View Full Version : Side Skirt Removal

01-28-2022, 03:06 PM
I removed the "push pins" and commenced unsnapping the side clips gradually starting at the front wheel well, working back. When I reached the last connections near the rear wheel the top clip released BUT THE BOTTOM FASTENER SEEMS TO BE DIFFERENT. IT DOES NOT SIMPLY PULL OUT LIKE ALL OF THE OTHER CLIPS. HOW DO YOU DISCONNECT THE BOTTOM REAR CLIP?

01-29-2022, 01:30 PM
The side skirt has a piece that extends and attaches to something on the rocker panel body. I have an image (as best I could position the camera) but I don't find where I can attach it.

01-29-2022, 01:42 PM
You can attach pics using the "Insert Image" icon.


01-29-2022, 03:51 PM
iirc, it's like one of those clips that is kind of like the door panel ones but thicker. So, you want to slide/pull the entire side skirt towards the rear (keep the skirt parallel to the car) of the car and the side skirt should unclip from it. Then you just take that clip off the car and push it onto the side skirt when you want to put it back in. Think of it as a U clip on the side skirt that is holding onto that clip.

01-29-2022, 04:17 PM

For some reason the menu choices were and are not displayed for me to attach an image. Even clicking on "Go Advanced" did not produce a menu.

I will try the method of removal you describe, After visually inspecting the attachment point (as best I could see), I concluded some form of attachment that I would require movement in a particular manner to release it. If it weren't so cold, I would go out to the garage and attempt removal now. I'll wait unit tomorrow, suppose to reach freezing ... 32 degrees.

01-30-2022, 11:37 AM
This is what the clip looks like (right by the white sticker):
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.62e7f86fa712bead1e0e1de2c55c23b6?rik=7d6D8QziyU3 WTA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

01-30-2022, 12:48 PM
That's a great photo! I looked for one but could not find a image of the side skirt rear clip.

I tried to move the side shirt back ... it did not release. My side shirt is held on differently. There are two pieces, a top and bottom, maybe 1/2 wide that hold onto some kind of clip. I tried moving the side shirt, up and down ... no go; back ... no go. I was concerned about breaking something so I decided to reattach the side skirt .

Initially, three of the clips were not secured properly. Once I separated the side skirt from all of the clips, except the back bottom, I could inspect each individual clip and found them to be in perfect condition. Therefore, I simply reattached the side skirt starting at the front (next to the front wheel) and worked my way backward pressing the side skirt panel in place.

Since this did not require complete side skirt removal, I achieved my objective but I would like to have removed it entirely. Too nervous about breaking something ... especially since the attachment piece is permanently attached to the side skirt on one end and the other end connects to a clip of some sort.

02-03-2022, 12:18 PM
Well, if it's not that circular clip, then it should be another one of those white clips, just a different color like green or black. If you can see it, I would use a trim tool to take it off. The metal one, like this: https://www.amazon.com/XBRN-Removal-Window-Fastener-Remover/dp/B08GKK5ZTL/ref=sr_1_9?crid=3OGSQ4PDATL4K&keywords=trim+tool&qid=1643919443&sprefix=trim+tool%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-9

03-29-2022, 02:12 PM
To give you an idea what you dealing with, there are 2 of these clips on the back. In a perpendicular orientation. As you can see I ripped one of it out. Bottom one stuck in the frame.


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