, 06:06 PM
I think even those stett ceramic coated headers are like $400....

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

like i said, ill check into it again. problem is getting ahold of him. retired military and wife is a traveling radiologist. he just tags along with her across the country.

04-02-2011, 02:53 PM
Im also very interested. Give me some more incentive to get the new exhaust ive been wanting too. some info would be very helpful. how much were you thinking without any specifics?!

04-10-2011, 02:09 PM
i talked with the friend of the guy i bought the car from (to make a long story short the PO of my car travels with his wife who does radiology and is never home so i dealt with his best friend in regards to purchasing the car).

i have known of the PO in past cars he has built, owned, etc and he DOES NOT SKIMP ON PARTS. he buys only the best things and is very meticulous in how he modifies and maintains his vehicles. with that being said, he does not recall what brand they are but again, they are not ebay headers or some other 2nd/3rd party crappy header setup.

i have no way of knowing what brand they really are but i 100% know and trust what he has told me about these headers.

so, with that out of the way: im asking $500 for these headers plus shipping. if you dont like that price im sorry. im taking into account what the PO said and at the same time giving a "deal" on what could be the best headers you can buy for our cars. please email me @ jacob_gans@yahoo.com or PM me here if interested.

if you dont like the price, then make me an offer i cant refuse, i really need the money to do exhaust on my m52 e30

04-10-2011, 05:37 PM
If the others drop out (like halo). I'll take em :)

04-10-2011, 05:47 PM
first person to send me an email or PM stating they want them can take them. i only do dealings through paypal (for your security and mine)

my paypal is jacob_gans@yahoo.com and i would request that paypal fees be added as well.

04-10-2011, 05:53 PM
Haloarchive or bschultz you guys better jump on this or I will. ;) ill give you till tomorrow lol

04-12-2011, 09:18 AM
make an offer

04-13-2011, 06:38 AM
$400 + shipping

04-13-2011, 12:08 PM
Yeah, I haven't been monitoring this thread. If the price hits $300, I will take them. More than that, guys, have at them!

04-13-2011, 07:38 PM
$400 is about pushing my limit on what im willing to sell these for.........may change my mind though

04-20-2011, 06:21 PM

05-01-2011, 11:22 AM

05-02-2011, 07:42 PM
nobody wants to even put an OFFER in on a phenomenal product that they would be getting at a steal? jesus h.

05-03-2011, 04:00 AM
nobody wants to even put an OFFER in on a phenomenal product that they would be getting at a steal? jesus h.

Nothing personal bro. I think people have other priorities right now. That is all.

05-04-2011, 04:05 PM
I'd buy in a heartbeat but don't want to deal with the SMOG issues in CA. John