View Full Version : What is "driving hard"?

11-19-2021, 02:37 AM
It just dawned on me, after my new user intro where I revealed that I generally push my engine wherever I go, that others may have a totally different idea of what "pushing it" or "driving hard" means.

How would you all characterize "driving hard"? MPH, RPM, sustained MPH/RPM, Gs, DSC flashing? Please elaborate if you feel so inclined.

I suppose, to me, pushing it would be extended periods with the throttle wide open and or RPMs/over 5K. Something like that....

11-19-2021, 07:05 AM
My definition would fit yours.
I will usually look at my average mpg to determine how hard I've been driving on average, since I drive to the same places under the same conditions every fill-up.

I kind of find it funny how whenever someone posts an mpg pic on the Facebook group, the comments always vary from "holy crap that's good" to "damn, that's terrible". I personally can't fathom how anyone can consider 20mpg to be good while others think that's amazing. It's all a matter of perspective and driving style.

For me, I know that if I'm averaging low 20's, I've been ragging on it a lot (aggressively passing left lane camping morons) as my normal averages are mid-20's combined city/highway. Anything averaging less than 20 for the tank is usually me having way more fun than I should be.

There's a time and place, and I've found that it's simply not worth hooning around when not in a track. It's not rewarding being considered the a-hole by other drivers on the road, which is why I bottle most of it up and have at it on track!

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11-19-2021, 02:26 PM
Find a country back road with lots twisties with a generous 45 MPH speed limit. Keep my steering, braking and acceleration input as gentle as possible, while looking far ahead to the next turn to align everything right. No idea how fast I am driving, I hear the engine to know when to shift, I am exhilarated and nervous at the same time.

Still learning. But hard is not the word I would use, in fact, the contrary, all inputs, soft and controlled. No sudden input movements.

John in VA
11-19-2021, 04:59 PM
Find a country back road with lots twisties with a generous 45 MPH speed limit. Keep my steering, braking and acceleration input as gentle as possible, while looking far ahead to the next turn to align everything right.
I strive to drive smoothly.

11-19-2021, 06:51 PM
For me, driving hard is feeling out the cars limits: verge of ABS, what feels like the threshold of grip in the corners, wide open throttle, aggressive rev hang to make sure you have max wheel power when you get back on it. Yes, smooth inputs are just as important to keep the car relaxed and to not get unexpected car behavior.

01-07-2022, 11:58 PM
It's not rewarding being considered the a-hole by other drivers on the road...

When I first got my first bimmer, 2001 328i that died on subframe, I felt as if all the other bimmer drivers around me were watching me and that I should drive the car appropriately as BMW owner should, be it fast, slow, whatever, but more along the lines of just driving properly. One of my driving peeves is those drivers in exceptionally expensive cars driving slow in the fast lane, or doing other similarly stupid shit.