Quote Originally Posted by Reasoned1 View Post
I'm curious to know what makes your Model 3 a better DD than your E46. Exactly what E46 did you have?
Well the only thing I don't like about the Model 3 is that it's a sedan. Feels too big, I'll get used to it I guess. Also some random little quirks that can be easily fixed through a software update. But the car has all the modern amenities, little to no maintenance (haven't had it long enough yet, but based on the model s it's like just wear and tear items), no gas (cheaper per mile to drive). It's an eco car that is fast lol Has some zip when I need it to. Handles pretty well and is solid. Drives itself a bit lol What's not to like?

My E46 is what I would consider highly modified now. So it's more of a pain to drive in areas that are not lowered friendly. It's not that comfortable to drive long distances (even when it was stock). If I'm driving on the freeway for awhile, my car essentially becomes an auto so it's just as boring as any other car. I used to on purpose take the longer way to work and back only because there's a little canyon section to go to lol The big thing is I worry about damage to my car. I have custom body parts so it's not like you could even replace it if it's damaged lol Like my entire front clip is custom. Any damage to that will be a bitch to fix.

But man I haven't seen my E46 for like a year lol I miss that thing. I should get it back this year though.