In another thread, Kayger posted a link to an article I found interesting. It was a report on how the color of the car you drive may reflect your personality.

The article:

I'll start off with red, being the color of my car. They say that drivers of red-colored cars are usually the most aggressive. About the color red itself, they say it's an aggressive color.

I personally agree with red being an aggressive color. It is a color that portrays intensity, and aggression is usually intense. I do not, however, agree with it signifying an aggressive driver. I am mellow 90% of the time, sitting back in the right lane, minding my own business.

The remaining 10% of the time (keep in mind, I drive about 30k miles a year, mostly pleasure) I feel like going out for a spirited run. Of the 10% of the time, I'm driving aggressively about 7% of it on roads where there is nobody in front of me. The remaining 3% is the rest of the times that I get stuck behind someone and am annoyed by the fact that they're doing 15 under the speed limit on a road with lots of twisties. Anyone can understand how some aggression may come into play here, but none that are acted upon other than a very minor case of "move your ass" tailgating (not the 6-inches off your bumper, but instead 1 car length).

Otherwise, I find red to be a very attractive color, punctuating the ZHPs curves and lines in a sexy, non-subdued manner, flaring its attractiveness to the max. It's like a very pretty woman in a bright red dress; it's designed to make you look.

I also find red to be a very safe color in addition to its aggressiveness. There's no way in hell you're going to miss that bright red RED car coming your way that you were thinking about pulling in front of to cross the road.

So, what does everyone else think about the article and the colors of their cars?