View Full Version : Dried out Leather

09-16-2015, 02:13 PM
So the leather interior in my ZHP is in pretty good condition. It doesn't appear dirty, and doesn't have many cracks or anything like that.

I find though that it feels very dry and stiff- I feel like it needs conditioned. I don't want to use a product that will add any type of shine to the leather, as I like the natural matte finish. Does anyone have any experience with something that moisturized/conditioned their e46 leather, softening it up while keeping the matte finish?

Any help is appreciated!

I'm in China right now and the internet here won't let me post pictures, but I'll post them up on my return.

09-16-2015, 04:53 PM
You need multiple applications of Leatherique. It Cleans and rejuvenates the leather and restores leather that is like cardboard.

Leatherique Rejuvenator and Leatherique Pristine Clean.

My leather was like that when I swapped in this interior. One application to a shifter boot that was like paper and it felt half as soft as a brand new shift boot. I will do another application before winter hits and see how much better it is then!

This product restores some of the suppleness of the leather and gets better with each application if your leather is cardboard hard. It will make the leather nice and matte again as though it was new.

09-17-2015, 04:21 AM
Yeah, what BP said. Shit's magical... I can only imagine it's at least in part derived from unicorns.

09-17-2015, 05:28 AM
Yeah, what BP said. Shit's magical... I can only imagine it's at least in part derived from unicorns.
