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  1. #1

    OEM M3 Engine Mounts/Rogue Engineering Transmission Mounts

    Hey all!

    Not sure if this fits underneath suspension, so feel free to move it around if it belongs somewhere else.

    So I?ve been slowly refreshing bits and pieces of my ZHP sedan as I can get to em. A few months ago I swapped out the tired old transmission mounts for a set of Rogue Engineering Transmission Mounts, and the difference was night and day. Really felt like it woke the car up.

    So a month or so after that, I was able to swap out the engine mounts for a set of OEM M3 engine mounts. The set I took out had a Z4 pn, and were so flattened compared to the new set that I imagined that there would be a substantial improvement in feel and engagement. But I?ve honestly not been impressed, and I am trying to figure out if perhaps it?s a bad application of mount, faulty installation, or maybe some secret third thing I?m not aware of.

    Long story short, it’s not as tight as I imagined it would be. Particularly in the lower gears and low rpms, it feels like there’s the slightest lag every time I hit the gas or let off the throttle, which is often. Ideally I imagine I?d be looking for better ?bite? when I get on or off the throttle, instead of this loosey goosey bs. From 3.5k and up however it feels pretty tight.

    If anyone has any experience with either of the mounts, or has experienced something similar let me know! I want to have a better idea of what it could be before I get in there and start swapping stuff out.

    Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Took a quick test lap and getting on or off the gas in 1st or 2nd gear at around 2500rpm results in a quick rocking back and forth type settling motion. But above 3000 everything’s peachy. Idk
    Last edited by dnaiel; 11-25-2024 at 06:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Got part numbers to cross reference?

    His - 2004 Imola Red / Alcantara 330i | 6MT | ZHP |

    Her's - 2005 Black Sapphire Metallic / Black Leather 330i | 6MT | ZHP |

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Munich, BY
    M3 mounts are quite soft, if you want instant throttle response you need at least the Group N mounts.
    330i Base | Mysticblau | Slicktop | 6MT

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Vas View Post
    Got part numbers to cross reference?
    Engine Mounts Here
    Transmission Mounts Here

    And the engine mount set I removed says BMW 22.11 1095 444

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Galapolis View Post
    M3 mounts are quite soft, if you want instant throttle response you need at least the Group N mounts.
    I might give the Bimmerworld Performance set a try, see if that moves the needle in the right direction.

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