Was just thinking about this as I had my latest oil change being done at my new indy service guy (who did the cooling system refresh earlier this year).

We were chatting about my car and just talking about how trouble-free it had been for the last couple of years. When I mentioned that I still had the original 4 side window motors and he was amazed.

His remark was that must have a "Tuesday" car. I didn't know what he meant and asked him to explain. He said it was a joke, and that the jist of it was that you didn't want a car built on Friday or Monday because the factory guys were either thinking about the weekend or getting over a hangover from a wild weekend. So you always wanted a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday car.

Pretty sure that these cars aren't completed in a single day, but it got me thinking. Is there such a thing as a "Tuesday" car? Are some ZHPs, for some reason, more trouble-free than others?