Hello guys!!!!

I am putting together the caravan to Bimmerfest again this year, as I did last year.

So far, the caravan will be held in the same place as last year, at the UTC Mall. We will then proceed to meet up with anyone from North County on the freeway and head up there. The route is still being decided but most likely will be only highway, instead of the canyon run of last year. A lot of people complained and we even had an accident among us.

This thread will contain all the necessary information of the caravan and events related to it. It will be updated every time something changes!

Can't wait to see everyone there!!

To those who don't already know, it is going to be on May 14, 2011.

Here is a link to the event: http://www.bimmerfest.com/bmw-events/

Make sure to register!