View Full Version : Coolant in the VANOS???

11-09-2012, 09:39 PM
I just received my second engine from Saratoga Classics. This one is actually the 3.0 that I ordered in the first place. I'm prepping it for install and doing a bunch of preventative stuff while access to it is easy. While replacing the VANOS seals, I noticed a fair amount of water, I'm assuming that it is coolant, inside the VANOS unit. Its not just like it leaked in while the engine was sitting or it got there when it was power washed. It looks like it was there when the engine was still in use. The coolant was well mixed with the oil making that kinda yellowish brown looking oil. I'm thinking that the only way for the coolant to get there is for the head to be warped and leaking coolant into the oil system. What do y'all think? Is this engine screwed? Am I to be carless for another 3-4 weeks?

11-09-2012, 10:21 PM
Send it back and tell those fuckers to get the right engine that isn't compromised. I'm getting pissed off and it's not even my car!

11-10-2012, 04:34 AM
Send it back and tell those fuckers to get the right engine that isn't compromised. I'm getting pissed off and it's not even my car!


Did they leak/compression test it?

Sent from Williamsburg, VA USA

11-10-2012, 04:50 AM
The engine is supposed to have been put through all the necessary test before it is shipped. I'm tired of dealing with these ass holes. I don't trust them for anything at this point. They have been screwing with me since the very start.

11-10-2012, 07:34 AM
Coolant anywhere in the oil is the sign of a majorly fawked engine. Paperweight.

Give it back and ask for your money back - this shop is pretty clearly trying to pull one over on you.

11-10-2012, 08:23 AM
That sucks. If we took our car in need of an engine to BMW, where would they get an engine? Do they use some business they trust? Maybe worth a call to one to ask?

11-10-2012, 08:34 AM
Some examples of what I found. This of the timing chain tensioner. Nit the color of the oil on it.

This is some of the oil that I wiped off.

I went with this company to save a few dollars and it has cost me a lot more. I'm about to call my credit card company and file a dispute against them. Once that is done, I'll be ordering an engine from Southwest Engine.

Sent via Tapatalk 2 on my hacked Fascinate.

11-10-2012, 08:59 AM
Dispute filed with Chase. The total amount of my purchase, $2,245.00, will be credited to my account within 48 hours. Now to purchase an engine from a reputable source.

11-10-2012, 09:11 AM
Dispute filed with Chase. The total amount of my purchase, $2,245.00, will be credited to my account within 48 hours. Now to purchase an engine from a reputable source.

Seems like you did the good thing here. For big things, I usually try to go with a more reputable source, as saving a few bucks doesn't really matter to me. I'd rather spend a bit more for a better experience & peace of mind.

11-10-2012, 09:25 AM
Please do not give them a third try or else I'll drive down there and slap you on your bald head. With affection of course.

11-10-2012, 09:37 AM
I just placed my order with Southwest Engines.

11-10-2012, 10:54 AM
Dispute filed with Chase. The total amount of my purchase, $2,245.00, will be credited to my account within 48 hours. Now to purchase an engine from a reputable source.

Excellent! I looked them up and they have a terrible BBB record. http://www.bbb.org/buffalo/Business-Reviews/auto-repair-and-service/saratoga-classics-the-parts-broker-in-gansevoort-ny-235964210/

11-10-2012, 11:58 AM
I work for Chase. Just because they credited your account back initially does not mean you won't still be liable for the charge in the long run. Chase will contact the merchant and inquire about what happened. Most likely Saratoga Classics will say they sent you the merchandise you purchased end of story. If the claims department for Chase can't determine fault on behalf of Saratoga you might be in trouble. I'm not saying you will be charged, but be prepared to have all correspondence and pictures saved to back up your case, in the event you need to provide it to Chase.

sorry for your ordeal, got my fingers crossed you get a good ZHP engine this time...

11-10-2012, 03:23 PM
I work for Chase. Just because they credited your account back initially does not mean you won't still be liable for the charge in the long run. Chase will contact the merchant and inquire about what happened. Most likely Saratoga Classics will say they sent you the merchandise you purchased end of story. If the claims department for Chase can't determine fault on behalf of Saratoga you might be in trouble. I'm not saying you will be charged, but be prepared to have all correspondence and pictures saved to back up your case, in the event you need to provide it to Chase.

sorry for your ordeal, got my fingers crossed you get a good ZHP engine this time...

Thanks for the info, Wes. I'll be sending back the engine with the warped , or cracked, head this coming week along with anything else that I got from them. I'm just so sick of going around and around with them. Its been a fight the whole way.