Hi all,

I have had a dice mediabridge in my car for the past 2 years and it has worked very well. When I did the initial install, I didn't clean up the cables as much as I should have so I wound up with a slight rattle behind the glovebox where the cables were bouncing around. So yesterday I opened things up with the intention of zip-tying the cables down and going from 95% happy to 100% happy with my install.

Well, about halfway through, as I was unplugging the mediabridge itself, I accidentally broke one of the ports on the unit. Specifically, I broke the USB socket that allows you to plug in an iPod or other device via USB. I can go into more detail for anyone who cares, but that's the gist.

That leaves me with a non-rattling, semi-functional mediabridge. Bluetooth still works perfectly (including steering wheel controls) for music, phone and directions, the AUX in still works perfectly. But the USB input (and the phone charging that went with it) is dead. (For reference, the USB port for firmware updates is separate and is fine.)

From here, I could go two ways.
  • Plan A: Order some parts from the internet and try to fix the mediabridge. It will involve opening up the device and doing some soldering. Odds of success probably 50%. And if I fail, very good chance I turn the device into a paperweight in the process.
  • Plan B: Go buy a new mediabridge and sell the old one to someone who would find it useful despite no longer having a functional USB input.

So I guess this has turned into a for sale thread: Would anyone have interest in buying a dice mediabridge with broken USB port? Let's say $100? (Open to revision if that sounds nuts. But as it sits, it is a 100% viable bluetooth + aux solution for anyone who wants it. Plus if you're more confident than I am in your electronics repair abilities, maybe you can fix the USB itself.)

What do you think?