Got my M3 tinted with proper lifetime tint film. So all three of my cars are now “Florida tinted”
My M3 looks
Thanks, I appreciate your comments
Yes I have a lot of passion regarding cars
Sent from my iPhone 15 Pro
So much, passion, dedication, and quality maintenance, its crazy!
Oli77 02-17-2025, 05:47 PMThis mod is going to happen when I have my M3 in for its next maintenance/upgrading. A very good friend of mine, a fellow E46 M3 owner, just sent this
cakM3 02-16-2025, 10:15 AManother thing to add to my M3 project thread is window tinting. I will be getting my M3 tinted this Tuesday. Pics to follow . . .
cakM3 02-14-2025, 02:07 PMI finally got my Porsche's window tinted and love the look. I had 70% UV blue Xpel film put on my windshield and 30% UV black Xpel film put on my side
cakM3 02-14-2025, 01:50 PM
Last Post By: eurotrash 02-14-2025, 01:32 PM
William's 330Ci ZHP Maintenance and Project Thread
A few minor updates:
BMWCurves Today, 07:58 AMThe car still sits stored back home. At the end of January my father discovered the driver's side rear window had been shattered.