Year(s): 2003-2006(preferably 05-06)
Budget: 18k
Desired location of vehicle: US, Willing to travel for the right car
Desired Mileage: Under 120k but open to higher miles if the car has been taken care of.
Transmission type: Manual
Desired number of Doors: 2
Desired Color combos: Alpine White - Any interior
Desired Packages: ZHP
Funds lined up? Yes
Have a car you need to sell first? No

Hey Everyone,

Been lurking for sometime and deciding to finally join. I have been a member various BMW forums for a long time. I've owned E46 non-zhp 330ci and M3 before, and been in love with E46s since.
I am looking for the right car since I am not planning on reselling when bought!

Thank you All!