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View Full Version : AKG Motor and Tranny Mounts

08-24-2017, 05:39 PM
Hey Guys I'm always asking for help without ever giving back so I figured I'd try to give back to the community. With that being said I've decided to review the AKG 75D mounts after having them for about a year. This is my first ever review so I'll be missing a bucket load of information and adding onto it as I remember or as you guys ask.

My first impression was just how RAW it felt. Start up was immediate and throttle response felt a lot more peppy which was really pleasant. The acoustics sounds deep and aggressive. With that being said NVH shot up and at that very first experience it was a little overwhelming. On one hand it was really cool feeling like I was driving a racecar on the other hand it also felt like I was driving a giant violent vibrator with the possibility of a concussion. Having change or loose items anywhere is a no go. During the winter especially the vibrations are extra violent with quite a bit of windshield vibrating.

Would I recommend it for daily driving? Probably not. It isn't AKG's fault in the least and the product is incredibly good even if the review doesn't necessarily give that impression. I just don't think it was a good decision on my part to go with such aggressive mounts. It is a worse idea when you consider that most "normal" people don't understand these types of things and find the ride quality to be poor.


