I both dislike and love threads like this.

I dislike them because I'll inevitably forget to mention someone who should be mentioned. However, I do love them because it gives me a chance to publicly acknowledge those who made an impression on me.

First: I would like to thank Dane and his family for inviting all of us to their home. It has to be a huge sacrifice to do what you guys do each year. Frankly, I'm dreading the day when we can no longer meet at Dane's house. Anyhow, thank you, Dane. You're a true gentleman. Oh, and before I forget. Thanks for helping me run this site on a daily basis. We're not here -- 19 months later -- without your input, participation, and support.

Keith and Krysten: I can't say enough good things about you. I've met a lot of people in my life. You two are some of the most kind, thoughtful, and wonderful people I've come across. Thanks for simply being the people you are. I can't wait to see you again.

Casey: thanks for letting me hang out with you while you capture epic photos on a regular basis. The ZHP Mafia got to watch you in action for a short period this weekend. I get to do it as often as I'd like to do it. Thanks for letting me do that. Thanks also for supporting me in my photographic endeavors. Your support is appreciated. Finally, thanks for being a good friend.

Kristen and Rob: as always, it was great hanging out with you. We always have fun when we're together; this weekend was no different.

Rob (newjack): it was a pleasure meeting you as well. While I can be serious when necessary, and I do wear suits on occasion, I mostly try to stay relaxed while wearing my Polo shirts and shorts (plus flipflops). I'm very much a "when in Rome" kind of guy. This weekend I was able to relax and let my hair (what little I have left) down because everyone else at the meet was so chill. I look forward to seeing you again.

Rando (John Randolph): even though we see each other pretty often, it's always a joy to hang out with you. That I got to hang out with you some three thousand miles from home was even better. Good memories, indeed. Never change. You're top drawer material.

Marc: always a pleasure to hang out. I always look forward to seeing you each year. Can't wait for next year.

Horny: dude, you're a great guy. You're smart, fun, and loyal. My trip is always made better when you're around. Thanks for being the cool person that you are.

Brett: thanks for pitching in this weekend. I believe you have a future at UPS if you ever want to go that direction. You have logistics down pat. Additionally, thanks for taking care of all the bosses and their meals this weekend. Completely unnecessary but very much appreciated. Rounding up all of the cash makes me think you could also be a pimp if the UPS thing doesn't work out.

Bruce: brother, thanks for being there this weekend. Glad you brought your son, too. Very nice kid. As always, make sure you hit me up whenever you're in San Diego. May not always hook up with you but I at least want a chance to meet up.

Gary M: It's always nice to see you. Thanks for cooking on Friday night. I loved the beans. Also, thanks for supporting my photography, especially when I post those of Zippy. Thanks, meanwhile, for the Hawaiian Punch last year. Much appreciated.

Charlie: thanks for taking care of my boy, John Rando. You are a very generous person. I also heard of other random acts of generosity, too, which simply makes me respect you even more. It was nice meeting you in person; looking forward to meeting you again.

Ryan (girl): it was a pleasure meeting you and your fiancee this weekend. You make a very cute couple. I enjoyed seeing your car, too. Very nice. I'm already looking forward to hanging out with you next year.

Ryan (whitexi): good seeing you this year. Your presence was appreciated. It was nice seeing your familiar face. Hope I see you next year as well.

John (madd): thanks for organizing the drive yet again. The drive is one of my favorite parts of the weekend. I appreciate all of your efforts. I also thank you for being a very cool guy. You're simply down to Earth and as real as it gets. Thanks, pal.

Kyle: thanks for bringing the eats. Your generosity knows no bounds. The food was great. Meanwhile, thanks for being a loyal member of the forum.

Chris & Matt: nice meeting you guys. Good luck with your photography. I hope you both reach your goals. Thanks for letting me hang out with you two this weekend.

Jon: cool car. cool dude. cool wife. Just a cool cat. Enough said.

Cody and Katie: nice to finally meet you in person. You're every bit as cool as I imagined you'd be. If you're ever in San Diego (and I know you will be), let's be sure to get together. Until then, stay awesome.

BP: it's been enjoyable watching your maturation process. Keep it up. Also, thanks for taking care of the Mafia with your coding skills. Good looking out.

To everyone else: if I was not smiling outward all weekend, know that I was doing it internally. When I first launched this site about a year and a half ago, I had no idea what kind of people I would attract. I know that I wanted to attract the best and the brightest but that was aspirational.

Now hear this: I've got to be one of the luckiest SOBs around. This forum is full of thoughtful, supportive, and friendly members. I could not have planned it any better. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Finally, I am sure that I did not meet everyone this weekend. If I did not say hi to you, I apologize. Certainly not my intention to slight anyone. It just got busy at times; I also had the family in tow. Definitely more challenging than last year. That said, I will do my best to meet everyone next year.

Can't wait to do this again.