View Full Version : Second Thoughts...? Help!

05-25-2012, 06:33 PM
Ok, so I've closed a deal on my Altima, and its time to buy a new car. I've definitely decided that a white 3 series is in my near future, but now I'm wondering if a ZHP is the right car for me... I've had my eyes on a 2004 AW/Natural Brown ZHP sedan for a while now, 94K miles, $14,900. Car is located here (http://www.msnpreowned.com/Dealer-Websites/Meccanic-Shop-North-NY/price-10000-15000/2004-BMW-3-Series/inventory-details/OuAEjKIW444%3d). Its just about the perfect car for me and I think most of you know I've been incessantly searching for one... But, now I'm starting to wonder if getting an E90 330i might be better in terms of age/mechanical issues. I don't really want to spend on a 335i...

So help me out... I really want a ZHP because its rare, something different, but not old enough to REALLY be 'old'. That being said, I'm wondering how hard it will be to find parts in another couple of years. Will the car actually hold value and become 'collectible'??

On the other hand, the E90 330i (2006 sedan)... I like this car, but I realize it may not ever be anything 'special'... Then again, parts might be easier to come by...

Thoughts anyone? I know it comes down to personal preference, but I'm curious from all of you with experience. Technical opinions...? If you guys were in my shoes, what would you do?

Thanks for all the help and support guys!

05-25-2012, 06:40 PM
Okay, '03-05 ZHP sedan and '06 330i, same basic engine, same maintenance cycle, same parts availability. But 335 is dual turbo, more non-DIY stuff involved. Also the 335 fuel pump issue, ask Marcus how the unknown of when it will fail makes ou feel. Body, personal preference but the e46 exudes more style, in my opinion. Technology comfort items, e9X probably wins. Suspension, ZHP has more road feel than 335, but again a personal preference. So that's all like a Visa commercial, you can quantify it one way or the other. Here's the priceless part -- this Mafia family, nowhere in BMW world can you find such a group that is so upbeat, positive, and helpful to each other. Nowhere, period, no other club or forum even comes close.

05-25-2012, 06:40 PM
I would go to a BMW dealer and drive a E90 before test driving a ZHP :)

As far as parts, I thought it was required by law that the manufacturers supply parts for at least 10 years. Also, while I was having my car serviced, the service manager said that BMW was interested in servicing the older cars (like Mercedes does) so he thinks they'll keep making parts for awhile yet. Not sure how much truth there was to that statement....

At any rate, I am having a blast with my new ZHP. I seem to remember liking it more than a E90 I drove a few years ago. I can see myself getting a 2011 335i in 5 years or so though :)

05-25-2012, 06:50 PM
Not that this helps but I still get parts for my 1980 Triumph and they went out of business in 1980.

05-25-2012, 06:57 PM
E46 has more DIY out there I would think, perhaps that's something to consider. E46 also has a top-notch dashboard and cabin layout (as you say it's a matter of personal opinion).

05-25-2012, 06:58 PM
Here's the priceless part -- this Mafia family, nowhere in BMW world can you find such a group that is so upbeat, positive, and helpful to each other. Nowhere, period, no other club or forum even comes close.

TRUTH... And for that, I can't thank all of you guys enough. Whether I went with a ZHP or an E90, I'd still stick around here. This is DEFINITELY the best forum I've been on.

05-25-2012, 10:33 PM
My 2c - from someone who's owned both.

In late '05 I was contemplating a new M3. But I priced it out and about crapped at the cost. The E90 sedan was just out, so I opted to go that route. What I did NOT know at the time was that the ZHP option even existed, or I'd have probably ordered a new ZHP coupe rather than the E90. Anyways I kept the E90 about 2 years. It was a fine car and trouble-free. But I much prefer the styling of the E46, especially the dash layout and interior in general.

Ultimately, it's a matter of personal taste. The other concerns you mention - parts availability, how "old" the car is, etc - should really not be a concern. Here's another angle you don't mention - by '04-'05, the E46 platform was quite mature. The various bugs a new model goes through were well shaken out by then. The '06 E90 was a brand new beast, sharing little with the E46 (though the basic motor is largely the same). Brand new electronics as well as lots of other areas of the car. I'd much rather have the "mature" platform than a 1st year car. I wouldn't touch a 335 with a 10-foot pole. Those direct injection motors have been nothing but trouble, going through fuel pumps like crazy, and running CRAZY hot, which can't be good for longevity.

Good luck with your decision, whichever direction you decide to go.

05-26-2012, 03:49 AM
Kevin- Thanks for all the info. I didn't think about the maturity of an '04-'05 E46 versus a brand new E90... Very good point. And yes, I've heard about the HPFP issues with the E90, but I thought it was solely the 335 that had that... Either way, I'm leaning more towards the ZHP. I guess my biggest concern is that I'll get all the way up to NYC and the ZHP I'm holding out for will not be as good of a car as I'd like it to be... I don't want buyer's remorse!

05-26-2012, 04:30 AM
Sorry to jump in here. I know 335s well and wanted to provide feedback between the 335's and zhps. I work on 335's from suspension to engine work and are different cars. Yes the 335s run hot and the HPFP has been addressed MY 2009 and above or recalled prior those years with an extended warranty on those parts. As mentioned above, 04 and above E46's are more refined and E90s isnt refined till 2009 and above. 335's have tons of tuning products and a more programmable DME. Its a running computer.

E90's are a bit harder to diy than our cars but definitely doable. Not any different working on it than our cars but more parts to remove therefore more time working on it.

ZHPs are definitely rarer than any E90's out there except for maybe CP M3's.

Sent from my DROID RAZR

05-26-2012, 04:55 AM
From a DIYer's point of view I'd go with an older vehicle because I can work on it much easier. If you're not going to do your own work then that opinion doesn't really matter.

From an auto-enthusiast's point of view I would go with the ZHP. There is something about the newer vehicles in all makes and models that doesn't appeal to me. It's hard to explain but I think it has a lot to do with the increased usage of computers and windtunnels in designing a vehicle's overall design. The farther the progression of a vehicle's design the more it looks to me like a computer made the car, not a person. I feel that many new designs lack the human element which make a car become classic and timeless.

I feel designs such as the E46 are a dying breed, unfortunately.

05-26-2012, 05:09 AM
My take - the main factors you list won't really be solved by an e90.

parts availability wise, the e90 is only one MY newer than an e46, besides that i had no trouble getting oem bmw parts for my 22 year old e30. My vote on this point is 'not an issue.'

mx/rel wise - the e46 is rock solid if you know what to look for and what Achilles heels to address. the maturity of the later e46 platform i think will win here. Again i vote 'not an issue.'

collectibility wise - i would contend a late production unique/extremely rare option package will hold value better than a vanilla early run e90. just look at zhp prices vs the rest of the e46 fleet....its already happening. again i say the zhp wins.

Beyond all that, everything I've ever heard is that the e46 is much more of a driver's chassis than the e90. 46 is missing some rear legroom and electronic doodads, but gives you more feedback. Same with the e36 vs 46, and again the 30 vs 36.

If you get to the car and don't like it, walk away - simple as that. Don't pay sight unseen. there are enough good zhps out there that buyers remove doesn't need to be a fear of yours.

Good luck!

05-26-2012, 06:37 AM
You guys are all awesome, and I can't thank you again for your feedback... Paul, you sealed the deal... I'm going to gamble on the ZHP I linked in my OP.

I actually sold my Nissan to my cousin who lives in Upstate NY... So, I'm actually going to drive my Nissan up there, and then purchase and drive the ZHP back down... :)

Now to go find a few of those "What to look for when buying" threads... :biggrin

05-26-2012, 07:01 AM
you had to know what kind of answers you would get on a ZHP board hehe....

there's a thread called "E90 impressions" that touches on a lot of points regarding zhp v. e90 sport pkg.


of course, go to e90post.com and pose the same question and you will likely get the opposite answers...here's a thread doing just that:


05-26-2012, 07:42 AM
Im going to get flammed :p

I like the e90 better as far as a DD than the zhp. Last weekend me and rob swapped cars and he drove mine twice.

My e90 is a lot more comfortable in my opinion. Puts the power to the ground better and takes the twisties with the OEM sport suspension much better.

With that said, I still love the zhp and in my opinion they are like comparing apples to oranges. The zhp has way more options for tune ability as well. The e90 N52 engine just doesn't have a lot going for it after market wise, but is suppose to be one of BMWs best engines as far as reliability. If you decide the zhp isn't for you and want more input on what to look for in 330i I can help you out. If you get the zhp I am sure you will also love that.

For reference I drive the piss out of the e90. I'm already at 31000 miles since June. That's with the car being garaged for about a month. And I have only drove a zhp once, last weekend.

05-26-2012, 08:30 AM
Stock for stock power would go to the e90. While the e46 is a bit slower, it's like the e36 v e46 conversation: times don't matter as much as what it feels like. In your situation I'd buy the lowest mileage car I could get for my money except if the higher mileage car is taken care of via the old school maintenance schedule.

05-26-2012, 06:19 PM
thats a gorgeous alpine white zhp with nav!

05-26-2012, 06:43 PM
Im going to get flamed :p

I like the e90 better as far as a DD than the zhp. Last weekend me and rob swapped cars and he drove mine twice.

My e90 is a lot more comfortable in my opinion. Puts the power to the ground better and takes the twisties with the OEM sport suspension much better.

For reference I drive the piss out of the e90. I'm already at 31000 miles since June. That's with the car being garaged for about a month. And I have only drove a zhp once, last weekend.

It's funny; I disagree on almost all points. We have two E90s in the family. I find them extremely awkward on tight back roads- they don't want to be pushed- and I don't find them any more comfortable than the zhp. Ergonomically the E90 is a step backward- armrests sloped downwards, the dash no longer facing the driver, higher seating position, etc.

When I get back in my zhps it's like a breath of fresh air- and then I'm home. A properly tuned up ZHP with Dr. Vanos, all new filters, cleaned fuel system, etc., does not actually feel slower than the E90 330i because the E90 has stupid tall gearing and is dead silent stock- devoid of almost any emotion at all. On that note it is deceptively fast. However- the E90 330 and E46 330i ZHP are roughly even as far as straight line- with the advantage going to the E90 in 1st and the ZHP in 2nd, 3rd and up.

I can say with confidence that I can and have slaughtered N/A E90s that have wanted to play on the back roads. IMO they are too heavy, too big, and too disconnected.

We just have different opinions as owners of the two respective cars. :)

BCS_ZHP: Having worked on the 06 E90 330i and many E46s I can say maintenance is a different beast, it is evident with things like 02 sensor changes and the like that BMW no longer designed the car with DIY owners in mind. The jobs get harder, take maybe on average 1.3x longer than they would on an E46, and the resources when you have problems are limited as the majority of E90 owners are not DIYers to the extent to which E46ers are.

05-26-2012, 08:08 PM
I have no problems with the zhp, I think it's an amazing car and actually want one, I just like the e90 better and that's my opinion.

C Withers Media
05-26-2012, 08:55 PM
This thread makes me long for an E36 M3. just sayin....

05-26-2012, 09:00 PM
This thread makes me long for an E36 M3. just sayin....


05-27-2012, 05:33 AM
The availability of parts should not be an issue for a few years to come. E30 and E36 parts are still plentiful and relatively inexpensive. The E46 is still has a good mix of technology and standard mechanical making it fairly easy to do your own wrenching. I have yet to drive an E90 so, I can't really talk about the difference in vehicle attitude. I would lean towards the ZHP personally. But, then again, I'm a little biased to the pre-E90 chassis.

This thread makes me long for an E36 M3. just sayin....


05-27-2012, 05:55 AM
We recently purchased an e90 330i for my mom. I personally love the car (I found it for her). It's fully loaded with the sport package. The seats are definitely more comfortable than my seats in the ZHP. The ZHP has absolutely no lumbar support or adjustments. The e90 has lumbar, and side bolster adjustments.
The e90 is faster, and definitely more quiet (don't like that).
I would never buy a 335i because of all the issues with them. If I go e90, it's going to be a 330i.
The ZHP is already a rare collectors car. People around my area that aren't aware of the mafia, are looking for these cars like crazy.
If you have a low mileage ZHP in a few years from now, you'd probably be able to get what you paid back, if you sold it.
It's completely up to you. These are two great choices.

-Sent via iPhone 4S

05-27-2012, 06:24 AM
Ok folks, once again, thank you for all of the support and advice. I really do read every post and pay close attention to everything you all say... As Mafia veterans, I really value your words and advice...

My decision is made. I'm buying the white ZHP in my original post. I am actually going to start my drive tonight, heading North in my Nissan, planning to pick up the ZHP sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday I hope. Wish me luck!

05-27-2012, 06:55 AM
Ok folks, once again, thank you for all of the support and advice. I really do read every post and pay close attention to everything you all say... As Mafia veterans, I really value your words and advice...

My decision is made. I'm buying the white ZHP in my original post. I am actually going to start my drive tonight, heading North in my Nissan, planning to pick up the ZHP sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday I hope. Wish me luck!

Awesome! If you need a place to stop for the night, I'm near the half way point. Send a PM if you are interested.

05-27-2012, 07:48 AM
Great! Good luck on the trip and keep us posted.

05-27-2012, 07:55 AM
Best of luck to you! We're all expecting pics upon arrival, of course!

The ZHP looks great, btw. Natural brown leather is :drool and premium package, cold weather, and NAV are goodies.

Any details on the accident that was reported?

-Sent via iPhone 4S

05-27-2012, 06:46 PM
Awesome! If you need a place to stop for the night, I'm near the half way point. Send a PM if you are interested.

Dude, seriously, I might take you up on that. If anything, I might just stop for an hour or two and meet another Mafia member... On the way back South, I'll probably be way more tired... And I'll stop again to let you check out the ZHP!

iZHP- Hah, thanks man. I am pretty stoked on the car. I'm honestly really concerned that I'll get all the way up there and then find some major issues with the car, but the guy ensures me its clean. I'll probably take it either way, just have to use any flaws I find to my negotiating abilities. As for the accident, he's not sure what exactly happened, but he replaced the drivers door and fender. He said the hood was untouched. And he completely replaced the door instead of repairing. :) Sounds like he gave the car a good once over to take care of any trouble spots...

We shall see!

05-27-2012, 06:50 PM
Stop by Williamsburg and show me the ZHP-age, if its on your way.

Sent from a Thunderbolt

05-27-2012, 08:10 PM
Dane- That is very possible, you're only about 20 minutes outta the way... I would love to have some veteran eyes take a look at the ZHP... I will be posting along the way as I will have my laptop with me and be stopping at Starbucks (free wifi) often for some driver refueling... Need caffeine for this drive!

05-28-2012, 04:47 AM
Sounds great J. Lemme know.

Sent from a Thunderbolt

05-28-2012, 06:18 AM
Dane- That is very possible, you're only about 20 minutes outta the way... I would love to have some veteran eyes take a look at the ZHP... I will be posting along the way as I will have my laptop with me and be stopping at Starbucks (free wifi) often for some driver refueling... Need caffeine for this drive!

Stopping and meeting Underboss Dane will be well worth the time. He is the man.

05-28-2012, 08:01 AM
Stopping and meeting Underboss Dane will be well worth the time. He is the man.

I have the same thoughts, I just didn't want to sound like a leg jumper by saying so myself... :biggrin

05-28-2012, 08:39 AM

Definitely have a BMW shop look it over and connect to auto logic for full diagnostic scan.

What do you know of the maintenance history? Don't believe anything that isn't in writing.

You don't want to join that club of those who blindly took off in an e46 and had a major cooling system issue. That'll crap out your budget in the middle of nowhere (tow truck, nearest shop charging you whatever they please for parts and labor,etc.).

If you know nothing of the service history, which is likely since it's at a dealer, budget for all the usual suspects in the world of e46 preventive maintenance.

Also request seller get the spare keys from the PO. There should be 4 keys: 2 masters, 1 valet, one plastic "wallet" key. If they won't do that, see if you can get the PO's info off any service records. Seller probably trashed the records tho.

Moot point now but I put 200 miles on a man-trans e90 330 last fall. Liked it more than I thought I would but I like the ZHP better. More character in both driving and styling.

Perhaps worthy of its own thread and reason to start saving your pennies: I drove the piss out of both F30 variants recently. Solo, no sales rep riding shotgun. Wow is that new 2.0 turbo impressive.

05-28-2012, 01:56 PM
Ok folks... Going to sleep now to start my drive North in the Nissan at midnight... Will keep you all updated... :)

05-29-2012, 05:37 PM
Safe travels J! E46's have a dipstick & spare tire unlike the E90, so that should give the engineer a sigh of relief! :D

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

05-29-2012, 05:43 PM
Safe travels J! E46's have a dipstick & spare tire unlike the E90, so that should give the engineer a sigh of relief! :D

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

That really is some damn BS! I have to rely on a damn computer to tell me my oil level.

05-30-2012, 02:04 AM
Brett- Hah!! Yes, I have to admit, not having a dipstick in our new X3 is really odd to me. I'm a big fan of checking things out and getting my hands on them...

05-30-2012, 02:25 AM
How is the trip going?

05-30-2012, 02:30 AM
The trip is going well... I made it to my old man's house last night around 11pm, about 20.5 hours total. 1394 miles total. I'm actually about 3 hours NORTH of the ZHP, but I came up here to visit for a day, and I'm selling my car to my cousin, up here anyway. So, I'll do that transaction today and then tomorrow morning head down to check out the ZHP...

Overall the trip wasn't bad. I got lost in the DC tunnels so I had to reroute which cost me a little time, but not much. From there, I sat in rush hour from DC all the way through Baltimore towards Philly... And then in Jersey and Southern NY, I hit massive rain, wind and lightning, which slowed me down a lot... Overall, a good time I thought. I only stopped for gas/food/restroom breaks, and that was only 4 times.

I have to say, Jersey has the WORST drivers by far... The Capitol city has the WORST roads by far... North Carolina on the other hand had the NICEST stretch of I-95... :)

05-30-2012, 02:33 AM
Glad to see that it is going fairly smooth. Get some good rest and keep us updated on the ZHP you're checking out.

05-31-2012, 07:45 AM
ZHP is mine... As soon as paperwork is done, I'll start my drive South... I'm very excited, also very nervous... But, we'll see. :)

05-31-2012, 07:49 AM
yay! drive safe. Expect more details and pics soon!

05-31-2012, 09:30 AM
ZHP is mine... As soon as paperwork is done, I'll start my drive South... I'm very excited, also very nervous... But, we'll see. :)


05-31-2012, 02:03 PM
Great news! looking forward to pics when you get a chance.


05-31-2012, 02:30 PM
I have now been waiting in my driveway for 2 hours, with 2 cold beers. I keep drinking them.:shifty

Where's the car man?!

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

05-31-2012, 05:16 PM
Remember that you have plenty of Mafia family between there and Florida. Should anything happen or you just wanna stop, I'm sure my door isn't the only one open.

05-31-2012, 05:22 PM
I'm just 4 miles off of I-95 in Dunn, NC.

Sent from my Galaxy S II Skyrocket

05-31-2012, 07:37 PM
Totally objective audience here. We recommend you buy a Jaguar!

05-31-2012, 08:30 PM
Good luck with the rest of your travels, hope to see pics soon!

06-01-2012, 04:32 AM
Any updates on the new whip?

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

06-01-2012, 08:48 AM
Sorry so late in the reply.. I don't have wifi on the road.. :biggrin I'm actually in Jacksonville now grabbing gas and my last bit of junk food on the road. From here, its straight home... I'm sorry I missed all of you as I didn't see any of these posts until just now.

The car has been great so far. I almost lost the car shortly after passing through Philly... A tire tread in the road caused for everyone to lock up the brakes, a few cars got some ass ends loose... I of course had to do the same. Swerve right and collide with truck... Swerve left and hope lady in Corolla doesn't hit me... I went left, still had to tag the edge of the tread (a few easily buffable black scuffs on the front bumper) and the Corolla didn't hit me... It was close...

Otherwise, smooth sailing thus far. *crossing fingers*... Still 280 miles to go or so.

Mucho thanks to Dane for the texts during the drive... You helped pass a couple hundred miles! As for the rest of you, thank you for the offers to stop, I would've taken you up on it!

Anyway, pics and more info coming when I get home. I'm still learning stuff about the car...

06-01-2012, 08:49 AM
Whoa! GL the rest of the way.

06-01-2012, 08:51 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot to add... As I said to Dane in a text....

How did I ever live without this car... I'm freaking in LOVE.... :drool

06-01-2012, 08:52 AM
congrats on the purchase. i'd confirm that you made the right choice, as i've had an e90 335i and now my zhp. the zhp feels much more planted, the handling is superb above the e90's (stock for stock). although the 335i has massive amounts of torque, it is less reliable. the e90 330i is/was a decent car, but the zhp still has a superior suspension/ride and it out handles it bar none.

06-01-2012, 09:23 AM
Oooh, tapatalk... Now I am connected on the road!

06-01-2012, 09:40 AM
Damn ill still be In work when you pass me. Or else I would have met you on 95 for some play time.

Btw there was something going on at exit 176 on my way to work this morning. I'm sure it is clear now but it looked like all of the south bound lanes were closed for some reason.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

06-01-2012, 09:46 AM
Lol just PMd you. But no biggie. Another time. As for exit 176, hummm. I'll have to see what I see. Passing exit 284 now.

06-01-2012, 10:06 AM
Yeah you got time. We need to get together one weekend so I can check it out.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

06-01-2012, 12:08 PM
21 miles to go... So... tired... of... driving...

06-01-2012, 12:12 PM
21 miles to go... So... tired... of... driving...


Make sure you change out all the fluids when you get home. Then take a nap....and do the VANOS.

06-01-2012, 12:19 PM

Make sure you change out all the fluids when you get home. Then take a nap....and do the VANOS.


06-01-2012, 12:27 PM
Jon just make it home with out being part of accident number 4 or 5.

Yes the rain has been that bad I. Florida today.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

06-01-2012, 12:40 PM
I am home safe n sound. Wife loves the car, too bad she can't drive stick! Hahaha. Going to rest and hold my baby girl. Full post with pics after wash tomorrow....

06-01-2012, 12:44 PM
congrats on the safe journey. glad to hear you made it home relatively unscathed.

06-01-2012, 12:56 PM
Glad you made it home safely. Can't wait for pics.

06-01-2012, 01:10 PM
Glad to hear everything worked out for you!

+1 for pics

06-01-2012, 01:21 PM
Glad you made it home safely. Can't wait for pics.

+1! You had me a little nervous last night thinking something happened on the way home. Glad to hear it all went smooth. Must of drove straight through again. :-)

EDIT: I see they have your car marked "SOLD" already. I take it you took a chance and went without a PPI?


06-01-2012, 01:37 PM
Well, baby, only wanted me for about 5 minutes... Mom's boobs always win... :biggrin So here I am.. haha..

Upon showing my wife the car in the driveway, I noticed that the passenger foglight trim is missing. It must've got knocked loose when I tagged that tire tread... I ran over something last night (heard it bang the underside of the car) but didn't see anything in the road... It must've been that trim falling loose. Dammit... Oh well...

Car is filthy too, but she ran well. I am already compiling a list of things I have to research and questions to answer.. I am excited to find out that the car has self leveling bixenon lights though... I didn't know that... And I didn't know the wipers were rain sensitive... :) That's good too, especially considering the last few hours of weather I dealt with...

The car is very stiff, almost made me think it had aftermarket springs, but they appear to be stock, and so is ride height, so, I guess that's just the ZHP... And I still have to figure out WTF is up with the navigation. It thinks the car is in New Jersey... And the stereo volume/sound seems to be changing a little, like there's a flaky connection somewhere... I don't know, have to read the owners manual to figure out how some things work...

Anyway, here's a quick cell phone picture from when I first got to the dealer...


06-01-2012, 02:07 PM
Looks great, I love me some White!!!

06-01-2012, 02:09 PM
Very nice. She looks really good in white. I also lost one of my fog trims clipping a tire on the highway. Fortunately they are cheap and easy to come by. Part number: 51117893067 for the left, 51117893068 for the right. At thebmwpartstore.com they are $4.61 each, plus shipping. Not too terrible in my opinion.

06-01-2012, 02:12 PM
Very nice. She looks really good in white. I also lost one of my fog trims clipping a tire on the highway. Fortunately they are cheap and easy to come by. Part number: 51117893067 for the left, 51117893068 for the right. At thebmwpartstore.com they are $4.61 each, plus shipping. Not too terrible in my opinion.

Dude, seriously, you guys are the most awesome group of people ever! Thank you for the part numbers and link... Also, your avatar picture is awesome! :thumbup

06-01-2012, 02:50 PM
There is speed sensitive volume on the HK stereo......is that maybe what you're hearing? It can be adjusted to 6 (I think) different sensitivities or turned off as well.

06-01-2012, 02:59 PM
Dude, seriously, you guys are the most awesome group of people ever! Thank you for the part numbers and link... Also, your avatar picture is awesome! :thumbup

No problem. I just keep reminding myself I need to order a few since I lost mine. :P I like the pic, I stole it from somewhere, though I dont remember where.

There is speed sensitive volume on the HK stereo......is that maybe what you're hearing? It can be adjusted to 6 (I think) different sensitivities or turned off as well.

Hold the music note on the left side of the radio. Should allow you to change the speed volume. I believe I have mine on three and I don't really notice any harsh changes. I havent changed it from that.

06-01-2012, 04:51 PM
Hold the music note on the left side of the radio. Should allow you to change the speed volume. I believe I have mine on three and I don't really notice any harsh changes. I havent changed it from that.

Hmm, I don't think I have the music note button... I have the nav unit, wasn't able to find the speed sensitive setting... But I do agree, I think this could be part of what it is. The tires are all in good shape, but the two rears are crappy Nexen tires, and the road noise is AWFUL, which I think might be driving the speed sensitive volume all goofy... I'm thinking I find 2 spare rear rims and then get 4 new tires for a nice fresh square setup... :biggrin

06-01-2012, 05:06 PM
Upper left corner. The lil "note". Below the knob.


Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

06-01-2012, 05:31 PM
Jon make sure you head over to the zhp registry and put in your new baby's info.

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06-01-2012, 05:44 PM
Hmm, I don't think I have the music note button... I have the nav unit, wasn't able to find the speed sensitive setting... But I do agree, I think this could be part of what it is. The tires are all in good shape, but the two rears are crappy Nexen tires, and the road noise is AWFUL, which I think might be driving the speed sensitive volume all goofy... I'm thinking I find 2 spare rear rims and then get 4 new tires for a nice fresh square setup... :biggrin

Ah, nav right. I remember you saying that. I dont know anything about the nav, myself. I'm sure it has the speed sensitive deal with it... maybe? Haha, I'll let someone else chime in on that. Does it still tell you you are in new jersey?

06-01-2012, 08:29 PM
Congrats on the new wheels & safe trip home! AW is sooo choice! :roundel

06-02-2012, 12:16 AM
Hah thanks for the help guys... And yes, the Nav unit still thinks the car is in New Jersey... I'm going to bring it to my local dealer and have them do a post purchase inspection on it. I'd like to at least have a list of things the car needs, and also see if they can plug the car in and do any updates, get the nav figured out, etc... We shall see...

06-02-2012, 03:58 AM
Hmm, I don't think I have the music note button... I have the nav unit, wasn't able to find the speed sensitive setting... But I do agree, I think this could be part of what it is. The tires are all in good shape, but the two rears are crappy Nexen tires, and the road noise is AWFUL, which I think might be driving the speed sensitive volume all goofy... I'm thinking I find 2 spare rear rims and then get 4 new tires for a nice fresh square setup... :biggrin

Tires won't have anything to do with the speed sensitive volume- it raises the volume at pre-designated speeds. I don't believe ambient noise affects it.

I have the procedure somewhere for adjusting it on units with Nav- I just have to dig it up for you.


I wish this was sent with a Galaxy S3

06-02-2012, 04:00 AM
Here you go:

I wish this was sent with a Galaxy S3

06-02-2012, 05:35 AM
Thanks for the info. I checked it out, was set to 3. Curious about the other things in that menu and also how to turn off speed adjusting volume to see if that is my issue. I had SSV in my last car and it doesn't sound quite like that. Sounds like its clipping in and out, or like someone keeps pressing a mute or loudness button. That make sense??

06-02-2012, 05:44 AM
That definitely doesn't sound like the auto-adjust. The auto-adjust will simply make the music louder as you go up through the speedo. Mine is noticeable at 40 mph and 60 or 70mph. Don't think you can turn it off. I have mine set at the lowest setting.

If the audio is cutting out or clicking, that sounds like an entirely different issue. Maybe a bad speaker or a bad connection somewhere.

Is the little speaker button illuminated down near the ashtray? If so, I'd turn that off and see if it changes anything.

06-02-2012, 05:50 AM
If sound from all speakers transiently cut off, I would bet on a bad contact either behind the radio or at the amp in the trunk.

06-02-2012, 09:29 AM
Is your audio issue heard only in FM radio mode?

If yes, then it's the dreaded H/K fidelity thing. My '01 ZSP had it, as does my ZHP.

The only fixes I've heard of involve replacing the amp. There was a guy on one of the forums years ago who was considering a class action suit since the HK was an extra cost option, etc. I'll try to dig that up but I don't think it went anywhere.

06-02-2012, 11:01 AM
The car is very stiff, almost made me think it had aftermarket springs, but they appear to be stock, and so is ride height, so, I guess that's just the ZHP...

Anyway, here's a


get your CABs checked (control arm bushings, aka suspenion/torsional bushings), mine were shot @ 50k, when replaced it made a world of difference.

06-02-2012, 05:47 PM
Nice pickup, I had a white Miata last year. White is such a clean color.

06-06-2012, 01:41 AM
get your CABs checked (control arm bushings, aka suspenion/torsional bushings), mine were shot @ 50k, when replaced it made a world of difference.

Thanks for the info man. I did take a good look at them on initial visit ad they look to be new and none of the other symptoms of having bad ones were found. Soo, I'm hoping that the car is just stiff by nature, more so than I expected. Either way the car feels really tight and hitting bumps only makes a solid 'thud' noise, no clunks or rattles at all. :)

06-06-2012, 01:47 AM
Is your audio issue heard only in FM radio mode?

If yes, then it's the dreaded H/K fidelity thing. My '01 ZSP had it, as does my ZHP.

The only fixes I've heard of involve replacing the amp. There was a guy on one of the forums years ago who was considering a class action suit since the HK was an extra cost option, etc. I'll try to dig that up but I don't think it went anywhere.

Hmm this sounds more like my issue. I have to listen again for it but it's not cutting out completely as others have stated. It sounds like the signals are clipping and some of the speakers have some crackle in them. I haven't completely been able to identify which speakers or how often as the tires in the car have AWFUL road noise and make it hard to listen for anything in the car. Soon I will have a few free days to figure out the loose ends.

06-06-2012, 07:30 AM
Thanks for the info man. I did take a good look at them on initial visit ad they look to be new and none of the other symptoms of having bad ones were found. Soo, I'm hoping that the car is just stiff by nature, more so than I expected. Either way the car feels really tight and hitting bumps only makes a solid 'thud' noise, no clunks or rattles at all. :)

Im tellin you man, you gotta drive mine and see if its any different or not. :-)

06-06-2012, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the info man. I did take a good look at them on initial visit ad they look to be new and none of the other symptoms of having bad ones were found. Soo, I'm hoping that the car is just stiff by nature, more so than I expected. Either way the car feels really tight and hitting bumps only makes a solid 'thud' noise, no clunks or rattles at all. :)

ZHP is definitely stiff, esp compared to an Altima...

06-06-2012, 01:02 PM
Congrats on the new ride! Just catching up with this thread. H/Ks do cut out, I think I got my head unit replaced under CPO. And, the lowest speed sensitive setting is 1, so you can't remove it completely but 1 is pretty benign. Also, check xoutpost.com for some great NAV info. I have no idea why your NAV would think it's in a different state, never heard of that.

06-06-2012, 01:43 PM
Devlin- Yeah man, soon we gotta have a meet... Get the other guy from Tampa too...

Wes- Yeah... My Altima was lowered on Eibachs, so it was fairly stiff, but after 135K of those springs, it started to get a little bouncy as the struts wore... Maybe that's the difference I'm feeling... Still would like to drive another ZHP... I never drove one until I test drove mine...

John- Werd, thanks dude... Will check that out for sure. I was also asking my local dealer about software updates or whatnot and they said they could do a full inspection and all updates if any available for about $339... That sound ridiculous? It sounds it to me...

06-06-2012, 01:46 PM
Devlin- Yeah man, soon we gotta have a meet... Get the other guy from Tampa too...

Wes- Yeah... My Altima was lowered on Eibachs, so it was fairly stiff, but after 135K of those springs, it started to get a little bouncy as the struts wore... Maybe that's the difference I'm feeling... Still would like to drive another ZHP... I never drove one until I test drove mine...

John- Werd, thanks dude... Will check that out for sure. I was also asking my local dealer about software updates or whatnot and they said they could do a full inspection and all updates if any available for about $339... That sound ridiculous? It sounds it to me...

Definitely. You can burn a CD for free that updates the firmware. The info is on xoutpost.com. Then, check for maps online, you can get them from BMW dealer or they are floating around. I bought mine online at at good price... apparently after the fact I found out that they were bootleg (but working) copies.

EDIT: it's easy to burn, but let me know if you need help. I might even have my copy I could lend you. Just send prepaid self addressed stamped envelope that could fit a CD and I'll mail it to you. Just send it back when you're done.

06-07-2012, 01:50 PM
John, I will definitely take you up on that... I have to figure out burning situation as I have a Macbook Air with no optical drive... Let me know if you for sure have that CD and I will send you an envelope to get it my way!

06-09-2012, 05:17 PM
Still would like to drive another ZHP... I never drove one until I test drove mine...

Once you are done with that training thing you are at and have some free time we can meet up and you can drive mine.

I have never driven another one either.

06-10-2012, 04:13 AM
For sure man. I'm back home now, my conference is over. Of course, I still have a new baby at home, so its hard to take off for a long time, but we should definitely meet up. This coming week I plan to spend some time cleaning up the car, trying to refresh the wheels (they're ROUGH) and do some more looking underneath to try and really get a good look at what needs to be done.

But yes, we should try and plan something...

06-10-2012, 06:24 PM
John, I will definitely take you up on that... I have to figure out burning situation as I have a Macbook Air with no optical drive... Let me know if you for sure have that CD and I will send you an envelope to get it my way!

I haz CD. My address is in the member's only section, contact info thread.