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View Full Version : Got rapidly opening cubby doors? doityourself

05-29-2012, 01:29 PM
Just wanted to ear mark this here, in case someone is searching for the fix. It just feels like there is a spring in there....but there's not.

It a simple cog that maintains the resistance as the doors open.

My center console was perfect, with the exception of the cigarette lighter door, easy up feature. Knowing I could not buy parts to fix this feature....I procured a used center console....for the part. Cog pops out of old center console....and into new. Right as rain!

Anyway.....I found my cog laying under the center console should someone need it.



05-29-2012, 02:09 PM
Here's a pro tip: push down on the door when its open to lift the ashtray out.

Nice fix, Dane.

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