View Full Version : My Nat Geo profile / photos link.

05-19-2015, 08:18 AM
a few friends, but only 2 of them who are almost professional photographers have been suggesting me to create a National Geographic "yourshot" profile and start uploading some photographs I take. I have been putting it off for a very long time and finally got around to doing it, and uploaded about 50 pics or so over the past few weeks. I feel silly looking at some of the other photos taken by fellow members there who have "liked / favorited" some of my photos. I am so behind and have so much to learn. But I am always curious to see what others think, so I thought i'd post the link to my profile on NG. It only loads a few when you click on the link and you must scroll down and click "load more" - or you can click on the latest one and start a slide show or just keep clicking back/forward arrows I guess.

Here's the link: (Thanks to anyone who views... they're nothing special, yet)

05-19-2015, 10:03 AM
You have some beautiful photos with some really interesting perspectives & composure in the link. I don't think that you have anything to be ashamed of, and think that it is neat that you have posted some of your work on their site!

05-19-2015, 10:59 AM
Nice shooting. Thanks for sharing.

Thumbs, iPhone, Tapatalk.

05-19-2015, 12:27 PM
Some very nice shots in there, thanks for sharing!

05-19-2015, 04:35 PM
I dug a lot of the photos in your album. Very peaceful. Maybe it is just my mood tonight but they felt healing almost.
Love the "light at the end of the hallway" one and the one you make an allusion to a Pink Floyd album (sweet spot for me).

05-23-2015, 07:07 AM
Oli: Your comment meant a lot. Thanks for looking and commenting.
Thanks also for all the comments, and encouragement.