View Full Version : G.A.S. CCV Replacement is in early release!

02-20-2017, 11:54 AM
Without an update for years, I figured this was dead in the water. Just happened to be on their site today and saw that they actually updated the product page.

Almost three years in development, German Auto Solutions' very unique replacement for the problem prone BMW M54 CCV is now in limited production and should be available for sale soon..

The GAS replacement CCV incorporates multiple new design features to make it the most effective product of its kind at recovering oil from the engine's blow by gasses. The G.A.S. CCV is also fully serviceable to allow easy five minute cleaning at every oil change.

Click to find out more information about this incredible product. (http://www.germanautosolutions.com/bmw_solutions/ccv_products/m54_gas_ccv/product_m54_ccv.php)

I was skeptical at first, but after going through all of the details, I'm on board (if the price is reasonable).

And look how pretty!


02-20-2017, 12:53 PM
Interesting. I didn't even know they had a solution for this in the works. It looks like a serious piece of hardware, I wouldn't hold my breath on it being cheap, but hopefully it is reasonable...

02-20-2017, 12:54 PM
Well heeellloooo

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02-20-2017, 01:32 PM
Interesting. I didn't even know they had a solution for this in the works. It looks like a serious piece of hardware, I wouldn't hold my breath on it being cheap, but hopefully it is reasonable...

I'm definitely more worried about the price now...

I saw this bit earlier and thought, "Oh, good. It'll be around $175. That would be very reasonable."

The German Auto Solutions CCV system will be priced similar to a complete OEM system, be mounted on top of the stock oil filter housing and will replace the factory oil filter cap.

But then I went back and saw this elsewhere in their update:

Replacing the CCV can be an entire day job and cost up to $320.00 depending on how much of the system you replace.

I'm placing my bet at their opening price being $349 and me not being so interested anymore.

02-20-2017, 02:03 PM
Sounds about right^. I hope this thing does the trick for many of us. Who will be the first to buy and try??

02-20-2017, 02:20 PM
I'm placing my bet at their opening price being $349 and me not being so interested anymore.

That's not too bad, especially for people in the colder states/areas. They have to cover over 3 years of R&D. :D

02-20-2017, 03:00 PM
yeah that thing is ugly as shit. I'd rather just do a catch can setup

02-20-2017, 03:29 PM
Technically we can't do catch cans in SoCal due to smog, right? I'll def check this out but mad since I just did my CCV last year.

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02-20-2017, 04:26 PM
We have done GAS group buys in the past, wonder if they will on this?

02-20-2017, 04:47 PM
I'd actually consider it depending on price. I'd wager my CCV is not in the best condition since a lot of my drives around Portland are less than 15 minutes. But I do agree, it doesn't look very stock/clean. The new CCV / Pilot O2 mod seems like the fall back, or a catch can.

02-20-2017, 05:10 PM
Technically we can do catch cans in SoCal due to smog, right? I'll def check this out but mad since I just did my CCV last year.

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I've heard it won't pass visual inspection.

So... not sure this thing will. But who knows?

So, who wants to be the first guinea pig?!

02-20-2017, 05:52 PM
That doesn't look very friendly... for oil services.

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02-20-2017, 06:14 PM
I've heard it won't pass visual inspection.

So... not sure this thing will. But who knows?

So, who wants to be the first guinea pig?!

Typo, should have said CAN'T.

02-20-2017, 06:40 PM
That is very interesting. I am actualy thinking to replace my CCV when it gets a bit warmer.
Maybe I should wait for the release

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02-20-2017, 07:30 PM
Interesting. I signed up on the email list. I would do it if it was black, and reasonably priced. Because if I can replace it just once that would be nice. The Radium catch can is expensive itself, and replacing the CCV over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

02-21-2017, 08:28 AM
very interesting design. i've been waiting for this thing for a while, too! i like how it interfaces directly with the outlet on the valve cover and also the inlet on the intake manifold.

also, it is a pretty cool packaging idea to mount it on top of the oil filter housing - that makes a lot of sense. i'm curious why they're draining back to the pan though, and not right into the oil filter housing?

anyway, here is a link to the cool nerdy stuff (nate, i'm talking to you here ;)). all of my questions....save one... are answered here:


this thing looks killer. i will most likely buy one. the one thing that does concern me - and this is my major beef with the CCV system - is freezing. i'm concerned that the condensate could still freeze. i will be contacting them about this.

02-21-2017, 08:34 AM
My impressions, from discussions with BMW Techs is that the condensate freezing is only an issue with lines that have buildup in them, as well as the frail lines that would break after the freeze, thus causing vacuum leaks. With this design, it appears they have addressed the freezing part by mounting it above the oil filter for warmth and they also are suggesting that the line be cleaned out when servicing the system, thus keeping it clear. I will also be looking at this as the CCV is a pain in the ___. Having just done two of them, I hope they last many years though as it was expensive to do even by myself.

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02-21-2017, 08:36 AM
I used their DISA rebuild kit on both cars, nicely machined parts.

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02-21-2017, 08:43 AM
My impressions, from discussions with BMW Techs is that the condensate freezing is only an issue with lines that have buildup in them

any amount of buildup can freeze. the condensate is water + oil. water freezes. i had an oil separator freeze that had been cleaned a month prior.

With this design, it appears they have addressed the freezing part by mounting it above the oil filter for warmth and they also are suggesting that the line be cleaned out when servicing the system, thus keeping it clear.

sure, if it wasn't frozen to begin with. but, say you did a 10min drive and shut 'er down, in the middle of winter - say it's below freezing (you live in illinois, it's entirely possible - and it happens most of the winter where i live). you go out the next morning, and that condensate is frozen - check the link i posted above to see how much condensate can be generated after a 10min drive in sub-freezing temps. it may only be a little bit, but what happens to the frozen chunks on startup?

personally i have a temperature-activated thermal-switch connnected to a heating element on my catch can/oil separator, and for two winters now that has done the job of keeping things from freezing, no matter what kind of driving conditions the car sees - or if it sits for days on end, which does happen.

if GAS does not have an answer for the freezing stuff i will likely just add my heating element solution to the GAS CCV.

02-21-2017, 08:45 AM
So, is this a good solution or would a catch can be a better choice in the long run?

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02-21-2017, 08:46 AM
Do you have details of this heating trace that you designed?

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02-21-2017, 08:58 AM
So, is this a good solution or would a catch can be a better choice in the long run?

if this combats freezing adequately and puts the required vacuum on the crankcase, then yes, it's a perfect long-term solution. i would buy one - the packaging is fantastic on many levels.

if it doesn't combat freezing, i might still buy one and apply my heating solution.

Do you have details of this heating trace that you designed?

yep, my protoype setup is here:


02-21-2017, 09:02 AM
Thanks, I will check it out

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02-21-2017, 09:10 AM
very interesting design. i've been waiting for this thing for a while, too! i like how it interfaces directly with the outlet on the valve cover and also the inlet on the intake manifold.

also, it is a pretty cool packaging idea to mount it on top of the oil filter housing - that makes a lot of sense. i'm curious why they're draining back to the pan though, and not right into the oil filter housing?

anyway, here is a link to the cool nerdy stuff (nate, i'm talking to you here ;)). all of my questions....save one... are answered here:


this thing looks killer. i will most likely buy one. the one thing that does concern me - and this is my major beef with the CCV system - is freezing. i'm concerned that the condensate could still freeze. i will be contacting them about this.

Yep, I went through every detail on that page and was going to send it to you, but figured it would be better to create a thread and make our technical ramblings on this public.

The drain all the way back to the oil pan is confusing to me too. Until you hear back from them, we'll have to assume that they tried draining to the filter area and found that adding a port to the filter housing created issues with the flow of oil through the filter.

02-21-2017, 09:54 AM
I've heard it won't pass visual inspection.

So... not sure this thing will. But who knows?

So, who wants to be the first guinea pig?!

Visual inspection? What's that? Here in Arizona, your car passes "visual inspection" by pulling into the testing booth.

I'm intrigued by this piece, I already have GAS's Disa Gold, perhaps I'll add one of these as well. Zero issue with passing smog here.

02-21-2017, 09:59 AM
In CA they open your hood and check things out. I'm not sure why it wouldn't pass as how the heck would they know what that is? :)

02-21-2017, 10:45 AM
Yep, I went through every detail on that page and was going to send it to you, but figured it would be better to create a thread and make our technical ramblings on this public.

The drain all the way back to the oil pan is confusing to me too. Until you hear back from them, we'll have to assume that they tried draining to the filter area and found that adding a port to the filter housing created issues with the flow of oil through the filter.

i just spent a good 30 minutes on the phone with gary @ G.A.S.....

long story short - he is an awesome dude and is 100% committed to this system. he really has spent 3 years R&Ding several iterations of this system on his own personal car (E39), and after talking with him i am convinced it will be the right solution for me too. lots more details to come! this really is a no-compromise system and will solve all issues present with the factory CCV system.

also, apparently with a PCV system it can suck air in THROUGH the rear main seal, which as you can imagine couldn't be a good thing, especially in a dusty environment. his system will draw more vacuum that a stock CCV (about 1.5x), but not as much as what i'm running now. also, it filters the oil out from the air so well that effectively zero oil is making its way back to the intake - i mean, even on my system i am getting oil in the intake.

the drain-back works well and due to the aforementioned filtering, no condensate is going back to the pan. now THAT is good news.

02-21-2017, 10:46 AM
Just caught up on this... once GAS has this for sale I may just pull the trigger on this....

02-21-2017, 10:55 AM
Nice, thanks for making the call. I was very impressed with the DISA kit they made as well.

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02-21-2017, 10:58 AM
i just spent a good 30 minutes on the phone with gary @ G.A.S.....

long story short - he is an awesome dude and is 100% committed to this system. he really has spent 3 years R&Ding several iterations of this system on his own personal car (E39), and after talking with him i am convinced it will be the right solution for me too. lots more details to come! this really is a no-compromise system and will solve all issues present with the factory CCV system.

also, apparently with a PCV system it can suck air in THROUGH the rear main seal, which as you can imagine couldn't be a good thing, especially in a dusty environment. his system will draw more vacuum that a stock CCV (about 1.5x), but not as much as what i'm running now. also, it filters the oil out from the air so well that effectively zero oil is making its way back to the intake - i mean, even on my system i am getting oil in the intake.

the drain-back works well and due to the aforementioned filtering, no condensate is going back to the pan. now THAT is good news.

Nice! Thanks for doing the leg work. This system obviously needed to be approved by Canada's catch can guru before ordering.

02-21-2017, 11:30 AM
Sorry but can someone explain to me what this is helping prevent? Not familiar with a good amount of what can go wrong with the M54.. need to do more research

02-21-2017, 12:48 PM
Nice! Thanks for doing the leg work. This system obviously needed to be approved by Canada's catch can guru before ordering.

LOL. thanks. :)

Sorry but can someone explain to me what this is helping prevent? Not familiar with a good amount of what can go wrong with the M54.. need to do more research

the stock CCV system is basically the thorn in the side of a fantastic engine. this is what appears to be a long-term solution to avoiding stock CCV freeze-ups, clog-ups, and oil-hydrolocking the engine.

02-21-2017, 12:49 PM
Amen!! To that

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02-21-2017, 04:43 PM
Great info talking to them!

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02-21-2017, 06:12 PM
Dhu want

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02-21-2017, 06:53 PM
Thanks for talking to them, Peter. I might give this a go if it gets released soon.

02-21-2017, 07:08 PM
I might give this a go if it gets released soon.


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02-22-2017, 04:36 AM
Thanks for talking to them, Peter. I might give this a go if it gets released soon.

Why though? You did change the ccv quite recently and along the O2pilot mod, it reduced your oil consumption rate right?

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02-22-2017, 05:04 AM
Why though? You did change the ccv quite recently and along the O2pilot mod, it reduced your oil consumption rate right?

A bit, but doing the mod doesn't negate the need to replace the CCV. I remember him saying the CCV system will still need to be replaced periodically. Since a whole new CCV system is (probably) similar in price to what this solution will be, I'd rather just replace it once and never have to worry about it again.

I may have to revisit the catch can idea if this O2Pilot thing doesn't work out, but I haven't given it enough time to have made a determination on it yet. My first go around after doing the mod resulting in about 2k miles before a top-up, which is significantly better. But, this time around, my oil light was on after just 1100 or so miles, so now I once again don't know WTF is going on.

02-22-2017, 05:23 AM
A bit, but doing the mod doesn't negate the need to replace the CCV. I remember him saying the CCV system will still need to be replaced periodically. Since a whole new CCV system is (probably) similar in price to what this solution will be, I'd rather just replace it once and never have to worry about it again.

I may have to revisit the catch can idea if this O2Pilot thing doesn't work out, but I haven't given it enough time to have made a determination on it yet. My first go around after doing the mod resulting in about 2k miles before a top-up, which is significantly better. But, this time around, my oil light was on after just 1100 or so miles, so now I once again don't know WTF is going on.

I'm willing to bet the reason your oil consumption went up again is because the ccv went bad. Mine is so bad right now that I got the oil level light after 400 miles. I replaced by ccv about an year and a half ago and I can count the number of times I drove the car for less than 10 min when the engine was cold because I avoided short trips as much as possible but the damn thing still went bad, realized this when i saw mayo when I tried to do the O2pilot mod. Now I'm sort of convinced that even a 20 min drive is not enough when the ambient temperatures are cold (which is the same time as your daily commute right?). So now I can't decide between replacing with OEM CCV, GAS CCV or catch can.

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02-22-2017, 07:18 AM
I'm willing to bet the reason your oil consumption went up again is because the ccv went bad. Mine is so bad right now that I got the oil level light after 400 miles. I replaced by ccv about an year and a half ago and I can count the number of times I drove the car for less than 10 min when the engine was cold because I avoided short trips as much as possible but the damn thing still went bad, realized this when i saw mayo when I tried to do the O2pilot mod. Now I'm sort of convinced that even a 20 min drive is not enough when the ambient temperatures are cold (which is the same time as your daily commute right?). So now I can't decide between replacing with OEM CCV, GAS CCV or catch can.

the stock CCV system is inherently flawed anyway as even with a fresh CCV (gary @ G.A.S. can explain this much more eloquently than i can), oil will still get past the CCV and into the intake stream, where it gets burned. this is where some of the oil goes, the rest gets combusted as it gets past the piston rings. increased vacuum will help that aspect, but according to gary @ G.A.S. it also allows fresh air (and therefor dirt and other contaminants) to be sucked in through the rear main seal... yikes.

so, you need to pick your poison here:

1. increased vacuum (catch can or '02 pilot' mod) will bring in junk through, and possibly shorten the lifespan of, the rear main seal - it also will still allow oil back into the intake, although with the best catch can design you will limit this amount.

2. the G.A.S. solution will basically eliminate any oil getting back into the intake stream, allow all of the fresh, separated oil to go back to the pan (helping to aid oil consumpton), condensation is trapped in the maze and evaporated, and vacuum is increased slightly over stock (1.5x the stock amount, according to gary). is that enough to help the piston rings seal better? i think we won't know until anecdotal testing is done by multiple people, but the benefits outweigh the cons for me. if it does help the rings to seal better, then oil consumption should be as low as it could possibly be with this product. it's also an easily serviceable solution and eliminates all of the craptastic plastic bits. win/win/win.


02-22-2017, 08:07 AM
I'm willing to bet the reason your oil consumption went up again is because the ccv went bad.

My CCV is only about 3 months old, installed right when the O2pilot mod was done. I seriously doubt it has gone bad already.

I'm with Peter on this one - there are so many benefits and not really any cons (other than price) for the G.A.S. solution, so when I have some spare cash (and availability on the site), I will probably pick this up.

02-22-2017, 08:12 AM
So you actually have to take out the old CCV or do you leave it in and this bypasses it?

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02-22-2017, 08:23 AM
So you actually have to take out the old CCV or do you leave it in and this bypasses it?

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you can leave the old one in place, just disconnect the hoses.

02-22-2017, 08:26 AM
Thx. Phew! :)

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02-22-2017, 08:28 AM
you can leave the old one in place, just disconnect the hoses.

Oh really????? ​Then this makes it super easy to install! Win...

02-22-2017, 08:48 AM
Yo Peter -- did you happen to ask Gary about pricing/availability?

02-22-2017, 09:11 AM
My CCV is only about 3 months old, installed right when the O2pilot mod was done. I seriously doubt it has gone bad already.

I'm with Peter on this one - there are so many benefits and not really any cons (other than price) for the G.A.S. solution, so when I have some spare cash (and availability on the site), I will probably pick this up.

I remember your ccv is quite new that's why I asked the question why you were thinking of going with GAS [emoji4]

When you said your oil consumption went up and when I think about what happened to mine, I'm beginning to think new or old ccv doesn't really matter all it takes is a few short drives when the ambient conditions are not ideal for the ccv to go bad. After I replaced my ccv in summer of 2015 I got 7000 miles before the oil light came on. Subsequent winter when the temperatures dropped, I did maybe a drive or two which were less than 20 min and at the end of winter yellow light came on after 2500 miles. So a new ccv went bad in just one winter. Got a little worse in summer 2016 and now a big drop down to 400 miles!! I thought maybe something else was wrong but when I tried to do the O2pilot mod last month the drain tube to oil pan had mayo...

I mean I could be wrong and your ccv could be perfectly fine, but since even the oil consumption in your Zhp went up during winter, I'm just thinking it could be the case based on what happened with mine.

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02-22-2017, 10:19 AM
In CA they open your hood and check things out. I'm not sure why it wouldn't pass as how the heck would they know what that is? :)

yeah I don't think there is any way we could have this on our car's here in California and have a hope of passing smog. They dinged me for my BMW performance intake a few months ago and that looks stock.

HOWEVER....I am wondering how easy it is to install this ting. If it is just disconnecting and reconnecting a few hoses then it might be worth it to switch it out every two years.

They didn't note any oil consumption improvements they observed in testing on the info page, I notice. I want to know how much this thing will improve oil consumption.

02-22-2017, 10:20 AM
A very brief off-topic here: are people liking the GAS 1.2 bar coolant cap? Seems like a no-brainer to me.

I stopped using mine because I got tired of wiping off all the sprayed coolant all over the engine bay...
It's a nice piece though.

02-22-2017, 10:26 AM
I stopped using mine because I got tired of wiping off all the sprayed coolant all over the engine bay...
It's a nice piece though.

For what its worth, I have a E30 coolant cap on my car (1.4 bar) and I have not noticed any leaking coolant.

02-22-2017, 10:32 AM
Thanks folks (btw: inadvertently deleted my original post).
Back on-topic...

02-22-2017, 11:23 AM
Oh really????? ​Then this makes it super easy to install! Win...


Yo Peter -- did you happen to ask Gary about pricing/availability?

yes. i won't mention pricing exactly as i'm not sure if he wants that public yet, but it's a price i would consider reasonable (and i'm sure he's losing money on it). he's going to release 10 kits at first, to see how fitment and installation experience go for those people, and he wants as many different platforms for that as possible. i've asked to be one of those first 10 kits.

once the initial group of 10 is installed, he will assess then if he needs to make any changes and then decide how many to manufacture, and what the ultimate price will be. purely based on his dedication to this project and the several revisions he's already gone through and tested thoroughly, i assume there will not be any major changes.

I stopped using mine because I got tired of wiping off all the sprayed coolant all over the engine bay...
It's a nice piece though.

really? no issues with mine... have had it installed for a year or so.

02-22-2017, 12:08 PM
I stopped using mine because I got tired of wiping off all the sprayed coolant all over the engine bay...
It's a nice piece though.

strange.... I haven't had any issues with mine either...

02-22-2017, 12:26 PM
Just catching up on this thread.
Most likely the reason oil isn't returned to the oil filter housing is the fact that it's pressurized. There is no pressure in the dipstick tube and there is vacuum to help draw the oil out of separator

Another alternative for the CA guys is the M56 valve cover which has a built in PCV in the cover and is aluminum . The oil cap is in a different spot so you have get the plastic cover as well.
Rkneeshaw has done this valve cover and there are some threads on it over at E46f. This setup would easily pass a visual inspection.

02-22-2017, 05:08 PM
the stock CCV system is inherently flawed anyway as even with a fresh CCV (gary @ G.A.S. can explain this much more eloquently than i can), oil will still get past the CCV and into the intake stream, where it gets burned. this is where some of the oil goes, the rest gets combusted as it gets past the piston rings. increased vacuum will help that aspect, but according to gary @ G.A.S. it also allows fresh air (and therefor dirt and other contaminants) to be sucked in through the rear main seal... yikes.

so, you need to pick your poison here:

1. increased vacuum (catch can or '02 pilot' mod) will bring in junk through, and possibly shorten the lifespan of, the rear main seal - it also will still allow oil back into the intake, although with the best catch can design you will limit this amount.

2. the G.A.S. solution will basically eliminate any oil getting back into the intake stream, allow all of the fresh, separated oil to go back to the pan (helping to aid oil consumpton), condensation is trapped in the maze and evaporated, and vacuum is increased slightly over stock (1.5x the stock amount, according to gary). is that enough to help the piston rings seal better? i think we won't know until anecdotal testing is done by multiple people, but the benefits outweigh the cons for me. if it does help the rings to seal better, then oil consumption should be as low as it could possibly be with this product. it's also an easily serviceable solution and eliminates all of the craptastic plastic bits. win/win/win.


Thanks for explaining all that Peter! [emoji4]

I need to replace the ccv asap so I'm not really sure what I should do-

1. replace the ccv and wait to see how the GAS system turns out
2. bite the bullet and go for the GAS system

Got some thinking to do...

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02-22-2017, 05:52 PM
I've heard the CCV is a pain to replace so I hope this can get some reviews to compare it against a standard CCV replacement before mine fails. I would prefer that GAS in a flat black color so it's not as flashy but that's a minor gripe if it fixes a larger issue.

02-22-2017, 06:48 PM
Thanks for explaining all that Peter! [emoji4]

I need to replace the ccv asap so I'm not really sure what I should do-

1. replace the ccv and wait to see how the GAS system turns out
2. bite the bullet and go for the GAS system

Got some thinking to do...

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i would wait for the G.A.S. production unit, honestly - no need to spend the money twice (and the extra labor).

gary is hoping to have the 10 initial units ready in the next week if i remember correctly, so i can't believe it will be long before the first production run begins.

02-22-2017, 06:53 PM
yes. i won't mention pricing exactly as i'm not sure if he wants that public yet, but it's a price i would consider reasonable (and i'm sure he's losing money on it). he's going to release 10 kits at first, to see how fitment and installation experience go for those people, and he wants as many different platforms for that as possible. i've asked to be one of those first 10 kits.

once the initial group of 10 is installed, he will assess then if he needs to make any changes and then decide how many to manufacture, and what the ultimate price will be. purely based on his dedication to this project and the several revisions he's already gone through and tested thoroughly, i assume there will not be any major changes.

Hey Peter, thanks for explaining all of this stuff to us and also thanks for being one of the first ones to try out this new kit. If it works as designed (and the price is reasonable), I am also willing to get this installed on my car.

02-22-2017, 06:55 PM
I've heard the CCV is a pain to replace so I hope this can get some reviews to compare it against a standard CCV replacement before mine fails. I would prefer that GAS in a flat black color so it's not as flashy but that's a minor gripe if it fixes a larger issue.


I'm very interested to see what the testers (Peter) think of it.

02-22-2017, 11:46 PM
Technically we can't do catch cans in SoCal due to smog, right? I'll def check this out but mad since I just did my CCV last year.

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Yeah. But if you do a stealth install, it'll pass easily lol

02-23-2017, 05:55 AM
i would wait for the G.A.S. production unit, honestly - no need to spend the money twice (and the extra labor).

gary is hoping to have the 10 initial units ready in the next week if i remember correctly, so i can't believe it will be long before the first production run begins.

Ya I'm leaning towards that as well. Guess Il give Gary/GAS a call and ask him about pricing and availability.

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02-23-2017, 04:06 PM
Yeah. But if you do a stealth install, it'll pass easily lol
How though? Looks like it sticks out in the bay. I wonder (forgot who said it), if you could just unhook every 2 years for smog)

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02-23-2017, 04:54 PM
How though? Looks like it sticks out in the bay. I wonder (forgot who said it), if you could just unhook every 2 years for smog)

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That would be me. I want to read the installation instructions. If it takes hours to install that's not a good sign for us California residents.

02-23-2017, 05:47 PM
Yet another reason not to live in CA.

They do no checks in Alabama. you just mail them money for a tag and drive on the road - off the road its optional.....

02-23-2017, 08:05 PM
How though? Looks like it sticks out in the bay. I wonder (forgot who said it), if you could just unhook every 2 years for smog)

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well the GAS version does. But I mean you could totally do a stealth install with a normal catch can.

02-23-2017, 10:54 PM
How though? Looks like it sticks out in the bay. I wonder (forgot who said it), if you could just unhook every 2 years for smog)

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Something like this looks OEM.



02-24-2017, 07:09 AM
That does look OEM... Looks like it's been there for years

02-24-2017, 08:01 AM

that pic is vince's M3 ('VinceBar' vince).

02-24-2017, 01:47 PM
It's a beautiful install. I love the hoses being routed under the engine covers/manifold.

02-24-2017, 07:03 PM
Yeah, it's just way more work for us to route the hoses there, but it's possible. The M3 CCV is located on the top so it's quite easy to route the hoses. I was just going to do the Radium catch can setup and route it to the drug bin. Then maybe make a cover that I can throw on for smog lol

02-24-2017, 07:43 PM
Yeah, it's just way more work for us to route the hoses there, but it's possible. The M3 CCV is located on the top so it's quite easy to route the hoses. I was just going to do the Radium catch can setup and route it to the drug bin. Then maybe make a cover that I can throw on for smog lol

the radium can does not appear to have good baffling... also, read the bit i posted about manifold vacuum on the rear main seal.

02-24-2017, 11:24 PM
the radium can does not appear to have good baffling... also, read the bit i posted about manifold vacuum on the rear main seal.

That's one thing that's holding me back on a catch can setup, the vacuum. It would have to be one hell of a catch can/hose system to hold up to vacuum pressures. That's why this GAS solution looks awesome. I would gladly ditch the CCV.

What I feel like BMW purists don't understand, is that BMW is a business, and the number one priority of a business is to make money. This in turn means trying to turn a profit, and to do so corners have to be cut. A,B,C pillar glue, plastic cooling components, failing projectors (seriously?). So the CCV was and is a total crapcan system. BMW wouldn't say it's a great system, and realizing that it can be improved upon is awesome for us enthusiasts. I wish there was a company that would go through and make metal cooling system components reliably. Not this Mishimoto crap. I'm talking all hoses, expansion tank, radiator. I would buy an all or majority metal cooling system in a heartbeat. I'm constantly worried about that temp needle shooting up and not realizing it in the middle of nowhere.

CCV = crap can ventilator

02-25-2017, 12:14 AM
Yet another reason not to live in CA.

Just about every time a SMOG discussion comes up, someones says that. It gets a little tired.

And yes, that install does look really good.

02-25-2017, 03:49 AM
That's one thing that's holding me back on a catch can setup, the vacuum. It would have to be one hell of a catch can/hose system to hold up to vacuum pressures.

i've been running a catch can + PCV system for 2 years now. using the correct hose is crucial - lots of folks use heater hose and it's clearly not meant to handle that kind of vacuum, and it collapses.

02-25-2017, 06:00 AM
i've been running a catch can + PCV system for 2 years now. using the correct hose is crucial - lots of folks use heater hose and it's clearly not meant to handle that kind of vacuum, and it collapses.

I had to visit 8 stores before I found the correct hose...

02-26-2017, 09:05 AM

In CA they open your hood and check things out. I'm not sure why it wouldn't pass as how the heck would they know what that is? :)

G.A.S products are top notch and this sure looks promising! As far as SMOG inspections go why don't they just powder coat this all Black and

engrave BMW or ///M across the top, most smog guys will not even notice it. It sticks out like a sore thumb! I go thru the SMOG BS with my 2500HD and I got really

good at making things look stock. Never had one problem passing. :thumbsup

02-26-2017, 09:50 AM
I just noticed something...

This unit is directly "on top of" the oil filter housing. How difficult will it be to replace the oil filter??

02-26-2017, 10:11 AM
Good thought but they couldn't due to BMW owning the rights to that logo.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

02-26-2017, 10:39 AM
I just noticed something...

This unit is directly "on top of" the oil filter housing. How difficult will it be to replace the oil filter??

From their website description, it seems like just a few screws and you have the top of the housing off and have access to the oil filter.

02-26-2017, 11:51 AM
Good thought but they couldn't due to BMW owning the rights to that logo.

That is true. What about ///M? I buy stuff on eBay all the time with that logo.

02-26-2017, 03:23 PM
That does seem like an odd placement for it BP and I hope it's an easy remove/reinstall.

Thanks for all the info Peter. Very hopeful about this.

02-26-2017, 04:06 PM
I hope it comes in black. I don't care too much how my engine bay looks when it comes down to it, but black would just mesh with the engine bay a little better imo.

02-26-2017, 06:31 PM
From their website description, it seems like just a few screws and you have the top of the housing off and have access to the oil filter.

That does seem like an odd placement for it BP and I hope it's an easy remove/reinstall.

Thanks for all the info Peter. Very hopeful about this.

It just seems to me like that's a ton of screws just to get to an oil filter that was easy as pie to get to before. But, whatever... as long as it's just screws and out it comes, I guess I could get used to that. If it works according to design, then it's a small price to pay.

02-26-2017, 06:49 PM
It looks like the two Allen screws on the front will allow the top half to be removed for filter access.


Well I was close, looks like 3 Allen screws after looking on their website.






02-27-2017, 12:10 AM
That is true. What about ///M? I buy stuff on eBay all the time with that logo.

It's because it's a letter. They have rights to the exact size/font/color combo when used with the ///M logo but that's it. That's why all the stuff on ebay are like different fonts and the colors are slightly off or different. Plus it hard to get rid of them anyways. Even if you shut them down, they just make new accounts and there it is again.

02-27-2017, 03:28 AM
It just looked like more of a pain than just a couple of screws, because of those things on the left that would have been disconnected. The diagram makes it seem like it's no big deal, so that's a good thing.

02-27-2017, 07:05 AM
It just looked like more of a pain than just a couple of screws, because of those things on the left that would have been disconnected. The diagram makes it seem like it's no big deal, so that's a good thing.

That thing on the left - it appears we're not seeing the full thing since part of it is under the cover, right?

02-27-2017, 08:37 AM
It looks like the main body lines just push up against the smaller piece to the left. Interesting how it easy attaches without any clamp or screws.

02-27-2017, 10:59 AM
Whoever is talking to them, maybe ask that as well. Or, they could monitor this thread to get feedback.

02-27-2017, 05:41 PM
Looks like there's quite a few seals to make sure are in place on re-assembly.

02-28-2017, 04:27 PM
My first thought: I had a catch can, it sucked. I hated having to remember to empty it all the time.

My second thought: This design is almost exactly how the OEM BMW M56 CCV operates that is built into the M56 valve cover. Notice the zig zag passages leading to the CCV diaphram chamber that also drains oil back into the motor:

http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k513/rkneeshaw/2003%20BMW%20330i%20ZHP/IMG_20160227_1501320.jpg (http://s1113.photobucket.com/user/rkneeshaw/media/2003%20BMW%20330i%20ZHP/IMG_20160227_1501320.jpg.html)

http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k513/rkneeshaw/2003%20BMW%20330i%20ZHP/IMG_20160227_1509364.jpg (http://s1113.photobucket.com/user/rkneeshaw/media/2003%20BMW%20330i%20ZHP/IMG_20160227_1509364.jpg.html)

I left my catch can installed after I installed the M56 valve cover and after a week the catch can was still empty, so the design works.

This GAS product could be a real nice easy solution for all M54 cars, and would save the effort and expense of finding either a used M56 valve cover and associated parts or buying new for now over $700....

02-28-2017, 04:42 PM
All M54 not located in California that is. I'm convinced a smog guy would call out this solution in a heartbeat if they will ding me for a stock looking BMW intake.

It's too bad. I would be interested in this too. The used m56 valve cover could be an alternative for California cars, though.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

02-28-2017, 10:32 PM
My BMW Perf Intake passed smog np. Guess it depends on the smog guy. Besides, looks like you might be able to take this out every two years.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

03-01-2017, 03:25 AM
My BMW Perf Intake passed smog np. Guess it depends on the smog guy. Besides, looks like you might be able to take this out every two years.

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Only if you reinstall the original CCV components, which is a pain in the butt. Otherwise, you'll have a massive vacuum leak, amongst other things.

03-01-2017, 09:30 AM
I thought the CCV stayed and this was a bypass.

03-01-2017, 11:20 AM
I thought the CCV stayed and this was a bypass.

Yes but the hoses going to the CCV would still have to be connected. You can't just leave them there disconnected because then you won't pass visual.

03-01-2017, 12:48 PM
Good point. But, I'm not sure it's THAT much of a visual. The ones I've seen are more a cursory glance to see that everything looks like it's in place. The CCV and hoses are so buried I don't think they really focus on that.

03-01-2017, 03:11 PM
i'm pretty sure they will see the one that is disconnect at the very front of the engine and be like wtf lol

03-03-2017, 04:32 AM
i'm pretty sure they will see the one that is disconnect at the very front of the engine and be like wtf lol

Not only that, but I don't think the car will run properly with it disconnected, so you'd have ​to go through the effort of reinstalling the factory one.

03-03-2017, 06:44 AM
My first thought: I had a catch can, it sucked. I hated having to remember to empty it all the time.

My second thought: This design is almost exactly how the OEM BMW M56 CCV operates that is built into the M56 valve cover. Notice the zig zag passages leading to the CCV diaphram chamber that also drains oil back into the motor:

http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k513/rkneeshaw/2003%20BMW%20330i%20ZHP/IMG_20160227_1501320.jpg (http://s1113.photobucket.com/user/rkneeshaw/media/2003%20BMW%20330i%20ZHP/IMG_20160227_1501320.jpg.html)

http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k513/rkneeshaw/2003%20BMW%20330i%20ZHP/IMG_20160227_1509364.jpg (http://s1113.photobucket.com/user/rkneeshaw/media/2003%20BMW%20330i%20ZHP/IMG_20160227_1509364.jpg.html)

I left my catch can installed after I installed the M56 valve cover and after a week the catch can was still empty, so the design works.

This GAS product could be a real nice easy solution for all M54 cars, and would save the effort and expense of finding either a used M56 valve cover and associated parts or buying new for now over $700....

this is very cool - i hadn't seen these photos before. note how clean the secondary chamber is underneath the valve cover... my only concern is, does the condensate (mayo) collect inside the vacuum regulator assembly? and how serviceable is that assembly? looks like after a few removals the plastic cap would be pretty beat.

03-21-2017, 08:13 AM
Any updates?

03-22-2017, 05:14 AM
Oh man, this looks great!

I'm in for updates.

04-05-2017, 07:39 AM
I've changed the title from in production to in prototype. Once they actually list for sale we can change back.

04-06-2017, 05:04 AM
i heard from gary this morning - he's been swamped, but things are still happening. :)

04-08-2017, 06:12 PM
this is very cool - i hadn't seen these photos before. note how clean the secondary chamber is underneath the valve cover... my only concern is, does the condensate (mayo) collect inside the vacuum regulator assembly? and how serviceable is that assembly? looks like after a few removals the plastic cap would be pretty beat.

Its not designed to be serviceable. There were no pictures of the inside of that thing that I could find so I took a risk and carefully pried it off. BMW considers it a lifetime part and sells the entire valve cover as one unit. To my knowledge there are no replacement parts for that little round black cap or the diaphragm or spring.

I got this M56 valve cover used from a junk yard, and those pictures are exactly how it looked when I opened it up, no mayo. Before I installed it in my car I had it cleaned at the parts store for $17 and when it came back it looked BRAND NEW. I was surprised.

04-08-2017, 06:29 PM
Its not designed to be serviceable. There were no pictures of the inside of that thing that I could find so I took a risk and carefully pried it off. BMW considers it a lifetime part and sells the entire valve cover as one unit. To my knowledge there are no replacement parts for that little round black cap or the diaphragm or spring.

I got this M56 valve cover used from a junk yard, and those pictures are exactly how it looked when I opened it up, no mayo. Before I installed it in my car I had it cleaned at the parts store for $17 and when it came back it looked BRAND NEW. I was surprised.

The M56 valve cover I got had a torn membrane. Was able to get the membrane from ebay (vanos-bmwcom)

04-09-2017, 04:15 PM
The M56 valve cover I got had a torn membrane. Was able to get the membrane from ebay (vanos-bmwcom)

Very cool! Now if only we could find someone who makes the black top cap and we would have all the "breakable" parts...

04-09-2017, 04:41 PM
What about the one that comes on the ESS supercharger? The one on my car has a BMW emblem on it... looks very similar

04-26-2017, 08:53 AM

04-26-2017, 09:26 AM
nothing yet.

04-27-2017, 06:07 PM
nothing yet.

There was an update on the site.

I think this is part of the latest update:

All of the machined parts for the new GAS CCV are finally finished (see photo). We currently are in the process of making sure we have all of the hardware, o-rings, x-rings and other bits and pieces that make up the CCV kit in stock. Within the next week we hope to perform another install into a local vehicle to get more pictures and documentation for the instructions page.

The first ten CCVs kits will ship out as soon as we have completed the install reffered to in the previous paragraph. Again, we are just being very cautions to make sure that there are no final tweaks required to any of the kit components before we ship them all out.

05-03-2017, 06:50 AM
Updates Here

All of the machined parts for the new GAS CCV are finally finished (Finished Components) (Beginning Assembly) (Pretty new CCV's posing for a Photo Shoot) We are still waiting for a couple of the parts that make up our brush assembly to come in and we still need to stamp out the silicone vacuum diaphragms which we will complete this week. While assembling the CCVs I noticed that we have not yet machined the CCV mounting platform installation tools. There is very little to hold on to when installing the threaded CCV mounting platform into the stock oil filter housing so we will be including a custom tool to aid in that process. The tool design and machine programming are both finished so we should be able to knock out the tools this week as well. We are still waiting to perform another install into a local vehicle to get more pictures and documentation for the CCV instructions page. We will need to keep the customers car for a couple of days so there's been a small scheduling issue with the customer.

The first ten CCVs kits will ship out as soon as we have completed the install referred to in the previous paragraph. Again, we are just being very cautions to make sure that there are no final tweaks required to any of the kit components before we ship them all out.

I have received many e-mails asking about the selling price of the our CCV replacement system. The initial price is going to be $379.00. We initially hoped to bring the kit to market at $299.00 but after adding up all the material and hardware costs, the machining time, and manual labor time, we have determined that $379.00 is the absolute lowest price that we are able to sell the system for. Once anyone has seen the entire system with all of its components in person we think they will feel that the kit is an extremely good value for the price. Each customer will have to decide for them self what it is worth to eliminate all of the nagging problems and potential engine damage that come with the OEM CCV design.

05-03-2017, 06:56 AM
Nice. Who all here is receiving a testing unit?

05-03-2017, 07:49 AM
Updates Here



Nice. Who all here is receiving a testing unit?

i am.

05-03-2017, 09:24 AM
Price seems not too bad considering the benefits. :)

05-03-2017, 10:32 AM
Quick question -- have any of the Family in warm climates had any issues (minor or otherwise) with the stock BMW CCV?

05-03-2017, 10:38 AM
Quick question -- have any of the Family in warm climates had any issues (minor or otherwise) with the stock BMW CCV?

I can't remember anyone having issues in warmer parts of the country...

And not everyone who drives in the colder winter regions seem to have issues as well, Dane I think said he has zero oil consumption and he has over 225k miles if I remember correctly...

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05-03-2017, 10:40 AM
I can't remember anyone having issues in warmer parts of the country...

And not everyone who drives in the colder winter regions seem to have issues as well, Dane I think said he has zero oil consumption and he has over 225k miles if I remember correctly...
Thanks for the input! Just curious. My M54 consumes very little to no oil between changes here in North Texas (I prefer a 5k interval).

05-03-2017, 11:46 AM
Quick question -- have any of the Family in warm climates had any issues (minor or otherwise) with the stock BMW CCV?

My car came from Florida where it looks to have been used for mostly short trips and the CCV is clogged with mayo. I don't have any notable oil consumption, though.

05-04-2017, 07:25 AM
Me. SoCal car, CCV went bad and I replaced.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

05-04-2017, 07:34 AM
My take on the preceding few messages is that it would be a bad idea to install CCV mods proactively? No point until problems show up?

05-04-2017, 08:48 AM
My take on the preceding few messages is that it would be a bad idea to install CCV mods proactively? No point until problems show up?

I'd plan to change it out for this kit once it's proven or the M56 valve cover setup. The CCV will fail, that's pretty much guaranteed.

05-04-2017, 08:59 AM
My take on the preceding few messages is that it would be a bad idea to install CCV mods proactively? No point until problems show up?

I wouldn't bother if you have no issues with the stock ccv...

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05-04-2017, 09:02 AM
I'd plan to change it out for this kit once it's proven or the M56 valve cover setup. The CCV will fail, that's pretty much guaranteed.

That valve cover may work as an option...but it looks like shit.

05-04-2017, 09:04 AM
That valve cover may work as an option...but it looks like shit.

who cares? you can't see it unless the hood is up. :) plus, it's metal - way more advantageous than the M54's plastic one!

05-04-2017, 09:12 AM
The M56 valve cover has a plastic cover similar to the M54. Check Ryan's (rkneeshaw) project thread. I think he has a picture of it on his car

05-04-2017, 09:40 AM
That valve cover may work as an option...but it looks like shit.

lol ewwieee


05-04-2017, 09:56 AM
lol ewwieee


Ehh...doesn't do it for me. It's like when I had the Style 44 winter wheels. I didn't buy them because they looked good, I bought them because they were practical and they were OEM. In hindsight...I should have just gotten the aftermarket package from Tirerack and called it a day. Same thing here. Let's hope G.A.S. has a good kit.

05-22-2017, 04:19 AM



05-22-2017, 04:29 AM

05-25-2017, 07:11 PM
Cool! Has anyone here bought one?

05-26-2017, 04:35 AM
Cool! Has anyone here bought one?

i'm part of the first group of 10 kits. currently waiting for payment instructions.

05-30-2017, 09:59 AM
Why does this excite me? LOL
Really looking forward to hearing about this.

07-15-2017, 03:06 PM
Has anyone ordered one after the initial 10 kits? I checked out the site but looks like they aren't for sale.

I just broke my breather line from my CCV while doing a VCG change.

07-16-2017, 10:47 AM

07-19-2017, 04:07 AM
Has anyone ordered one after the initial 10 kits? I checked out the site but looks like they aren't for sale.

I just broke my breather line from my CCV while doing a VCG change.


yes, sorry! i have one. it's a work of art. just have not had time to install yet... but it is very thorough, and i am excited to see how it performs, especially in the winter! :cheers

07-19-2017, 05:08 AM
Said work of art, for reference


07-19-2017, 05:13 AM
^ beer shown for scale

07-19-2017, 08:21 AM
I left a voicemail today to try and pick one of these up!

07-19-2017, 05:10 PM
That beer looks great. The part ain't bad either...;)

07-24-2017, 06:42 AM
Updated title to "early release".

08-06-2017, 05:53 PM
I received an e-mail from GAS. The short version is that they are taking pre-orders through September 1 with a $35 deposit.

Dear customer,

You are receiving this email because you signed up to receive release information on the German Auto Solutions CCV System replacement.

I am happy to inform you that feedback from the first group of test customer installations has been very positive and we are now taking pre-orders for the first full production run of the G.A.S. CCV System. The pre-order requires a $35.00 deposit that will be deducted from the final system purchase price of $379.00.

Over the past three years we have collected an email list of interested customers totaling more than 2000 addresses. Based on the size of that list we have no idea of how many people are still seriously interested in purchasing the product. Since the CCV Kits are both costly and time consuming to produce we are trying to avoid significantly over or under producing kits on the first production run. There could be 50 or there could be 500 customers currently interested in purchasing a kit. By taking pre-orders and requiring a small deposit we will learn how many customers are seriously interested in the kit which will allow us to accurately determine the quantity of kits to produce during the first run. Pre-orders will be taken up to Sept. 1, 2017 at which time we will start production. Completed CCV kits will be shipped in the order of the deposits received.

Before you place a pre-order please visit the germanautosolutions.com website and review the "Frequently Asked Questions" page and the "G.A.S. CCV System Installation" page links from the main CCV Product Page to make sure that you understand exactly what the G.A.S. CCV System will and will not do, and that you are comfortable with the installation procedure. ( I did not include direct hyperlinks here because they could trigger some spam or malware filters.)

At German Auto Solutions we have always been focused on building long term loyal customers by designing and manufacturing high quality cost effective products that do exactly what we advertise them to do. Since I have seen a lot misinformation regarding a failed BMW CCV's role in causing excessive oil consumption, I feel compelled to state again what has already been noted in the CCV Frequently Asked Questions section of the website:

"The G.A.S. CCV will remove more oil from the engines blowby gasses than even a brand new BMW CCV unit. To the extent that your oil consumption is caused by a failed stock CCV, the G.A.S. CCV will eliminate that consumption. The G.A.S. CCV is not a cure for worn valve seals and piston rings. The amount of oil consumption reduction will be vehicle dependant. "

The G.A.S. CCV System will solve all currently know failure modes of the BMW CCV but is NOT guaranteed to eliminate your oil consumption.


Gary Geukes

German Auto Solutions LLC

It's Good to Have GAS!

08-06-2017, 07:17 PM

08-12-2017, 03:46 PM

Will the G.A.S. CCV system be available in a black anodized finish like what's shown in the CAD models?

That was the original intent but there ended up being a couple problems with that idea. First, all the pockets and passages in the oil separator and vacuum regulator cause air pockets which would prevent those two parts from being able to be run through a commercial anodizing line. Second, is the cost. The number of parts in the system would probably add another $50.00 to the cost of the CCV kit. There is a possible future option if there is enough customer interest. We could anodize the two problematic parts in house where we can minimize the problem of air pockets and send the other parts out to a commercial anodizer since we can't handle the total volume of all the parts in house. The black anodized finish could then be offered as an option for those willing to pay for it.

And an interesting bit about a possible "higher vacuum" modification to the kit

Regarding the PCV valve question again, I've read that the high crankcase vacuum created by connecting a PCV valve to my BMW engine will reduce oil consumption. Is this true and how much vacuum will the G.A.S. CCV generate?

Possibly. There seems to be quite a bit of anecdotal evidence out there to suggest it's true. The problem is, as pointed out in the answer to the previous question, the full manifold vacuum provided by a PCV valve will exceed the sealing capabilities of the engines crankshaft seals, resulting in dirty air from underneath the vehicle getting sucked into the engine and probably completely destroying the seals in the long term.

The current version of the G.A.S. CCV generates 40-50% more vacuum than the OEM BMW unit (approx 0.8-1.0 inHg / 0.4-0.5 PSI), but far, far less than the full manifold vacuum provided by a PCV valve (up to 20 inHg - 9.8 PSI). Our testing shows that the seals start to leak somewhere around 10 inHg - 5 PSI of vacuum. Based on this information we will be experimenting with an optional vacuum regulator modification to raise the crankcase vacuum from the current 1.0 inHg - 0.5 PSI to maybe around 5.0 inHg - 2.5 PSI. Hopefully this will provide an even greater reduction in oil consumption without the risk of damaging your engine like a PCV valve system.

Since BMW designed the system around a crankcase vacuum of 0.4-0.7 inHg of vacuum, we will be offering the "High Vacuum" modification as a "Use at your own risk" option.

I'm thinking of pulling the trigger, so I get mine from the 1st run. The thought of mayo during the winter... :(

08-12-2017, 04:49 PM
That is pretty cool about the vacuum regulator mod... it shouldn't be difficult to retrofit once Gary determines which diaphragm is required. I am intrigued!!

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08-29-2017, 07:01 AM
I saw another update last week on the G.A.S. website that said that Gary has begun contacting pre-order folks about moving forward.


Anyone here get an e-mail?

08-29-2017, 07:29 AM
I haven't received one. It also looks like he's testing the higher vacuum mod. I'm very curious about the results.

Update 08/22/2017

We are currently in the process of taking pre-order deposits for the first production run beginning 09/01/2017. I will be attempting to contact everyone who makes a pre-order deposit before the start of production in order to verify the fitment of the vehicle that they are ordering the CCV kit for and to make sure that there are no false expectations that could lead to an unsatisfied customer.

I have modified the system in my daily driver to run at 5 inHg of vacuum in order to test whether there is any reduction in oil consumption resulting from increasing the crankcase vacuum. I feel that 5 inHg is the maximum vacuum level that I would feel comfortable running long term. I will need to test for at least 1500 miles in order to see any possible oil consumption reduction. If there is no meaningful reduction then there is no reason to pursue a "High Vacuum" version of the kit. I will post again here once I have any results.

08-30-2017, 07:45 PM
I got an email.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

09-04-2017, 03:32 PM
Another update - I guess today is the deadline for the 1st run.

Update 09/02/2017

We are ready to start production on Tuesday after the Labor Day weekend. We will continue to offer the pre-order deposits over the holiday weekend but Monday at midnight will be the deadline to get a guaranteed kit from the first production run. I am estimating the production of the of the kits will take approximately three weeks.

Testing of the "High Vacuum" version is ongoing and I have about 400 miles accumulated so far. I will need to test for at least 1500 miles in order to see any possible oil consumption reduction. I will post again here once I have any results.

10-02-2017, 09:49 AM
Updates from any of the beta testers?

10-03-2017, 05:46 PM
Updates from any of the beta testers?

I’m very happy with mine! Doesn’t leak, No CEL, and it looks pretty awesome under the hood! I have done 2 full track days and about 4K miles without issue.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-03-2017, 05:47 PM
Pics installed?

10-03-2017, 06:25 PM
Since we're already here. This is the latest update:

Update 10/02/2017

First production run is still in progress and the completion date needs to be extended due to my underestimation of both the number of interruptions and the total machining time required. I apologize that I never took the time to do all the math to calculate the total machining time of all the components in the kit multiplied by the number of CCV kits in the production run, plus all of the machine set-up times. The new estimated completion date is approx 10/15.

Testing of the "High Vacuum" version is ongoing and I have about 1250 miles accumulated so far. It's still to early to tell but initial data indicates that there is some reduction in oil consumption using a higher crankcase vacuum. I'm going to keep testing on my daily driver and will probably add another couple of beta testers. For those interested, keep in mind that any high vacuum system will need to be run with a catch can rather than a direct return path to the oil sump.

Catch can mentioned got me disinterested in the high vacuum mod

10-24-2017, 01:49 PM
Pics installed?


It looks like they're getting closer, but there is still some more work to do.

Update 10/22/2017

I will start with my usual apology for missing another projected completion date. I cannot apologize though for the effort put in to try to meet those projections. The past six weeks have been twelve hour days Mon-Fri and ten hour days on Sat and Sun. The main problem has been that even though this is a full production run, it is the first full production run. That means that the machine programs are still being tweaked to maximize efficiency which means that I have to run most of the production myself since I do all of the machine programming.

Currently all but a very few parts have been machined and all but two of the purchased items are now in stock. (COMPLETED ITEMS) (PURCHASED ITEMS) The two missing purchased items have been shipped and are due in by Tue..

What is still left to do?

There are still three parts left to machine. Two are very simple and quick items. The third is the vacuum regulator diaphragm support that is an updated item that has not yet been programmed. I am combining what were four separate parts that used to screw together into one part that will make the regulator easier to service.

The website instruction page needs to be updated with more information, a tool list and torque specs. This will not delay the start of shipping because this can be completed during evenings once the kits start shipping.

The laminated CCV service and maintenance instructions which are to be kept in the glove box need to be made. I need to wait until the CCVs are completely finished to take the pictures for the instructions because of the design change to the vacuum regulator diaphragm support. This should be a one day job.

I think I'm going to have the top octagon shaped covers on the vacuum regulators anodized black. We need to either laser etch or engrave quite a bit of instructional information on the covers. Laser etching is much quicker and easier to read than engraving but it only shows up well on darker colors. The covers can be dropped off at the anodizers on Monday and will take 2-4 days depending on their schedule.

The CCV kits need to be assembled. There is actually quite a bit of work involved since the fittings are pressed in with a locking agent and all the internal passages in the vacuum regulators need to be blended and deburred by hand with a porting tool. I would guess about 45 minutes each for prep and assembly. I will do them one at a time in the order that the deposits were placed and then ship them. That way they can start shipping sooner instead of waiting until all of the kits are assembled and then shipping them all at once. This will be a bonus to those that placed their orders early.

I need to contact everyone who placed a deposit and send out the invoices for the balance due.

I won't make another estimated completion date since it seem to be pointless. All I will say is that I will do everything in my power get them finished as soon as posible. I guarantee you that nobody will be disappointed with the quality. It's 1:45am Monday morning as I'm writing this. I will probably think of more to add and update here again on Monday night.


11-14-2017, 01:40 PM
looks promising. would be interested to try it.

11-30-2017, 09:38 PM
Subscribed. I am already replacing my CCV with an OEM system. By the time I need to replace again, hopefully this system is perfected and comes in black.

12-02-2017, 04:34 PM
It's here!! I'm not sure that I want to install this. It's soooooo pretty and shiny.


12-02-2017, 06:42 PM
Love the last one lol
"Is that a fancy tea pot?" "Why no, it's a CCV."

12-03-2017, 06:56 AM
Love the last one lol
"Is that a fancy tea pot?" "Why no, it's a CCV."+1 well done

12-10-2017, 10:55 AM
i am subbed to this. i need this part badly. i have a CCV issue causing consumption of oil. already replaced the entire system with OEM parts and recently replaced the dipstick tube with the updated cold weather part. engine is at 170k and i'm currently in the 8mbar range of vacuum pressure whereas OE spec is 16mbar. i believe my compression is fine. i have completely overhauled the Vanos, VCG and OFHG areas. also have done plugs. switched to 15w50 oil at my shop's recommendation but am still having consumption. i also do not have any leaks. so all signs point to the CCV system.

eagerly awaiting the next round of purchase orders!

12-10-2017, 11:10 AM
At that mileage, I'd still do a compression test just to rule that out.... If you do a compression test, make sure you don't use a cheap compression tester like Harbor Freight. They are severely inaccurate...

01-20-2018, 09:49 AM
Any updates by people who have this installed?

01-20-2018, 12:15 PM
Any updates by people who have this installed?

i've had it installed and using it for about 6 weeks now. to be honest, i've been so busy that i haven't even looked under the oil cap to check for mayo! but when i do my next oil change (in about 6K KMs), i will take some pics and note the condition of things - residue, etc.

01-20-2018, 01:52 PM

I'd bet your oil consumption can be traced to clogged oil control rings. My ZHP ate oil like crazy. I did a CCV delete and catch can. My crankcase vacuum was insane and it still burned oil (1qt every 800miles). If I used lubro moly engine flush prior to an oil change, I'd get 2000 miles before it would use a qt, but would then clog again and I had to repeat the cycle.

Another tip is switch to Shell Rotella T6 5w40 oil. Not only is it impressive in all areas, since it is made for diesels it has more detergents in it and will help clean the oil control rings. E46 fanatics has several guys who did black stone analysis with Rotella and it was good stuff. I use it in my current 330 and it slowed consumption on this engine as well.

Good luck!

01-20-2018, 02:56 PM
i've had it installed and using it for about 6 weeks now. to be honest, i've been so busy that i haven't even looked under the oil cap to check for mayo! but when i do my next oil change (in about 6K KMs), i will take some pics and note the condition of things - residue, etc.

Thanks for the "update" of sorts. I look forward to your impressions.


I'd bet your oil consumption can be traced to clogged oil control rings. My ZHP ate oil like crazy. I did a CCV delete and catch can. My crankcase vacuum was insane and it still burned oil (1qt every 800miles). If I used lubro moly engine flush prior to an oil change, I'd get 2000 miles before it would use a qt, but would then clog again and I had to repeat the cycle.

Another tip is switch to Shell Rotella T6 5w40 oil. Not only is it impressive in all areas, since it is made for diesels it has more detergents in it and will help clean the oil control rings. E46 fanatics has several guys who did black stone analysis with Rotella and it was good stuff. I use it in my current 330 and it slowed consumption on this engine as well.

Good luck!

I didn't realize it had more detergents in it. I might consider that for a cycle just for funsies.

01-20-2018, 07:01 PM
Yea, my current 330 (02 With 208k miles) used to burn a qt every 1200 miles on normal oil, now it only burns a qt every 2500 miles on Shell Rotella. Plus, the Shell has amazing cold start protection and really strong shear resistance. Great for double VANOS motors.

01-20-2018, 07:22 PM

I'd bet your oil consumption can be traced to clogged oil control rings. My ZHP ate oil like crazy. I did a CCV delete and catch can. My crankcase vacuum was insane and it still burned oil (1qt every 800miles). If I used lubro moly engine flush prior to an oil change, I'd get 2000 miles before it would use a qt, but would then clog again and I had to repeat the cycle.

Another tip is switch to Shell Rotella T6 5w40 oil. Not only is it impressive in all areas, since it is made for diesels it has more detergents in it and will help clean the oil control rings. E46 fanatics has several guys who did black stone analysis with Rotella and it was good stuff. I use it in my current 330 and it slowed consumption on this engine as well.

Good luck!

Dude... T6 is like the Car God's oil. Went from a quart every 600-800 miles to a quart every 1600-1700 miles. It's crazy!

01-20-2018, 08:14 PM
Was wondering how that's been going. Guess I'll be switching to Lord Brotella after I use up this Castrol. Though my CCV replacement should be coming in soon and I'm curious if it would have any effect.

01-20-2018, 08:18 PM
Dude... T6 is like the Car God's oil. Went from a quart every 600-800 miles to a quart every 1600-1700 miles. It's crazy!

It's the detergent packs they use, cleans the oil control ring. Add a can of lubro moly engine flush and let the car idle for 15 min before your next oil change, prepare to be amazed.

01-21-2018, 07:27 AM
Wow, I'm switching to Brotella too.

I was burning about a quart every 5-600 miles at first. Then I did the 02Pilot mod which bumped it up to about 1200 or so. When I do my next oil change after I get the car back, I'll install the CCV too and see what happens.

01-21-2018, 09:38 AM
It's the detergent packs they use, cleans the oil control ring. Add a can of lubro moly engine flush and let the car idle for 15 min before your next oil change, prepare to be amazed.

Which one in particular are you talking about? When googling that product, it seems there is a Lubro Moly branded product and a Liqui Moly product, as well as some variations within those brands. Exhibit A and B:

Lubro Moly Pro-Line Engine Flush: https://www.amazon.com/Lubro-Moly-Pro-Line-Engine-Flush-500/dp/B003U53J0A
Liqui Moly Pro-Line Engine Flush: https://www.amazon.com/Liqui-Moly-2037-Pro-Line-Engine/dp/B00CR3RXTO/ref=pd_sim_263_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00CR3RXTO&pd_rd_r=4TG2DKEBKR30ERS61E8J&pd_rd_w=bzrqz&pd_rd_wg=rXMuL&psc=1&refRID=4TG2DKEBKR30ERS61E8J

01-21-2018, 10:31 AM
Which one in particular are you talking about? When googling that product, it seems there is a Lubro Moly branded product and a Liqui Moly product, as well as some variations within those brands. Exhibit A and B:

Lubro Moly Pro-Line Engine Flush: https://www.amazon.com/Lubro-Moly-Pro-Line-Engine-Flush-500/dp/B003U53J0A
Liqui Moly Pro-Line Engine Flush: https://www.amazon.com/Liqui-Moly-2037-Pro-Line-Engine/dp/B00CR3RXTO/ref=pd_sim_263_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00CR3RXTO&pd_rd_r=4TG2DKEBKR30ERS61E8J&pd_rd_w=bzrqz&pd_rd_wg=rXMuL&psc=1&refRID=4TG2DKEBKR30ERS61E8J

I used the first one. My local NAPA carries it.

01-21-2018, 10:47 AM
They are probably the same product. Part number is the same.

01-23-2018, 10:49 PM
I am running rotella in mine right now, per the recommendation of someone here or on e46fanatics. I didn't want to go for the full on flush, so I decided to try Rotella, since it has better detergents. My cold start rattle has minimized significantly, although I do not know if it is from the Rotella, or simply from new oil + new CCV system. I am probably going to drive it for a total of a couple thousand miles, then drain and refill with Mobil 1.

01-24-2018, 09:11 AM
It's the detergent packs they use, cleans the oil control ring. Add a can of lubro moly engine flush and let the car idle for 15 min before your next oil change, prepare to be amazed.

Smolck, I used the engine flush on my first oil change since getting the ZHP. I assumed the engine was gunked up. I need to replace the OFHG soon. If it wasn't leaking before the flush, it sure is now. The valve cover gasket didn't spring any leaks. I mainly just want to see how the top side looks and how well the flush did at removing deposits. I'm running Castrol 0W40 Euro right now, but will give the T6 a try next, and then replace the valve cover gasket and check out the top side. I can't stand gunky engines.


01-24-2018, 11:33 PM
The valve cover gasket didn't spring any leaks. I mainly just want to see how the top side looks and how well the flush did at removing deposits.

Do you mean that reddish brown sludge that accumulates on the underside of the valve cover? I just sprayed it with degreaser and hosed it off when i did my VCG. Then I had to meticulously get at every damn crevice on that damn honey comb underside with a paper towel.

01-25-2018, 06:56 AM
Do you mean that reddish brown sludge that accumulates on the underside of the valve cover? I just sprayed it with degreaser and hosed it off when i did my VCG. Then I had to meticulously get at every damn crevice on that damn honey comb underside with a paper towel.

haha! that sounds familiar :thumbsup

01-25-2018, 07:44 AM
Do you mean that reddish brown sludge that accumulates on the underside of the valve cover? I just sprayed it with degreaser and hosed it off when i did my VCG. Then I had to meticulously get at every damn crevice on that damn honey comb underside with a paper towel.

Yeah, I don't like to see varnish, sludge, etc. around the valves, cams, VANOS, valve cover, etc. I'm hoping the engine flush (and maybe a few more and possibly some T6 high detergent oil) will eventually get rid of all that. I checked my oil last night, and it's still amber since the flush, so that's a good sign that at least it got rid of some of the crud on this 155K engine.


02-18-2018, 07:05 PM
I received my kit last week. I must've been one of the last ones to sign up. Now...to find the time to install

02-19-2018, 04:43 PM
Let us know how install goes!

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02-20-2018, 02:46 PM

I'd bet your oil consumption can be traced to clogged oil control rings. My ZHP ate oil like crazy. I did a CCV delete and catch can. My crankcase vacuum was insane and it still burned oil (1qt every 800miles). If I used lubro moly engine flush prior to an oil change, I'd get 2000 miles before it would use a qt, but would then clog again and I had to repeat the cycle.

Another tip is switch to Shell Rotella T6 5w40 oil. Not only is it impressive in all areas, since it is made for diesels it has more detergents in it and will help clean the oil control rings. E46 fanatics has several guys who did black stone analysis with Rotella and it was good stuff. I use it in my current 330 and it slowed consumption on this engine as well.

Good luck!

Yea, my current 330 (02 With 208k miles) used to burn a qt every 1200 miles on normal oil, now it only burns a qt every 2500 miles on Shell Rotella. Plus, the Shell has amazing cold start protection and really strong shear resistance. Great for double VANOS motors.

Dude... T6 is like the Car God's oil. Went from a quart every 600-800 miles to a quart every 1600-1700 miles. It's crazy!

It's the detergent packs they use, cleans the oil control ring. Add a can of lubro moly engine flush and let the car idle for 15 min before your next oil change, prepare to be amazed.

awesome thanks! i will be switching next oil change...

04-30-2018, 07:38 PM

How do I remove the oil separator from the mounting base?

It didn't seem to want come off.

05-01-2018, 04:15 PM
CCV kit has been installed.

05-01-2018, 04:34 PM
CCV kit has been installed.


05-01-2018, 05:23 PM

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