Materials to Maintain Your ZHP IIIII Hand Protection IIIII Tools to Maintain Your ZHP
Amazon Link for ZHPMafia ZHP
Amazon Link for ZHPMafia ZHP
Amazon Link for ZHPMafia ZHP


Type: Posts; User: terraphantm

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  1. I don't have a diagram, but this is what you'd...

    I don't have a diagram, but this is what you'd need to connect:

    Cluster (black connector):
    Pin 1 = Ground
    Pins 4,5,6 = +12v
    Pin 14 = K-bus
    Pin 25 = TXD -- connected to Pin 7 of OBD2 cable...
  2. Yes, but you'll need an instrument cluster on the...

    Yes, but you'll need an instrument cluster on the bench too. Basically you'd connect power and ground to both modules, connect the OBDII cables K-line to the TXD signal on the instrument cluster, and...
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