Hey guys,

I would love a discussion about the optimal sway bar configurations for track days. Kyle brought the topic when I believe John bought only a front Hotchikis Bar. I am currently in the market to replace my front UUC 330i sway bar and rear OEM m3 sway bar. I am planning to sell the UUC 330i sway bar set and have a new setup.

1. Front Bar Stiff, Rear bar OEM/soft
2. Front Bar Medium, Rear bar Stiff

I see config 1 being slower on turn in, but allows the power to be put down faster on exit. This seems optimal for auto-x but I don't know enough to say it would benefit track days with the 330i having so little power.

config2 seems to be better for the 330i but I can see it being an issue for the M3 not being able to put the power down after the quick turn-in.

I would love it for you to chime in.

I would love a good discussion too!