View Full Version : Repairing fire-damaged ZHP sedan

01-04-2018, 08:35 PM
So, I'm new here, and am in the process of purchasing a 2003 330i ZHP sedan with fire damage to the dash (light control module, I'm betting.) I'm going to need advice and wisdom as I put this thing back together - my expertise is primarily air-cooled 911s, although I've owned a few M3s which I've wrenched on. (so be gentle) ;)

Here's the car:

01-04-2018, 08:54 PM
very cool. welcome!

definitely post more details on the damage, when you get it. lots of folks have extra parts available.... i've got tons, including a few spare LCMs. :) collectively, we'll get your new-to-you ZHP back on the road.

now, about those 911s... ;) still got one?

01-05-2018, 05:06 AM

here's the mess:



I've sourced a dash and door panel already, and believe I can save the seats and center console - but the gauge cluster is toast, as well as several other bits..

As I research this, I'm going to want to have a clear understanding of where I can make improvements - LCM, for instance, or maybe going to rain-sensing wipers since the windshield has to be replaced? I appreciate any advice you can give me.

01-05-2018, 05:32 AM
I think I remember seeing that on craigslist....are you near Charlotte?

01-05-2018, 05:43 AM
Welcome, Not too bad, looks like a littel sun damage, Just rub a little CarPro Dlux on it.

there are several members parting out their cars. I'm sure we can help you find the bits needed.

01-05-2018, 11:44 AM
I think I remember seeing that on craigslist....are you near Charlotte?

It is the CLT car, yes!

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01-05-2018, 11:48 AM
Do LCMs often catch fire...?

01-05-2018, 12:26 PM
Do LCMs often catch fire...?

This also happened to the ZHP Dario bought. Interestingly, his was also a 2003.

01-05-2018, 12:28 PM
Yea I saw that car. Looked good. Kid named John bought it. Haven't talked to him in 2 years. I think he sold it.

01-05-2018, 12:48 PM

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01-05-2018, 12:49 PM
Check out this thread on E46 Fires


01-05-2018, 12:58 PM
Check out this thread on E46 Fires


Well that's a terrifying read

Karl Lazlo
01-05-2018, 03:21 PM
Car fires are no joke. The best one I saw (sort of involved in) was a Honda Accord that went up in flames from the use of flash bangs. It was epic.

Mistakes were made.

01-05-2018, 05:13 PM
Check out this thread on E46 Fires


yeah, so I'm going to fix that issue by A: deleting the sunroof; and B: using an '04 or later LCM (fingers crossed!)
I may throw some salt over my shoulder as well - can't hurt?

01-05-2018, 05:29 PM
very cool. welcome!

definitely post more details on the damage, when you get it. lots of folks have extra parts available.... i've got tons, including a few spare LCMs. :) collectively, we'll get your new-to-you ZHP back on the road.

now, about those 911s... ;) still got one?


Although I dabble with BMWs (here's a thread on my last M3) (http://www.m3forum.net/m3forum/showthread.php?t=461614) -prior to that I had a black 95 M3 with a euro 6-speed conversion, which I bought as an automatic (both were great cars), my real life thing and day job is vintage 911s - like this (https://www.zuffenhaus.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/11713700_10205530339952696_636818883321705795_o-e1446645717484.jpg), and this (http://jkeithwalters.com/1975-911/) (my current car.)

However, back to the situation at hand; I was too late on the door panel, although I managed to snag this dash from craigslist:


so, still need a good driver's door panel.. (and HK tweeter, etc.)

Karl Lazlo
01-05-2018, 05:38 PM
A good source of E46 parts: https://www.ebay.com/usr/thebavarianpartsguy?_trksid=p2047675.l2559

Local to me and comes with high marks from some members here who have had dealings with him.

PS: Nice Porsche! I hope that 2018 will be my year for a P car.

01-05-2018, 05:41 PM
cool, thx!

01-05-2018, 07:54 PM

Although I dabble with BMWs (here's a thread on my last M3) (http://www.m3forum.net/m3forum/showthread.php?t=461614) -prior to that I had a black 95 M3 with a euro 6-speed conversion, which I bought as an automatic (both were great cars), my real life thing and day job is vintage 911s - like this (https://www.zuffenhaus.us/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/11713700_10205530339952696_636818883321705795_o-e1446645717484.jpg), and this (http://jkeithwalters.com/1975-911/) (my current car.)

However, back to the situation at hand; I was too late on the door panel, although I managed to snag this dash from craigslist:

so, still need a good driver's door panel.. (and HK tweeter, etc.)

good score on the dash!

even better score on the day job - you have my Dream Job. i have been gonzo for porsches since the late 80s when my dad had a 911 cab. i was hooked at that point and have had an emotional connection with them ever since - far more than any other car.

01-06-2018, 05:52 AM
Nice pick up on the dash. let us know if you need a extra set of hands.
We have a great "mini mafia" in the Charlotte area
We have 5 or 6 members around here.

01-06-2018, 06:08 AM
Nice find on the dash!

A couple of parts I would want to check would be the steering angle sensor on the steering column. It's a pain to replace, but since you'll already be tearing out the dash, a good time to do it. It's near the footwell, so it may not have experienced heat damage. The IHKA module in the HVAC control might need to be replaced. And the FSU probably needs replacing whether it is damaged or not -- it is the blower motor resistor (FSU - final stage resistor), a common failure. I am restoring a 2005 330Ci with my son, and we're replacing a lot of common failure items. I saw quite a few steering column covers on eBay, if you need those.

Good luck with your project, and if I ever buy a Porsche, I'll know who to call. :)


01-07-2018, 04:32 PM
Welcome. Good luck!

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01-08-2018, 04:26 PM

So far so good (car isn't even in my possesion yet) - got a door panel:


John in VA
01-08-2018, 08:59 PM
Be sure to check with GDMChRiZ, a sponsor here - he's in FL & is often parting out ZHPs:

01-09-2018, 06:12 PM
OK so one step forward, two steps back - I wrapped up the paperwork a little after 10 this morning and headed to the DMV; in the meantime, the tow service crunched the rear quarter when picking up the car:


chain link fence much?

It seems this thing became unhooked while loading, rolled back off the bed and into the fence post with enough momentum to crunch the quarter panel and the frame rail in the trunk, leaving chain link fence marks on both the car and the utility pole, and while trying frantically to stop the rolling car, the tow truck driver's rivet on the left pocket of his jeans made Spirograph art on the left passenger door:


- but that never happened, says the tow truck driver - it was like that when he arrived (40 minutes after I inspected the car for the second time before signing the paperwork.)

so now I have to fix that mess while insurance companies argue (towing service owner hasn't called me back yet.)

Also, I'm also now looking for a driver's door in fantastic condition, original Jet Black paint... (bad bodywork on mine.)

01-09-2018, 07:15 PM
Dang. So sorry that happened.


01-09-2018, 09:24 PM
Shit that sucks, sorry man!

01-11-2018, 01:07 PM
what color was the tow truck? the marks on the rear quarter area look either rusted or colored from what ever they hit. if its rust, it would not have rusted that quickly between when you think it happened and then you seeing the damage.

in any rate that really stinks because the damage on that rear 1/4 area is going to hurt your wallet especially up near that tail light metal area.

did you actually see it happen? did the tow truck driver confess to what happened?

01-11-2018, 04:10 PM
what color was the tow truck? the marks on the rear quarter area look either rusted or colored from what ever they hit. if its rust, it would not have rusted that quickly between when you think it happened and then you seeing the damage.

this is where the rust came from:



- hit hard enough to put fence marks in the pole itself, if you look closely. this pole was 4 feet behind the car when I inspected it 30 minutes earlier...

in any rate that really stinks because the damage on that rear 1/4 area is going to hurt your wallet especially up near that tail light metal area.

yep. I'm probably going to be stuck fixing that metal myself. :/

did you actually see it happen? did the tow truck driver confess to what happened?

I did not - called the tow truck driver when I signed the paperwork, went outside and did an inventory of the trunk's contents (to know if anything went missing) - should have photographed the car at that point, but I'd inspected it on two separate occasions by then - and went to the DMV. Got the call from the tow truck driver 35-40 minutes later asking me if I was aware that the car had "a broken taillight" (he was already loaded up and on the road), followed later by cellphone photos from him of the car loaded on the flatbed, showing the damage.

No way this car rolled 4 feet on flat ground (after sitting there for 3 weeks prior) and hit that pole hard enough to damage both the car and the pole like that.

- and no, the driver still maintains that he found the car in that condition, up against the fence.

Still waiting to hear from the owner of the tow company.

01-11-2018, 04:23 PM
in better news, this happened today:


slick roof, headliner, rain-sensing windshield, LCM, better trunk lid, and better driver's door skin all happened within 2 hours of stumbling across a random Craigslist post during lunch. (and it was 1/2 mile from my shop!)

01-11-2018, 05:36 PM

01-13-2018, 03:54 AM
just scored my cluster on eBay!


- just a couple of airbags, a piece of cube trim, and an H/K tweeter assembly to go, and I've got a complete car (some assembly required)


01-13-2018, 12:47 PM
Good work. That evidence certainly looks incriminating regarding the accident.

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01-13-2018, 04:12 PM
I can’t see that going any other way than in your favor. Such a shitty thing to happen though, already have enough to worry about.

Maybe the mods can migrate this to a project thread, def would love it if you kept us updated on the progress

01-14-2018, 05:58 AM
Keith, I have a friend who parts out wrecked E46 ///Ms. Perhaps he might have a set of black M3 mirrors in his shop. I texted him and will let you know if he has a set to sell. :thumbsup

01-14-2018, 10:50 AM
Keith, I have a friend who parts out wrecked E46 ///Ms. Perhaps he might have a set of black M3 mirrors in his shop. I texted him and will let you know if he has a set to sell. :thumbsup

cool, thx!

01-14-2018, 12:10 PM
so I've been reading about S54 swaps (insomnia, and let's be honest - it's a beautiful engine) and I've run across warnings of an anti-tamper "dot" being an issue is the cluster isn't swapped with the LCM.. - can someone enlighten me here? Is this a potential problem for me with my ZHP cluster coming from one place, and the LCM coming from another?

and also - can the M3 oil temp gauge be retrofitted into a ZHP cluster somehow? (I miss that feature of my M3; super-practical, imo)

01-14-2018, 06:16 PM
there are ways of retrofitting an M3 cluster into the car - folks here have done it via brilliant forum member TerraPhantm. if you search you'll find pics, details, etc.

i will admit the oil temp gauge is the only reason i would retrofit the M3 cluster... i would really like that over the fuel economy gauge. it's been on my wish list for a while.

good score on the other stuff! bummer about the towing damage, but i agree with badclown above, it should be a pretty open and shut case. let us know what happens!

01-15-2018, 05:10 AM
there are ways of retrofitting an M3 cluster into the car - folks here have done it via brilliant forum member TerraPhantm. if you search you'll find pics, details, etc.

i will admit the oil temp gauge is the only reason i would retrofit the M3 cluster... i would really like that over the fuel economy gauge. it's been on my wish list for a while.

OK, after some light reading last night, my head hurts trying to consider LCM upgrades, auto light/rain sensor retrofits, gauge clusters, and future S54 swap possibilities.. I may need some guidance here. The '03 car currently does not have auto lights or rain sensing wipers, although my '04 slick top parts car does - and that is where I was going to get the LCM from. However, I like the idea of rear fogs as well (mountain driving) and I'd like to do the LCM upgrades to get 3/4/5 blink option. There's also the issue of using the LCM from the '04 with the eBay ZHP cluster I've purchased, and making those two marry each other, and now that I'm thinking M3 cluster swap (to get the oil temp gauge presently, but also to have in place for a future engine swap), I'd want the clusters to be interchangeable - in case I decide to sell the car later (the ZHP cluster could drop back in.)

Is this stuff doable as-described? Am I missing any great modifications/features that should be considered while I'm dealing with this stuff? Can the coding be done remotely (i.e. if I ship my stuff to one of you wizards and pay you for the service)?

Since I have to replace the burned dash and will have access, is there anything retrofit wise that should/could be done back there while I'm at it?

What would you all do (given you're more experienced with these cars/their possibilities) in this scenario?

01-15-2018, 07:27 AM
OK, after some light reading last night, my head hurts trying to consider LCM upgrades, auto light/rain sensor retrofits, gauge clusters, and future S54 swap possibilities.. I may need some guidance here. The '03 car currently does not have auto lights or rain sensing wipers, although my '04 slick top parts car does - and that is where I was going to get the LCM from. However, I like the idea of rear fogs as well (mountain driving) and I'd like to do the LCM upgrades to get 3/4/5 blink option. There's also the issue of using the LCM from the '04 with the eBay ZHP cluster I've purchased, and making those two marry each other, and now that I'm thinking M3 cluster swap (to get the oil temp gauge presently, but also to have in place for a future engine swap), I'd want the clusters to be interchangeable - in case I decide to sell the car later (the ZHP cluster could drop back in.)

Is this stuff doable as-described? Am I missing any great modifications/features that should be considered while I'm dealing with this stuff? Can the coding be done remotely (i.e. if I ship my stuff to one of you wizards and pay you for the service)?

Since I have to replace the burned dash and will have access, is there anything retrofit wise that should/could be done back there while I'm at it?

What would you all do (given you're more experienced with these cars/their possibilities) in this scenario?

it would be best if you could decide now what direction you want to take with the car. ;)

as for cluster swaps - with either the ZHP cluster you bought, or the M3 cluster - both will have to be 'virginized' in order to work with your car. TerraPhantm can do this, but as he is very busy these days it may be worth finding another shop who can do it.

as for the LCM and tamper dot - you can actually configure the new LCM from one of the other modules in the car (i can't remember which one - IKE maybe?), so it has the correct config. coupled with the virginized cluster, and you won't have a tamper dot to deal with - the cluster and LCM will sync correctly. also, for the 3/4/5 blink setup, you'll either need an LCM with a firmware version of 4.0+, or TerraPhantm can make the v3.6 FW units work also, with a mod. not sure on the details for this. what FW version is the LCM you bought?

as for S54 swaps - they are doable on the '03, but get easier the newer you get (for example, on my '05 i think you only need to move one wire in the DME harness). you should be able to do the S54 swap regardless of ZHP or M3 cluster, as you'll need to get either one virginized in order to work with the car anyway.

and as for what would we/i do - i like the idea of the S54 swap, but the M54B30 w/ ZHP cams is pretty great and with some basic bolt-ons (headers namely), and a tune for them accordingly, it can make good power. before an S54 swap (actually even before anything else), i would definitely address bushings/mounts, and reinforce the RACP. since you've got a shop to work in, that helps, and it's best to do everything at once, as i'm sure you're aware. :) are you wanting to track the car? forgive me if you already mentioned that. i built my ZHP Touring into a dual-purpose street/track car and i'm extremely happy with the outcome - it has not been to the track yet, but i feel like it will walk the DD/track line pretty well. anyway - i would focus on sharpening the car first before an S54 swap - and see what you think. going to a shorter rear end with LSD will help immensely, too.

EDIT - just saw your signature wish-list, too bad about the taillights as i think i just tossed a set. i'll double-check. i have a FW v3.6 LCM too if you still need one.

01-15-2018, 10:25 AM
as for cluster swaps - with either the ZHP cluster you bought, or the M3 cluster - both will have to be 'virginized' in order to work with your car. TerraPhantm can do this, but as he is very busy these days it may be worth finding another shop who can do it.

as for the LCM and tamper dot - you can actually configure the new LCM from one of the other modules in the car (i can't remember which one - IKE maybe?), so it has the correct config. coupled with the virginized cluster, and you won't have a tamper dot to deal with - the cluster and LCM will sync correctly. also, for the 3/4/5 blink setup, you'll either need an LCM with a firmware version of 4.0+, or TerraPhantm can make the v3.6 FW units work also, with a mod. not sure on the details for this. what FW version is the LCM you bought?

So it sounds like I'm looking at handing over both clusters and the LCM to someone for the coding work, to have a replacement ZHP cluster for resale and to have a functioning M3 cluster to use in the car for the oil temp feature, yes?

I'll check the LCM today; it's in the '04 parts car. - any issues with having it paired to 2 clusters?

and I haven't reached out to TerraPhantm yet, as I'm still educating myself on what's possible and what I'm after - don't want to waste his time until I'm sorted - any idea if he still does this kind of thing for hire?

before an S54 swap (actually even before anything else), i would definitely address bushings/mounts, and reinforce the RACP. . . going to a shorter rear end with LSD will help immensely, too.

Yep, yep - same adventure I had with the M3.

Is the M3 rear swap the cost-effective route to gears and LSD? - same WMS-WMS width from what I can tell..

01-15-2018, 10:59 AM
So it sounds like I'm looking at handing over both clusters and the LCM to someone for the coding work, to have a replacement ZHP cluster for resale and to have a functioning M3 cluster to use in the car for the oil temp feature, yes?

for sure on the clusters, yes. you should be able to handle the LCM stuff yourself if you have a laptop and the proper cable + software (it would be a good idea to have this stuff anyway for diag work and other coding stuff), but if the cluster virginizer can handle the LCM stuff, you might as well send all 3. :)

I'll check the LCM today; it's in the '04 parts car. - any issues with having it paired to 2 clusters?

nope, i can't see it being an issue... since the clusters will be coded the same.... but i hope someone else chimes in here! :)

and I haven't reached out to TerraPhantm yet, as I'm still educating myself on what's possible and what I'm after - don't want to waste his time until I'm sorted - any idea if he still does this kind of thing for hire?

not sure. i'm pretty sure he's in med school, so perhaps in may he'll be more available. you can search for his username here and PM him.

Is the M3 rear swap the cost-effective route to gears and LSD? - same WMS-WMS width from what I can tell..

yep, it's the same width. to do it, you'd need the entire M3 rear end - brake to brake - and the driveshaft.

however, personally - i had a full M3 rear end sitting in my garage and i still elected to not use it. given the propensity for M3 diffs to need rebuilds around 80-100K miles, and the cost to do so, i just bought an aftermarket non-M LSD (i still dropped the entire rear end and replaced all bushings). it was way cheaper in the end; i went with an MFactory 3.46 helical LSD - i liked the operating parameters of the helical LSD over a clutch-type for my use anyway.

01-18-2018, 05:08 AM
Quick (pictureless) update: my eBay ZHP cluster is in, and looks pretty good.

Also, I've gotten front corners and taillights in amber en route from @GDMChRiZ, and @ZHPizza is going to hook me up with a ZHP steering wheel and a fancy rearview mirror!

This is coming together nicely. Thanks guys.

Anyone have any idea if I can successfully remove the trim face from the plastic base material and swap it? The piece of cube trim above my LCM has a melted backside, but is otherwise ok...

01-18-2018, 06:11 AM
Ahh yeah I gotta get you them parts huh

The cube part is an aluminum sheet glued to the plastic base and can be peeled off, but I'm not sure how you could do it cleanly. Maybe put it in the oven for a bit like you're separating headlights?

01-18-2018, 10:06 AM
I can help you with LCM, Cluster stuff as well as the RLS retrofit. i have done them all.

Terra is not active. he is barely active over on the M3forums in the coding section but has been spotted over in the m5 forums sometimes.

im actually in Atlanta GA so not far from you. ive had members come to me for a lot of retrofit things and so i can handle all of those for you such as coding, retrofitting etc...

i have a thread on the RLS retrofit. its not too bad but it does require getting a new wind shield from an 04 car that has the sensor attachment point on it. I paid $240 for a new wind shield installed when i did my retrofit.

when installing any cluster.. M3, 330i or ZHP..... you wil have a tamper dot because 2 pieces of info are needed to be changed. Mileage and VIN. mileage and VIn can not be changed in the cluster via software. the only way to change cluster mileage and VIN are to virginize the cluster which means replacing the EEPROM chip on it with a blank one. once done then the cluster will sync with the LCM and get the relevant data it needs.

the best route to go is to find a cluster that has LESS miles than your car. its easy to adjust miles on a cluster to go UP but not backwards.

i have an M3 cluster for sale $100 and it has 128k miles on it so if your car has more miles, then its easy to go up on it via software.

i have S54, cluster swap etc.. pretty much everything you want to get done or talk about so ask me anything and I can help. everything i know I learned from Terra and self learning/trial error.

01-18-2018, 10:21 AM
Love the way the Family is coming together to build this ZHP.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

01-18-2018, 11:08 AM
Love the way the Family is coming together to build this ZHP.

amen to that, brother! :)

shawn - good stuff, man! love it.

01-18-2018, 01:29 PM
Ahh yeah I gotta get you them parts huh

No rush over here; I've still got to deal with the tow truck damage/insurance stuff at the moment. Although I'm SUPER-relieved to know I've got all the ZHP-specific stuff covered now!

The cube part is an aluminum sheet glued to the plastic base and can be peeled off, but I'm not sure how you could do it cleanly. Maybe put it in the oven for a bit like you're separating headlights?

That's kind of where I was going with it.. Concerned about distorting the aluminum though. I suppose I'll test on the parts car first.

I can help you with LCM, Cluster stuff as well as the RLS retrofit. i have done them all. . . im actually in Atlanta GA so not far from you. ive had members come to me for a lot of retrofit things and so i can handle all of those for you such as coding, retrofitting etc...

the best route to go is to find a cluster that has LESS miles than your car. its easy to adjust miles on a cluster to go UP but not backwards.

i have an M3 cluster for sale $100 and it has 128k miles on it so if your car has more miles, then its easy to go up on it via software.

That's terrific and your help is appreciated! Assuming the M3 cluster you have is compatible with my '03, I'll certainly buy it from you. I'm guessing the parts have to actually be installed in the car to code/re-code them? If so, that sounds like I'm making the car run/drive, then driving/towing it ATL and getting this stuff done there, correct?

Another question I had is this: In my scenario, both my LCM and Cluster were destroyed by the fire - is there a way I can determine the actual and true mileage of the car at this point? How do I get the correct VIN into these components if both are being replaced?

when installing any cluster.. M3, 330i or ZHP..... you will have a tamper dot because 2 pieces of info are needed to be changed. Mileage and VIN. mileage and VIn can not be changed in the cluster via software. the only way to change cluster mileage and VIN are to virginize the cluster which means replacing the EEPROM chip on it with a blank one. once done then the cluster will sync with the LCM and get the relevant data it needs.

So the EEPROM has to be changed to do what I want to do? Is that something you can do for me as well?

i have a thread on the RLS retrofit. its not too bad but it does require getting a new wind shield from an 04 car that has the sensor attachment point on it. I paid $240 for a new wind shield installed when i did my retrofit.

My '04 parts car has the correct windshield/sensor - I'm going to try to liberate it (and any other relevant pieces) from it without breaking it, if possible, to transplant to the ZHP when I finish the roof swap. I'll look for your retrofit thread also.

Love the way the Family is coming together to build this ZHP.

Yeah, this corner of the internet is pretty remarkable; I certainly appreciate all the help & assistance that you guys keep throwing my way. :)

01-18-2018, 01:35 PM
i have S54, cluster swap etc.. pretty much everything you want to get done or talk about so ask me anything and I can help. everything i know I learned from Terra and self learning/trial error.

Yeah, after having an E46 M3, it's hard not to want that drivetrain in the sedan; and since I'm familiar with that engine I'm looking ahead... If I hang on to this car for any length of time, I think it's going to be a foregone conclusion... ;)

Thanks for volunteering your experience here - it's appreciated!

01-18-2018, 02:48 PM
Keep in mind that adding a supercharger and LSD would be more reliable (no need to rebuild the LSD or crank bearings every 50k miles) with about the same output. The M54 will never rev past 7k though!

01-18-2018, 03:08 PM
Keep in mind that adding a supercharger and LSD would be more reliable (no need to rebuild the LSD or crank bearings every 50k miles) with about the same output. The M54 will never rev past 7k though!

yeah, I'll actually need to drive the ZHP before I make a decision; my experience is limited to a short rear-end E30 325is, a 6-speed E36 M3, and the E46 M3 (and my wife's mother's 2000 323i) so I'll need more data ;)

- although it's hard to argue with this:


01-18-2018, 08:43 PM
Lol yeah it won't be like the S54. I find that the ZHP drives like a refined e36 M3. Same power delivery, but comfortable/modern.

01-23-2018, 04:11 PM
Maybe the mods can migrate this to a project thread, def would love it if you kept us updated on the progress

I think you're probably right; I'm going to be at least be re-roofing the car, so that sounds like project material to me? :devilish

01-27-2018, 05:48 AM
My Craigslist dash arrived Thursday. Somewhere between the photos taken by the seller and it's arrival, it got 2 dents into the padded surface above the instruments - changing its condition from great to acceptable - but for $150 delivered, I'll take it.

I still need to pick up the driver's door panel I purchased on Craigslist, and the stuff ZHPizza is hooking me up with, and I'm working with Boca_RatonZHP on some reconditioned PSS10s that will come later (loved them on the E46M3.)

Since I'm thinking about the ZHP at the moment; I'm still wondering how I determine the actual mileage of the car with both the cluster and LCM damaged from the fire - any thoughts on that?

Another question I had is this: In my scenario, both my LCM and Cluster were destroyed by the fire - is there a way I can determine the actual and true mileage of the car at this point? How do I get the correct VIN into these components if both are being replaced?

01-27-2018, 02:22 PM
Well, we pulled the dash sculpture out today. I’m going to need more wiring than I expected:




(^ that one I cut; instruments)



- anyone have any idea how much I can swap over from the ‘04 auto Sedan
parts car?

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01-27-2018, 02:30 PM
Since I'm thinking about the ZHP at the moment; I'm still wondering how I determine the actual mileage of the car with both the cluster and LCM damaged from the fire - any thoughts on that?

I think the DME stores mileage, though not 100% sure on that. Perhaps reading that would give you insight?

01-27-2018, 05:59 PM
Well, we pulled the dash sculpture out today. I’m going to need more wiring than I expected:

- anyone have any idea how much I can swap over from the ‘04 auto Sedan
parts car?

it should all be interchangeable...

that's quite the mess!

01-27-2018, 07:56 PM
Wow. Hopefully you can find a complete wiring harness from a similar/same car and do a direct swap.


01-28-2018, 05:56 AM
No rush over here; I've still got to deal with the tow truck damage/insurance stuff at the moment. Although I'm SUPER-relieved to know I've got all the ZHP-specific stuff covered now!

That's kind of where I was going with it.. Concerned about distorting the aluminum though. I suppose I'll test on the parts car first.

That's terrific and your help is appreciated! Assuming the M3 cluster you have is compatible with my '03, I'll certainly buy it from you. I'm guessing the parts have to actually be installed in the car to code/re-code them? If so, that sounds like I'm making the car run/drive, then driving/towing it ATL and getting this stuff done there, correct?

Another question I had is this: In my scenario, both my LCM and Cluster were destroyed by the fire - is there a way I can determine the actual and true mileage of the car at this point? How do I get the correct VIN into these components if both are being replaced?

So the EEPROM has to be changed to do what I want to do? Is that something you can do for me as well?

No, I don't change eeprom. I suppose I could but that's pretty intensive.

If you have pasoft, it can read the ews module and that also contains the mileage on the car. The ews, cluster and LCM all keep and sync mileage.

01-30-2018, 07:17 AM
I feel like you should just buy a another car. Thats imo. But if you get this to work, more power to you.

01-30-2018, 09:19 AM
I feel like you should just buy a another car. Thats imo. But if you get this to work, more power to you.

I'm not scared yet. :)

02-23-2018, 04:57 AM
Quick update: I finally got the owner of the tow company to return my calls (after looking up the owner on the NCSOS website and sending a letter) and he's refused to come out of pocket to repair the damage, so I've filed a claim against my collision insurance as of Wednesday. We'll see where this goes!

In the interim, I've pretty much avoided working on the car, so as to leave it in the state it was delivered by the tow truck driver, just in case... looking forward to getting knee-deep into this thing once the claims adjuster has assessed it.

02-23-2018, 05:31 AM
Quick update: I finally got the owner of the tow company to return my calls (after looking up the owner on the NCSOS website and sending a letter) and he's refused to come out of pocket to repair the damage, so I've filed a claim against my collision insurance as of Wednesday. We'll see where this goes!

In the interim, I've pretty much avoided working on the car, so as to leave it in the state it was delivered by the tow truck driver, just in case... looking forward to getting knee-deep into this thing once the claims adjuster has assessed it.

Good call getting insurance involved. They don't like to pay for things and will go after this guy hard.

02-23-2018, 05:57 AM
Got some black visors here bruh:


02-23-2018, 06:20 AM
Got some black visors here bruh:


i've got a set too.

John in VA
02-23-2018, 08:34 AM
Sorry to pollute this thread, but while we're on the topic:

I saw the visor set on E46fans, but want a like-new pair without labels to replace the like-new labeled ones currently in my car. Does anyone know the part #s for black fabric ones without labels? I'd guess they are the Euro version.

@Slater - do yours have labels?

02-23-2018, 08:40 AM
i've got a set too.

peter, how are yours? (rather buy from folks here, if feasible!)

02-23-2018, 08:40 AM
Sorry to pollute this thread, but while we're on the topic:

I saw the visor set on E46fans, but want a like-new pair without labels to replace the like-new labeled ones currently in my car. Does anyone know the part #s for black fabric ones without labels? I'd guess they are the Euro version.

@Slater - do yours have labels?

pollute away! :) - I'm indifferent to labels, so maybe we can work some sort of triangle here?

02-23-2018, 08:41 AM
Got some black visors here bruh:


Thanks man.

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02-23-2018, 08:42 AM
@Slater - do yours have labels?

peter, how are yours? (rather buy from folks here, if feasible!)

i'll see if i can check today - i've got them stored in my loft in my garage. i may have two sets.

keith, do you need any other interior bits?

i also have a set of nice Style 68s i might consider selling. maybe. i dunno.

02-23-2018, 03:09 PM
How does insurance even work on a car that is essentially salvaged?

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02-23-2018, 07:27 PM
How does insurance even work on a car that is essentially salvaged?

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

because of a dash fire? seems relatively minor in my book; vs. collision, flood, etc. I suppose we'll see.

02-23-2018, 07:39 PM
because of a dash fire? seems relatively minor in my book; vs. collision, flood, etc. I suppose we'll see.

But that kind of damage would total the car... does it not have a salvage title? If not, I'm shocked - unless you bought it from a private seller.

02-24-2018, 06:12 AM
It doesn't, and I did. And my insurance company is aware of the dash damage, which I disclosed when I insured it on the day of purchase.
It may possibly affect the overall valuation of the vehicle when the adjuster assesses it; we'll see.

(In a perfect world, I'd've already had time to repair the dash, but you know how life is..)

Doesn't necessarily matter to me, either way, though - I'm still going to fix this thing and enjoy it.

02-24-2018, 06:15 AM
keith, do you need any other interior bits?

i also have a set of nice Style 68s i might consider selling. maybe. i dunno.

I do need the A pillar covers and an airbag, actually - I keep forgetting about those.

02-24-2018, 06:19 AM
I do need the A pillar covers and an airbag, actually - I keep forgetting about those.

i've got those.

02-24-2018, 06:37 AM
you da man.

PM me prices!

02-24-2018, 07:19 AM
It doesn't, and I did. And my insurance company is aware of the dash damage, which I disclosed when I insured it on the day of purchase.

Ah, gotcha. I thought it was purchased from a salvage auction, which is usually where cars with damage like this end up. Nevermind then. :)

02-24-2018, 11:23 AM
you da man.

PM me prices!

will do.

02-26-2018, 04:33 PM
aaaand my adjuster came & went today; $2800 in damage, minus my deductible, of course.

Moving forward. :)

02-26-2018, 08:50 PM
Did you tell him that the tow truck driver melted the dash too???

Enjoy the fresh paint! Got a preferred body shop in the area?

02-27-2018, 04:58 AM
Did you tell him that the tow truck driver melted the dash too???

No, but we chatted about LCM fires and BMWs a bit, turns out the adjuster used to have a career in restoration in the 80s (this guy still has all of his leading paddles and files - amazing.)

Enjoy the fresh paint! Got a preferred body shop in the area?

Typically Import Paint & Body, but always on the lookout for quality painters, so open to suggestions!

02-27-2018, 05:07 AM
No, but we chatted about LCM fires and BMWs a bit, turns out the adjuster used to have a career in restoration in the 80s (this guy still has all of his leading paddles and files - amazing.)

Typically Import Paint & Body, but always on the lookout for quality painters, so open to suggestions!Import paint and body would be my preference too. Koski has a reputation for great work. The last time I used them was about 12 years ago though.

02-27-2018, 07:57 AM
Import paint and body would be my preference too. Koski has a reputation for great work. The last time I used them was about 12 years ago though.

I like Loren, too. He knows what the heck he's doing. He isn't the cheapest place, but he does great work.


10-25-2019, 05:11 AM
Looks like he's selling off this project and the parts cars that he bought to pull from:


It's a shame. Such a good dude and was working hard to source all of the right parts for it (he bought an alcantara steering wheel and autodim mirror from me a while back). He just has his hands full doing custom builds of porsches and such.

10-25-2019, 08:23 AM
ZHPizza, thanks for the bump!

Unfortunately I’m coming to terms with the fact that I’m not going to be able to put any time into this project for the next few years, and I’d rather not let it sit that long if someone else is interested in taking it on.

Like you said, I’ve pretty much sourced everything needed, except the time to execute the project.

I’ll give a ZHPM discount if one of you are interested.

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