View Full Version : High pitched whining sounds around 3K (while driving). Not heard when in neutral

01-18-2024, 08:10 AM

I swear I get why people refer to BMWs as the Big Money Waster lol. Still, I'm having a blast.

Ok the latest issue is a high pitched whining sound that's only heard when driving. I've done some general research on the net and I hear a lot of opinions of what it used to be. My search here has not been fruitful other than replacing 3 caps at the back of the intake manifold, which i'll do soon but also spraying the big air duct on the right side of the intake with carb cleaner (vac leak testing).

Anyone else have this problem? Oh also, it's been around 20-40F here in TX so just throwing it out there as I read something on Fanatics where someone said it might be related to cold weather's effect on the CCV system.

Any help is appreciated. I'll see if i can make a recording of the sound.


01-18-2024, 08:14 PM
Welp, I looked under the hood again and there it was plain as day. I think it finally shook off far enough that it was plain as day. Took it for a couple easy take offs and hard ones as well. No more sound.
