Materials to Maintain Your ZHP IIIII Hand Protection IIIII Tools to Maintain Your ZHP
Amazon Link for ZHPMafia ZHP
Amazon Link for ZHPMafia ZHP
Amazon Link for ZHPMafia ZHP


Type: Posts; User: Hornung418

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  1. You made a statement regarding that they can only...

    You made a statement regarding that they can only be 4.0 or 4.5. Which is correct for e46s, but not BMW as a whole. So Rando's statement is more correct regarding the model spectrum.

    My post was...
  2. They do. They come from the factory with it...

    They do. They come from the factory with it enabled.
  3. But if you have a car newer than the e46, the...

    But if you have a car newer than the e46, the software version must be 4.0 or newer.

    Sent from my GS3.
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