Just wanted to add to the tech here on how to disable the headlamp washer. On my newly acquired ZHP, the driver's side was leaking like a sieve when I filled up the reservoir. I used it once or twice to see how it works and I'm not impressed by the way the nozzles completely soak the hood in the process.

After reading some advice on this forum as well as others, I wanted to add missing detail and document here: Here's the diagram:

You can do it electrically by unplugging the harness at the front-most pump that's attached to the reservoir. I had an extra door grommet, so I replaced a piece of rubber I had between the harness ends that was later thrown away by the body shop and reattached. After inserting the grommet, I slightly re-plugged the female part in (not fully seating) and electrical taped it together to prevent separation and prevent dust from getting in:

I will have to figure out how to plug the hose now, but for now I plugged the small black u-shaped clip onto it (not shown clipped on):

To add redundancy, I capped off the outlet barb coming out of the pump with a 3/8" vacuum cap:

The reason why I decided to cap it off is that I recently had some work done on my ZHP and the mechanic and body shop guys saw to it to remove the rubber I had inserted into the male end of the harness and plug everything back in. I filled the reservoir up half way and heard the fluid leaking at the driver's side near the driver's head lamp.