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11-23-2010, 12:52 AM
Well I was out of town this weekend working a gig which I didn't exactly want to work but needed the money so I went. On the way home I was driving the speed limit on a backroad around 9 PM and guess what ran out in front of my car? Yep an opossum. At 50 mph all I was able to do was let off the gas by the time I struck it. Once I hit it I was pissed. There was nothing I could've done to avoid it. Car behind me, cars in the oncoming lane so there was nowhere to go. So I drove about a mile down the road and found a gas station, got out and checked to see how much damage was done. I hit the opossum on the passenger side.

Damage report:
Driver side foglight broke out of its mount. (Unplugged and removed.)
Passenger side fog light broke out of its mount. (The screw held so I left it.)
Both side fog lights bezels blew off and are now missing.
Massive paint chips on passenger side bumper.
Big gap between bumper and passenger quarter panel.


On the plus side my new A-pillars came in today :)

11-23-2010, 04:14 AM
That sucks... Good luck.

11-23-2010, 04:16 AM
Bummer bro. I have an extra fog......if that would help ya out. I only have one though. I will see if I have bezels.

11-23-2010, 06:48 AM
Yesterday was not a good day for the Mafia. We took two hits.

11-23-2010, 07:59 AM
Yeah..no kidding. Lets get back on the right track here....

11-23-2010, 08:26 AM
I have not driven the ZHP for three weeks. I think I'll stay out of it this week. It's too "hot" out there right now.

11-23-2010, 08:30 AM
Three weeks? Your car is gonna be mad at you. :)N

I also have an extra fog light maybe? Not sure. Any pictures OP? Me and you are in the same-ish boat, sucks doesn't it?

11-23-2010, 08:33 AM
Yeah. I need to drive it -- just to keep it active. Put about 100 miles on it this month.

On the flipside, I have driven the 335 more this month. About 300 miles.

The Jeep, meanwhile, has seen the most action. The beater has taken the brunt of the work.

11-23-2010, 10:06 AM
Opossums Eat/Suck:

all green and yellow vegetables,like corns.
quantities of grasses.
most types of fruit.
people food.
snails, slugs, and earth worms of all types.
insects, flies, earwings and roaches etc.
rats and mice.
ground eggs.
crayfish and other fish if available.
certain types of dog food and cat food left outside to feed pets.
dead pigs
small birds
over-ripe fruit

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_do_Opossums_eat#ixzz16881MIoR

11-24-2010, 09:41 PM
That sucks dude :(

11-24-2010, 09:59 PM

11-26-2010, 11:33 AM
Wow I didn't get email updates on this post. Weird. But to all the people offering the extra fog light thank you but the only thing I'm missing are the 2 bezels.

Next week I'm going to take the car to the guy who works on all my previous cars and he's gonna take me to a guy who can do a repaint of the front bumper for me.

On the other hand, I'm about to do my first oil change since owning the car this next week as well.

11-26-2010, 11:36 AM
Roman, did you get even a single email?

With me, if I get one email -- but don't visit the thread after being notified of a new post -- I will not get any more follow up emails. Once I visit the thread, though, I start getting new emails.