View Full Version : Catching up and the fuel filter

12-17-2012, 03:54 AM
Its been really tough to stay on top of all my desired maintenance since arriving in Tampa. New house, work, travel for work and family time. I have ended up running over to the auto hobby shop on my lunch breaks to do oil changes.

So I finally get a chance to change my fuel filter yesterday, about 10k mi overdue. I had felt since I moved to FL that the car's performance just wasn't the same. I had done a full service II (minus the fuel filter) right before moving down, so maintenance wise, the car pretty fresh. So I thought the deminished performance was the FL heat, fuel mix, humidity, etc.

So I change the fuel filter yesterday and the first chance I had to drive it was to the airport this morning (yet another trip the week prior to X-mas, to sunny SD). Oh man, what difference! The car pulls once again like a train. I was setting off the traction control all the way to the airport! Childish, I know.

Interesting though that it would make that big of a difference. I buy quality gas, try to not let the tank get below 1/4, and run cleaner occasionally. Anyway, boy am I happy now.

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12-17-2012, 04:14 AM
Glad to hear man... I really hope at some point we're able to meet up. If you ever make it over to the Atlantic Coast, do let me know! My brother is at USF in Tampa, so I'm there occasionally... Also, not sure if you're near campus, but he runs a white S2000 with a hardtop and black Plastidipped wheels, lowered and an exhaust. Give him a flash or wave if you ever see him!

12-17-2012, 07:43 AM
Nice! Good to see you around and glad you're getting settled down there.

12-17-2012, 07:48 AM
Thanks guys, sitting in DFW now between legs. So far the only east FL I've made it to is Orlando, but ya never know.

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