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  1. #1

    Unhappy Gauge Cluster Removal CEL Issue

    As the title suggests I removed my gauge cluster to fix the clock button which was broken. Which was the only issue.

    Once I put it back, it worked properly and lit up fine. After about a minute or so, the check engine light alongside the windshield washer light both turned on. I am also unable to use the BC controls on the indicator switch.

    The only other thing I found on this issue is this forum from bimmerwerkz. 16 years ago.

    Have tried both removing the cluster again, resetting it. Testing it. Removing battery and letting it sit. And it still has the same issue. Has anyone else experienced this? How did it get resolved? Thank you in advance!
    2005 Alpine White 330Ci ZHP

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lexington, KY
    Strange that the exact same thing popped up before. May be try to get those multiwire connections on the circuit board reseated again, see if the any of the pins are bent perhaps. This wouldn't explain why the event cleared itself automatically 16 years ago at that link though. Weird.
    Hope more folks here chime in.
    325i, 2005, 5MT, Silvergrey, leatherette, Sport package; CDV delete, KONI STR-T & KYB Excel-G, Weisslichts, Stewart H2O pump

    328i, 2010, 6MT, Spacegrey, dakota leather, M-sport packages; has a 330 intake but no tune - yet][IMG]

  3. #3
    Hoping so too! Have tried multiple forums with no luck. Will check the pins again tomorrow.
    It’s been a few days since that error arose, wondering why on my end it hasn’t reset itself like the post stated too.
    Not even clearing it with the Carly worked. It popped right back up.
    2005 Alpine White 330Ci ZHP

  4. #4
    After further diagnosis from none other than myself, I discovered that the white connecter (11176) had a bent pin on the module itself. (With help from Oil77 in reminders of checking pins)

    Fixed that and it corrected the washer fluid indicator on next startup. Didn’t clear the engine code though.

    Used my Carly to clear the code and we are at a blank slate and everything’s working as it should be.

    Posting this everywhere I asked in hopes it may help someone else in the future.
    2005 Alpine White 330Ci ZHP

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lexington, KY
    Thanks for the info and glad you are clear crusing again.
    325i, 2005, 5MT, Silvergrey, leatherette, Sport package; CDV delete, KONI STR-T & KYB Excel-G, Weisslichts, Stewart H2O pump

    328i, 2010, 6MT, Spacegrey, dakota leather, M-sport packages; has a 330 intake but no tune - yet][IMG]

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